Wednesday 27 February 2019


Well, the cough I mentioned way back in WOYWW 505 really took a hold - some nasty virus.
I lost my voice and came out in a rash and even now I am still coughing and croaky.
It is slowly improving BUT, I want my "bounce" back!!!

It just isn't like me. I guess that means that I have been lucky in life and kept pretty healthy.
So, February seemed to pass me by and I know I've missed two weeks of WOYWW fun.

I decided, come what may, I will be posting something this week.
Apart from knitting, I had little energy for crafty stuff.
Then Maxine said she wanted some little collapsible bins for her Tilly Tea Dance workshop tables so I set to and made one.

I need her "Ok" before I make a couple more but I think they should do the trick.
I love the Hungry Caterpillar fabric don't you. it really cheered me up.

We have had some stunningly beautiful, sunny days over the last week, so lets hope it lasts.

I will try and visit a few desks and catch up with everyone in the next day or so.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. Hope you are fully fit soon, Jo with no bounce is not usual!! Love the bin, I am sure it will be perfect. Helen #4

  2. Love the bin but need to know how you’ve made it collapsible but still stand up. You’ve been missed so it’s good to see you back.
    Annie x

  3. I do feel for you Jo - when you're used to being healthy, it's frustrating when things seem to linger - it has with me, I am better now but the bounce has gone out my bungee (to quote Wallace & Gromit). THat Hungry Caterpillar fabric is gorgeous,, I've used it in the past and it just makes me smile. The bin is brilliant but (nosy me) I'd love to know how it works!!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  4. Hi Jo, that nasty bug really seems to hang around. Everyone I know thats had it says it lingers something awful. Love the little bin, sure Tilly will too. Hope you start to feel better soon, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  5. Sorry to hear you have been bitten by that horrid bug Jo, it really knows how to nibble at our motivation. Love that little bin & the fabric used. The Hungry caterpillar was one of my children's bedtime reads. I could do with making a little fabric scraps bin/bag.. You may have given me an idea before I put my machine away to make space for some painty stuff.
    Take care & feel better soon. Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey #7 x

  6. I adore that spotty fabric - makes me happy just looking at it. Great choice for a pop-up bin and I'm sure it will be very useful too. Have a lovely week! Hope your cough gets better soon. zsuzsa #18

  7. Sorry youve not been well. Has your lost voice kept you out of trouble haha. The bin is a really nice idea. Bright and cheerful.
    Hope you feel a bit better each day.
    LYnn x 9

  8. So sorry to hear that you have been so unwell but your collapsing bin is fantastic! Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a great week. With love Caro x (#26)

  9. Awwwww poor you Jo...I can definitely relate. Into week 6 with this stupid cast on and no way to do any crafting mojo and can't hold stuff and can't even figure out a way to sit at a table to do anything. ARRGHHHG !!
    I want MY bounce back too!!

  10. Pretty sure that bin will be just right - it is so lovely and cheerful! Hope you feel better soon, Happy Wednesday, Cindy #17

  11. Oh Jo you really had a nasty bug pray it goes ASAP. I've never had bounce.. so hope yours comes back.. love the hungry caterpillar material indeedy!
    happy WOYWW.
    Hugs Shaz in Oz x #8

  12. I do hope you get your bounce back soon Jo! The collapsible bin looks great, the fabric is so bright and cheerful and love the contrast inside. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  13. Sounds as if you have had a real dose of whatever this virus is. Hope you soon start to feel much much better.
    Lovely bin you made and I am so glad the fabric cheered you up and made you feel brighter - I have been using yellow in my artwork this past month and that has had the same effect.
    Hope your bounce comes back, I need mine too.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  14. HI Jo, ooh That is cheerful fabric you chose for the bin :) and I hope you are feeling even more better each day. ~Stacy #24

  15. Oh poor Jo, it’s a horrid thing and the energy it saps is quite alarming. I hope by now thatyou’re starting to feel a little more normal..your bounce will be back, for sure. Meanwhile, the caterpillar fabric is lovely..the bin is genius!

  16. Love the fabric you used for the bin. Perfect for any room! Dorlene #25


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.