Wednesday 9 January 2019

WOYWW - 501

Good morning all!

I chuckled when I typed WOYWW - 501 - I think that was the sort of Levi jeans we all wore in the seventies! 501 - not WOYWW obviously!

So, I popped to see Annie for a coffee and to take her a bunch of bright yellow tulips, and this is what I came home with.....

That wool bag of mine will never be empty will it?

This is what she inspired me to do when I said I was using up all my scraps...

Two rainbows, clouds, sparkly sky and lots of bits and bobs plus a label stitched on my machine...
All things bright and beautiful indeed! (Another twiddle mitt to go in the bag ready for the hospital.)

Lastly, I promised a snap of one of the pairs of recycled jeans that I made for Ben to play in.

I think the original was a pair of jeggings. There was just enough room to recut this small pair once I had slashed the side seams and laid them out flat.

I would do a tutorial but I am not sure anyone else would want to do it. I just like little challenges. I will try and post a snap of Ben wearing one of the blue denim jeans that I recut. They were certainly worth the effort and look really snazzy.

Well that's it for this week.
My Tilly Tea Dance workmate is coming round today so that we can have our first "staff meeting" of 2019 - lol. She will tell me what to do and I will obey!!!

xx Jo


  1. very bright wool there Jo! Have a great week Helen #2

  2. Love the rainbows....just the sort of twiddle mittt that would please me when sitting in my care home....maybe you should knit us a couple and put them away for when we need them lol.
    Annie x

  3. I love that twiddlemuff, it's so bright and beautiful Ilike your label, nice touch!). You are a good soul, it's such a kind thing to do. I'm seriously impressed with your jeans re-purposing as well, they look great!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  4. Loving the mitten and good job with the jeans too. Happy woyww, Angela x10x

  5. I do love the colourfull rainbow handwarmers (?) you knitted! Bright and joyfull! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #20

  6. Hi Jo, great job with those jeans. Love the twiddle muff, so bright & beautiful indeed. Smiling at the Levi thing, thats totally true. It HAD to be 501's. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  7. Love the bright rainbow colours on your twiddle mitt. Someone will love that. I also smiled at the Levi thing - only for me it was the 80s. Happy WOYWW, thanks for sharing. Love and God Bless, Caro x (#27)

  8. Hi Jo!

    Love your colorful something! 😊 I am thinking of starting knitting again as I have lost one of my beloved shawls!
    The 501 reminded me of Levis jeans too! I wonder if you can still buy them!
    Love and hugs,

  9. Great use of used jeans. I have a friend who makes aprons out of them so I send mine to her. Have a great week. Dorlene #30

  10. I bet you'd be disappointed if your wool bag all of a sudden became empty....

  11. Smashing bright and cheery twiddle mitt, great way to get those odds and ends used up... until the next lot of odds and ends arrives.. hee hee!
    Happy Woyww Tracey #8

  12. Hope the 'staff meeting' went well yesterday Jo. Love the twiddle mitt, so bright and colourful. Ben's jeans are great too, you are clever. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  13. So good you are using up your bits of wool....there will always be a stash of bits i am sure! xxx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.