Wednesday 30 January 2019


Here we are again - happy as can be - all good friends and jolly good company!

I don't know where this song comes from but it came into my head the minute I sat down to do my WOYWW post!

These pictures sum up my week....
  • Knitting chics for charity...

  •   Making a little Katie Morag dressing up kilt...

  •  Making a quick cake for hubby's birthday so we can pop a candle on it when Ben comes to call. (When I say quick - I mean really quick - don't look at the detail!). We bought a spitfire cookie cutter at RAF Cosford Air Museum last week and I couldn't resist using it for the cake decoration.....

  • Lastly, my friend and I bought fabric for angels wings, Red Riding hood cloak and another cloak. So I will be busy over the next few weeks...

I hope you don't have too much snow. It was wet and cold here yesterday so who knows what will arrive today. Thank goodness we can keep warm and cosy and have some play time fun!

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. How I miss knitting those wee chicks, Jo. I must have knitted hundreds over the years. They were the one sure proof that easter eggs had shrunk in size over the years as the bottoms needed sewn much further up to save the eggs being laid all overvthe place. You are going to be busy it seems. Ben and his grandad will enjoy the birthday cake I’m sure-it looks delicious.

  2. Oh my, you have been busy!! Love those wee chicks :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    Claire no. 6

  3. That's a good basket of chickies there - you have been busy! I like the Katie Morag kilt too, so sweet. You're so brilliant at creating dressing up costumes, the wings and cape will be wonderful for sure!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  4. You've had a very industrious week Jo. Love all the chicks you've hatched...i'm sure they will sell well. Have fun with the dressing up clothes.
    Annie x

  5. Hi Jo, thanks for that, that'll be in my head all day now, lol. I remember that from a school concert. Those chicks are just so sweet. Loving the cake, great job.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 XxX

  6. Loving all you great photos. Wishing your DH a very happy birthday. Your planes are adorable. Yes the words of today Stay Warm, craziness here with temps, but thankful for electricity still working to keep heat and water within.Praying for animals enduring this uncommon temps. Happy WOYWW and a fun week #19

  7. Those little chickies are so cute, love 'm !!! The cake is wonderful too, really it is. Enjoy! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #18

  8. Hope you manage to squeeze everything in Jo. It certainly looks as if you have been/are busy with projects. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  9. Love the chicks and the cake looks yummy! Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely week, with love and God Bless, Caro x (#30)

  10. I loved looking at all their little names...

  11. Hi Jo. Busy week! Love those little ducks - and my grandies loved being Katie Morag for World Book Day!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.