Wednesday 6 March 2019


Happy WOYWW to everyone who drops in here to see what my workdesk looks like today.
As you can see - no crafty activity - just set up ready to parcel up Tilly Tea Dance sales when Max brings the list. 
She usually does well around Mothers' Day as her little pieces of artwork make perfect gifts.

I think, when she arrives today, she will be mounting the pieces of work which she did with... wait for it... 2 - 4 year old children at Ben's pre-school group! They had a fab time wet felting with her. Follow this link if you want to see some of the pieces they made ready to create one big collage.

I also want to say-  thanks to everyone who sent me good wishes last week. Thankfully, I am feeling much better. Still not as bouncy as usual but I am getting there.

So, just a short post this week.
I hope you are all well and able to make the most of a lovely early Spring. The daffs are out around the town and Shrewsbury is looking lovely!

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. Glad your bounce has not deserted you altogether and there is a little improvement - here's to a full big bounce before next week.
    Must follow your link to the wet felting - get them started young and keep the crafting community growing.
    Well done to you two.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  2. Have a fun day with your little visitor Jo.
    Annie x

  3. Glad you are feeling better. It's been a tough winter everywhere. I love your link to see your daughter's designs. Just beautiful works and colors. I love it when the young pursue what they love. It's also nice to have family close by to fill in the gaps. You are a good mom/gram too. I seem to be farther behind on visits than I thought. So many fun posts from you also. Cute little chicks and those wings are beautiful. Have a good week. Add some honey to a hot drink and you'll improve more quickly !

  4. Hi Jo, WOW! Just had a look at the link, didn't they do an amazing job? For their ages, the work is fabulous. I'm sure they thoroughly enjoyed it too. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  5. Tilly’s work was great with the children-looking forward to seeing the finished piece. My sewing mojo has gone awol again, probably because I need to shorten three pairs of my own trousers!! Happy day with your helper.

  6. Wow to the youngsters' wet felting - brilliant job! I'm really looking forward to having another trip to Shrewsbury in June, I really loved the town and feel that another trip to Watson&Thornton is in order.... ;-)
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  7. I've been intrigued with wet felting. How cool to see the younger generation wanting to create with their hands! Great job to all!!

    I hope you are feeling better. If it's a spring cold you have those are the worst.

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (27)

  8. Hi Jo, nice to hear you are on the mend - I'm sure your bounce will be back, all in good time. Spotted Max's work with the children on Facebook - absolutely amazing. The daffs are out around Ayr too - it couldn't look more cheerful than it does right now. Hugs, Ellie x #29

  9. So glad you're feeling a bit better Jo. It just goes to show that you are never too young to start creating as Tilly Tea Dance's workshop proves. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  10. Glad you are feeling a little better. Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely week. With love and God Bless. Caro x (#31)

  11. Wow, just had a look at the wet felting project - it's fabulous, and they are so young too - I bet it was fun. Sorry to hear you've been ill but glad you are feeling better - there have been some nasty bugs around lately.
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #15

  12. glad you are feeling more Jo-like!! I can imagine the kids having a great time wet felting (haven't actually tried it myself but seen lots of fab results) Thanks for visiting, now if I had a printer I could indeed use the pic in a mixed media piece! Helen #4

  13. Happy to read that you’re on the mend, my word, it certainly knocked out your stuffing. Lovely that TTD is doing so well, it must give you pride and pleasure when you’re wrapping and sending for Maxine. As for the session with the children, well, I raise my hat to her!

  14. Pleased to hear you're feeling better Jo. Hope you've had a good day. Wishing you a lovely creative week and a happy woyww, Angela x16x

  15. Had a look at Tilly’s page and the video of Ben too, what intense concentration, so cute, like one of my great nephews he looks like him too except fair hair blue eyes. All of ours are that. In the genes I guess. Love mine Jo, have aframe for it, bought for $1 but it’s 4” x 4” so tad too big, not quite happy with it but at least it’s on display till find a. 3” x 3”. Do love it.
    Glad you’re on e up, Elizabeth is still poorly poor dea, so many affected, sending big hugs.
    Happy belated WOYWW, Shaz in Oz X #18

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  16. Hi Jo. Sorry you have been unwell - but glad you are beginning to recover your bobance and bounce!! Trust you got everything wrapped and sorted - I managed a speedy look at the link to the work the youngsters had done before Facebook blotted out the page with a huge box telling me to subscribe or sign in!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.