Wednesday 6 February 2019


Well here we are again exposing our workdesks for all to peruse!
I am pleased to say mine has seen some action this week.
Remember the red and the sparkly blue fabric from last week?

I've had a tickly cough all weekend so I kept cosy and away from everyone in my sewing room and created....

A Red Riding Hood cloak and a large "royal" cloak and a small one to go with it.

I think the recipients will be happy with these don't you?

This week I am knitting Katie Morag jumpers ready for World Book Day dressing up outfits.

What has kept you busy on your WOYWW?

I will be around to see, at some point, over the next few days.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. hope your cough goes soon, and you didn't share.....some things are better not shared! Loving the Morag jumper and your cloaks too. Have a cough-free week. helen #1

  2. Jo, what a super jumper, that is gorgeous. And the cloaks, guess they are for the grantees, bet they will be popular.
    Hope the cough goes soon without getting any worse.
    Bless you
    Chris #8

  3. Gorgeous pattern matching on the wee jumper. The cloaks look lovely too and hopefully photographs will show them in action.

  4. Makes me smile so much Twiglet. This week I’m knitting KM Jumpers. So that’s more than one, in a week, of something that’s would take me the rest of my life! Love the capes too, your imagination is wonderful!

  5. Well, of course those cloaks have turned out brilliantly, I wouldn't have expected anything else! Lol. And the little jumper is cute too, especially displayed against your tartan chair. I've featured your donations to me on my blog today, thank you agiain, so very much. Hope your cough goes away and takes my cold with it!
    Hugs LLJ 14 xx

  6. Morning Jo. Glorious colours on those cloaks - glad you are so happy with them - and I love the Katy Morag sweater! Well done. But I notice you say Katy Morag jumperS!! How ever many are you knitting??
    Trust the tickle soon goes and you feel able to come out of hiding from your craft room...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  7. Hi Jo, love the jumper, and the outfits. Sure they will all love them. Hope the cough goes soon,it's so annoying. Just had a tickly cough, believe it or not, as a side effect of one of my blood pressure pills! Eventually got them to change it, as it was driving me potty. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  8. Hi Jo, snap with the cough! Though I haven't been anywhere near my craft room - very commendable of you to keep your cough to yourself. The little Katie Mirage jumper is beautiful. Hugs, Ellie xx

  9. I saw your chicks in your previous post on LLJs desk today - they're so cute! (there are some spam comments on your previous post - you might want to delete them) Have a good week! zsuzsa #17

  10. Well done you getting the capes made while your not 100% and the latest jumper is fab too.
    Annie x

  11. Wonderful projects on your desk - love Katie Morag books, I alwqays used to sneak them back into stock if they ended up in the weed pile (ie not been taken out) when I was in charge of the children's library. Have a lovely Wednesday, cindy #20

  12. Your grand children never have to worry about themed days at school do they Jo? Love the latest outfits and I'm sure they will too. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  13. What a gorgeous sweater, I love the detail in blue.
    Hope you cough gets better soon, there’s nothing worse.
    Get well soon
    Jan 18

  14. The jumper is gorgeous and I love the cloaks - what fun! Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a nice week. With love and God bless, Caro x (#30)

  15. I would love a jumper like that, very stylish. I knew the book day was coming up as I had a frantic message from my God daughter that she needed stuff to make a pink rabbit, it's all gone quiet now so hoping she's managed it or one little person will not be happy. Have a lovely creative week and a happy woyww, Angela x12x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.