Wednesday 19 December 2018

Christmas WOYWW

I can't believe this is the last WOYWW before Christmas!
Where does that time go?

I am just waiting for my little helper to come to put the last few bits on my tree.
These are a few of our favourite handmade bits from the past.
These and a lot more "old timers" go on my tree each year so that it is a tree full of memories. 
I love it.

Well, I'd better get organised ready for my playmate to arrive.

Happy Christmas to all who pop by here over the next week.
I hope Santa is kind to you and that you have a peaceful and joyful time.

Best wishes.

x Jo


  1. Awww, love those handmade ornaments - what wonderful memories they must bring. I'm the same, discovering the old favourites in the storage boxes is my favourite thing about Christmas decorating. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas with the family - here's to an amazing 2019!
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  2. Hi Jo, lovely decorations. we have some that go back a few years too. Have a lovely Christmas, love from us both. Shaz #5 XxX

  3. Happy Christmas to all your family, Jo. I’m on a Scandi decorations making marathon just now. Him indoors is in the Shed making some wee Scandi houses ( to be revealed soon, I hope) your makes are lovely and your helper will enjoy putting them on the tree. X

  4. I don't have a tree but I love the idea of a 'memory tree', traditional things that have a story always speak to me! I stop by for the last time this year to say hello and wish you happy holidays, see you in 2019. Love from Holland, Marit #22

  5. Hi Jo. I love those handmade ornaments. I have lots of memories on my trees too - makes it all very special, doesn't it? Have a great time with your playmate.
    Trust you have a truly special Christmas.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #10

  6. Such sweet ornaments - it's lovely when they bring back special memories. Have fun decorating your tree with your little helper and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
    Diana xx #19

  7. Hi Jo, love your little collection of handmade tree decorations - they are lovely. I have quite a collection of 'old timers' too and they do bring back wonderful memories of Christmases past. Hope you enjoyed your day with your little playmate. Have a wonderful week and a very Merry Christmas. Hugs, Elizabeth x #30

  8. I couldn't either... despite working in a busy office where dates are everything, I kind of hadn't added 7 on to the date... I bet your tree looks fabulous with all your handmade decorations. Perfect! Have a very happy Christmas. Helen #2

  9. Of course these are your favorites. They are so cute! Merry Christmas to you and yours. Dorlene #29

  10. I too have lots of ornaments from long ago and those made by our sons when little. Treasure them. Happy Christmas Anne X #12

  11. Hi Jo. Just want to wish you the best for Christmas and hope it's full of fun too. Thank you for all the great comments and wishing you a lovely woyww, Angela x17x

  12. I think we all have favourites we put upon our Tree Jo, my Tree consists of many handmades. I hope your little helper has helped put the finishing touches to the Tree.. Happy WOYWW & Seasons Greetings to you all.
    Merry Christmas Tracey #6

  13. Ah mine too is a tree full of memories, so nice, and treasured your little additions are lovley Jo. I’m praying for Annie too, heard things weren’t all well and that’s why there no smiles last Friday. Sending my love and prayers to both of you too, and every belsssing for Christmas and new year.
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x

  14. Merry Christmas Jo. Hope you had fun finishing the tree with your little helper. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  15. I've been missing a few weeks, but played catch up with your posts. Always love the photos you share. Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season and a very Merry Christmas.

  16. That little knitted robin is adorable - he really stood out from the rest for me! Did you make them all, or were they hand-made gifts from friends?

    I shan’t be joining WOYWW next week as we are busy on Boxing Day but hope to see you all in the New Year. Where has this year gone?

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #13

  17. Hiya Jo

    Just stopping by your blog to wish you and yours a Happy and Healthy New Year..

    love your homemade bits and bobs... they're the best aren't they? I love to make things for our tree...still..... the kid in me will never go away I guess. Thank goodness for that ......

    hugs, Vee


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.