Wednesday 7 November 2018


Good morning all.
The magic porridge pot that is my wool bag has suddenly been replenished!
I can't resist a bargain - the random wool was on sale and it's perfect for my twiddle mitts, so, I stocked up ready for when I have a dull moment and feel the need to twiddle.
Also, Annie sent me a link to the stork/flamingo pattern. I thought they were cute so may give it a go.

I just wish I had snapped a picture of my desk last Friday.

Max needed a costume for a 90s party so she came here, armed with a bag of fabric.
It was a delight to see her set to  and create a wonderful skirt with flouncy net edging and big glitzy bow. She used an old skirt as a pattern - sketched what she wanted and the using her fabric - and my stash and machine, created the perfect outfit to wear with my favourite 90s shoes!

Of course, I had fun looking after Ben and just popped in now and then to give -  technical advice.

It's lovely to see how she works - don't know where she gets it from- !

We had a chuckle  because she said "That's the dress I drew when I was 9 - remember when I said I wanted to be a dress designer and we made up a company called "Sprint and Sparkle".
Maybe that's where Tilly Tea Dance will go next!

Have a great week all.
I will be round to check out my WOYWW buddies desks later.

xx Jo


  1. It’s really lovely that Maxine was able to channel her creative self into something for herself to enjoy. Was it a kind of steam punk look she went for? What joy you must have in looking after Ben while Maxine works and I know you do lots of creative things with him. Happy weekend getting creative with the stash.

  2. How's fun to see how our grown kids think. You are lucky to have her so close by. I miss that. Yarn here has been on some great sales also. Pretty colors and enjoy the process. Happy WoYWW

  3. She's just a talented gal, your lass - I'd have loved to see the finished outfit! It tickle me that the 80s/90s are now thought of as ancient history, lol!! I bought some more wool the other day as well, funny that...... ;-)
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  4. Dear Jo, your mention of Max’s cleverness reminded me I hadn’t replied to your query as to whether a brooch or atc .. if that was othe roption. Any way like the poppy dumpings I bought .. I’ve mine here in dining room, I’d like one of them if she’d be so kind rather than brooch. I’ve so many and to my shame only wear a few.

    Well a magic porridge pot mention, made me wonder if you’d ever read the Magic pudding to your littlies??
    It’s an Aussie book so not sure if it’s know over there?

    Thanks so much for your great desky share.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #5

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. Hi Jo, she is so clever isn't she? By the way, my DIL and her Hubby, my son, loved the Sheepy pic I bought for her birthday. Ant was so taken with everything, he was mightily impressed by all the detail.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  6. You really wonder where Maxine gets her talent from? Look no further than at home.
    Wish she had taken a photo of the outfit, maybe she has and we can see it another week?
    Giving my bff her brooch this weekend for part of her birthday present. I know she will love it!
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx

  7. Love all that wool - maybe I'll show my stash sometime!!
    How wonderful to have someone to share the stitching with .... I have three daughters, four grandaughters and not an ounce of interest between them!! Looking at the grandboys now!!
    Love that Max managed to get the dress she designed so many years ago
    Christine #22

  8. I love the flamingo/stork pattern - they are just so cute! What a clever and talented daughter you have, you've taught her well.
    Enjoy your new stash of wool, it looks a very satisfying purchase.
    Diana x #21

  9. I would love to have seen that picture Jo. Maybe Max will bring the outfit back so you can photograph it. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #17

  10. That Maxine, such a chip off the creative block, huh. Lovely that she could do that, so many cant adapt and create like that. Bet your stash is well worth a rummage! I like the idea of the flamingo in knitty, please do one!

  11. but I want to see Maxine's outfit!! Love your magically replenishing wool pot! Have a creative week. Helen #1

  12. I'm with Helen.. I want to see the outfit too! It's a wonderful feeling seeing our children doing something that they enjoy, 2 out of three of mine are creative but more on the digital side which i'm trying to get to grips with but not being tech minded it's another hurdle hee hee!! Maxine creates such lovely things I really need to treat myself to a piece of Tilly Tea Dance Art.
    Happy Woyww & I hope that Magic Porridge pot of wool continues to flourish.
    Tracey #3

  13. Loving your wool collection, great colours. Hope you have a great week and a lovely woyww, Angela x15x

  14. Hi Jo, as with some others, would love to see the outfit. I think creative genes run in your family for sure - you, Annie, Max ... all make lovely items. Have a lovely week Heather x #7


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.