Wednesday 23 January 2019


Good morning to all my WOYWW blog friends and anyone else who calls by to see what I am up to.

As my desk hasn't seen much action over the last week, I thought I would post my latest little knitties…

My niece is helping to support the Haematology Cancer charity and asked me if I fancied knitting a few chicks to sell before Easter. Each one will have a Cadburys crème egg inside.

So, I knitted 6 little yellow ones and then decided funky random wool would be fun too.
I also had to name them so that's why each of the funky ones has a name tag.

There are advantages in having a never-ending supply of wool in my bag!

So that's my "show and tell" for this week.
Today, I will be having fun with Ben whilst Max catches up with some Tilly Tea Dance crafting in my sewing room. All good fun!

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. oh I love the rainbow chicks! what a great idea. Happy WOYWW Helen #5

  2. I think you knit in your sleep Jo! Love the funky ones.
    Have fun with Ben.
    Annie x

  3. Love those chicks Jo, the multicoloured ones really are extra fab. Wonderful creations again for a well deserved charity.
    Happy woyww Tracey #9

  4. Aw those crazy coloured chicks are definitely my favourite, Jo, simply brilliant idea and Cadbury creme egg will go down a treat!
    Happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #6

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  5. That's a fun idea! Is the pattern available online anywhere as that might be a good thing to do for Easter for the charity our WI supports. I like the funky yarn ones too and naming them is genius - hope there's a Dora or Daffy somewhere!
    Hugs LLJ 14 xxx

  6. Morning Jo. Wonderful - just wonderful!! I love the stripey ducks' names!!!!! Did you have a pattern - I don't think I would know where to start - despite having been a knitter since... well, the ark, really!!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  7. Hi Jo, really like the funky coloured ones! They are such a cool idea for fund raising. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 XxX

  8. Great work space have a great week xx Jan (21)

  9. Just love your little Quackers - especially the random wool ones.
    Hugs, Neet 8 xx

  10. I love the funky wool ones. So much fun! Take care and have a good week. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#27)

  11. Ay up duck, ar luv thar knitting Jo! That's enough Potteries dialect for now. They are fabulous though. A great way to fundraise. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  12. Love the chicks, Jo, especially the rainbow ones. I'm sure that they will sell well and raise loads for such a good cause. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie X #29

  13. Wee hours of Thursday. High winds awoke me. WOW hoping we keep electricity. WOW you got a lot of these done ! Always a great cause. I really love the pretty yarn in the funky ones. #13 and happy to be playing along. Enjoy Ben, I miss my far away grands. All have been out of school for 3/4 days due to weather. Enjoy a lovely week. Stay warm.

  14. Oh how fab, what a great fundraiser idea. Inevitably, I like the yellow ducks very much, but the funky ducks win!!

  15. awwww, so cute Jo. You are always up to something and often for good causes..... good on ya....

    hugs V

  16. Love the chicks Jo. Thanks for visiting. Annex 16

  17. They are soooo cute! Looks like you're getting a jump on Easter. Creative Blessings! Kelly #32


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.