Wednesday 14 November 2018


It's all go on the Twiglet work table this week.
Today it's set up for brooch finishing.
Tilly will arrive with a bagful of beautiful brooch fronts and I will be adding little brooch pins to the back and packaging them ready for the Salop Leisure Christmas Craft Fair on Nov 24th and 25th.

If any of you are near enough to pop in, we would love to see you.

Below is the latest knittie for Ben. I showed it to him and he put it on straight away and said "Can I take it home Nanny?"  Success then!!

Hope life is treating you all well.

Have a great week.
xx Jo


  1. It’s good to see you’re keeping busy. Love the latest jumper....he’s a lucky boy.
    Annie x

  2. I'm not surprised that Ben didn't want to take the jumper off Jo, it is beautiful. Hope the sale goes well for Maxine. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  3. Lovely sweater for Ben- ery stylish. You have been busy with your needle doing all thise badge backs,

  4. Bit far for me, but I hope you have a great time and do really well. Have a good week Helen #1

  5. Happy WOYWW & great work space xx Jan (32)

  6. Lovely sweater I can see him telling everyone "my gran made it" AWish I was able to attend that craft fair.
    Hugs monica #24

  7. I love seeing little 'uni in handknits, glad that Ben loved it too! Hope the fair goes well, I'm sure the little brooches will go like hot cakes!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  8. Oh your desk looks so happy with all those pretty, vibrant colors. The sweater is lovely. I need to get back to knitting. If only there were two of me so I could have more time to fit in all the crafts I love!
    Have a blessed day!
    Belinda #34

  9. Hi Jo. Hope you got all the brooches finished and ready for the stall. The jumper is great - glad it was such a success!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  10. Hi Jo, lovely knitted jumper. One skill I never mastered, despite my mother being very good at it and patiently trying to teach me for a few years. Hope all goes well at the craft fair. Have a lovely week Heather x #13

  11. Sweet little jumper Jo, love it. Hope the craft fair is a great success. Have a great woyww, Angela x16x

  12. Hi Jo, great job with the jumper. Looks very snuggly. I know we are going to a Papercraft Show at the Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham on the Saturday, not sure if we're doing anything Sunday yet. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #9 X

  13. Just in time with the jumper Jo, Ben will be feeling the benefit of it when our temps plummet next week, so reminds me of what my Mom used to knit for my three when they were wee.
    Thank you again for kindly wrapping and sending my Tilly Tea Dance Poppy & Daisy Frame, I can not stop looking at it. Hugs To Max and I do hope she got my Thank you mail sent via the website. I'm so lucky to have that piece in my collection.
    Have fun with those brooch backs & have a super Sunday Tracey #10
    P.S and of course Happy woyww albeit a little late xx

  14. That little jumper is lovely - not at all surprised Ben wanted to take it home! Hope all goes well for the craft fair. I'm sure those sheepy brooches will go down a storm. Hugs, Ellie, x #23

  15. You snuck in there Jo, when I was not peeking.
    Love my brooch and am sure my friend will love hers when she gets it. Was going to be for her birthday, then Christmas but she might get it just because she is a special friend.
    Ben's jumper is great - just the thing to keep a little man warm.
    Hugs, Neet xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.