Wednesday 2 January 2019


Just a quick WOYWW post to wish you all a Happy New Year!
I hope you had a lovely Christmas.

My table is a mess as I am sorting out a boxful of Tilly Tea Dance artwork ready to go off to one of her stockists. I always seem to end up with a mountain of bubble wrap and packing stuff!

The pile of old jeans came from Maxine (top left) - she thought they would recycle into jeans for Ben to play in. I just recut them and used the existing waist band/zip/buttons etc as they were, without removing them - so quick and quite easy once I had made a pattern from his own jeans.
Actually a great idea and I have upcycled 3 pairs so far and they look good - must remember to photograph my next pair!

I guess 2019 will mean much of the same - so plenty to keep me busy!

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2019.

All the best

Jo xx


  1. Happy New Year Jo! Hope 2019 is a good year for you and the family. I think you and Annie should be on the Great British Sewing Bee, you're so inventive and talented and can turn your hands to anything!! I wouldn't even know where to start! Roll on June :-D
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxxx

  2. Hi Jo, what a great idea to recycle the jeans that way. Happy New Year, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  3. What a great idea to recycle the jeans... amazing. Wishing you a Happy and Creative New Year. Thanks for Sharing. God Bless, Caro x (#20)

  4. Hi Jo, Happy New Year and happy 500th WOYWW. I've never heard of recycling jeans in that way before, but makes a lot of sense! You are a very talented lady- I wouldn't know where to start! Have a lovely week Heather x #33

  5. Hi Jo. I wish you a very happy and blessed new year. Oh my - recycling jeans - well done. Trust you got all the wrapping done. Seems like Max keeps you busy - never a moment to get bored!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  6. Great idea with the jeans....hope we get to see the results.
    Annie x

  7. I am always (but should no longer be!) amazed at your resourcefulness! You work as hard for Tilly Tea Dance as she does! Happy 500 and New Year. Helen #2

  8. Happy 500 and Happy New Year!
    I never would have thought to recycle jeans.. can't wait to see what they look like!

    Sumbunneh hugs,
    Erika #35

  9. Clever Jo recycling jeans lie that. Gosh, maxine is lucky to have a mum so handy with the sewing and knitting as you are.
    May I take this opportunity to wish you and yours a wonderful new year.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  10. That's a great idea to recycle the jeans, interesting desk today too. Looking forward to another year of friendly creativity. Happy New Year and big hugs, Angela x16x

  11. Happy New Year Jo. You and Annie really can turn your hand to anything in the sewing department. I'm sure Ben will love his recycled jeans. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #12

  12. Where you see mess, I see possibilities! Happy New Year, Jo! hugs from Kim #30

  13. Dear Jo, yes do take pickies of Bens Jeans would love to see them, a busy desk and I love Tilly Tea Dance’s work, she must be kept very busy.
    So very grateful to have met you and Annie this year and prayer for every blessing upon you all in 2019.
    Happy belated WOYWW 500
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #10

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  14. I’m a bit late, but no less meaningful when I send hugs for a very happy new year. Am slightly blown away by your recycling of the jeans, good grief is there anything you can’t do?! Not to wish the year away, but am really looking forward to our Crop!

  15. Hi Jo!

    Just dashing by to say Happy 2019! I have jumped back on the WOYWW bandwagon and off I go into the crafting world and new adventures! See you on my way! 😊
    Love and hugs,

  16. Can I ask where you get the fabric for the Katie Morag Skirt please. I am making a doll but struggling to find a tartan match.

    Thank you,



Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.