Wednesday 31 October 2018


Happy WOYWW everyone!

Just a quick snap of my desk today....

Lots of Tilly jobs going on - picture framing and brooch and pendant bagging!

Do you like my new little friend?
Ben loves the Clangers and he noticed that they were made by knitting last week so, he asked Nanny if she could make one.
Well, you know I like to rise to a challenge so I downloaded the pattern from the BBC and made a Tiny Clanger. - I did use DK yarn so he came out slightly larger - I think I should have made his "suit" a bit bigger too as it barely covers all possible!! (You know - I think it's a nursing phrase...wash down as far as possible - wash up as far as possible - then wash possible!)

So that's it today.
I have loads to do for Tilly so must rush.

Finally, I must apologise for not visiting many desks last week - my cough and cold came back and I felt miserable all weekend. Hopefully it has gone now - it's certainly much better. There seems to be lots of nasty bugs about at the moment.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. Your little Clanger is beautifully made, and I’m sure Bed will love him! I love your felt picture, too. Sorry to hear you’ve got a cold.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #9

  2. Love Tiny Clanger as I’m sure Ben will too. Pleased to hear you’re feeling better too.
    Annie x

  3. Oh dear Jo, what an awful thing to have a nasty cough at this time of year - they hang about so much. Hope you really are on the road to recovery.
    Love the clanger you made for Ben - what a wonderful gran you are to have, (and mother to to Tilly)
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  4. How cute. Ben is growing up so fast. I always relish the thought of having my family closer. You and Annie are so fortunate with little ones near by. Was hoping for a weekend with my son, but it won't happen this week. I too have been bad with no time to make comments. That's why I'm up wee hours today. I guess we all understand that there is "Life" around us and need to tend too. I am thankful for good weather. DH is almost done working the fields for winter rest, so no more lunches to make, no more 10:30 or beyond late suppers and being on call to move to help move to other fields. Tables have turned and now I'll spend today with mother. Have a great week. Hope you conquer the cold, I use ginger crystals tea Hot. Helps with fall allergies and colds/flu. Order it on line Prince of Peace brand regular or with Lemon thru Amazon.

  5. I SOOOO love the Clangers!!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire, no. 4

  6. Hi Jo, love the phrase! Laughing here. The Clanger is ace, Ben will love him. Can imagine him being taken to bed and snuggled a lot! Hope you are feeling better now, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #12 X

  7. Sorry to hear you've been down with that flu bug Jo, as you know it caught everyone of us a few weeks back and came back round again before the last in the family had got shot of it. Hope you are feeling better now, take care & rest, it's a nasty one this year.
    Loving little Clanger, reminds me of my childhood and a huge poster I had on my bedroom wall as a nipper... I can hear the soup dragon calling now hee hee!!
    Happy Woyww Tracey #6

  8. Tiny Clanger!! So gorgeous, I adored that programme - your comments about covering the bare necessities made me laugh as the knitting featured on my desk this week appears much the same :-D
    Hope you're feeling a bit better now, these bugs have been horrible down here too...
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  9. Love the Clanger Jo, I recognised him straight away. Is the soup dragon next lol? Glad to hear your cold is better. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #8

  10. The only Clangers are the ones I've seen them making on the GBBO .... to eat!

    Hope you feel better's awful to feel less than our own "normal" ...

  11. I love the Clanger! I used to really love that programme. Hope you've had a good day. Helen #1

  12. Your new friend is lovely. Hope you're feeling better too. Have a great crafty week and a happy woyww, Angela x18x

  13. Love your Clanger with it's barely covered possible - hubby chuckled at that nursing instruction too. I can think of several little people that would like a Clanger too so I'll pop over to the BBC for a copy of the pattern. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie X #22

  14. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. Take care. That little "friend" is adorable! Dorlene #24

  15. Well I’m glad to read that you’re feeling better, I hate being under the weather, it’s such a waste of time! Your desk is like a step back in time for me, I had no idea that The Clangers were still being shown on TV, how marvellous. And how clever of you Nanny, I dont think your little grand boy willnotice the erm, possibles!

  16. I see I made a typo on my first comment, Jo - I meant Ben, not Bed lol!!! Sorry about that... Thank you for your return visit and I'm glad you enjoyed my post, and my wonky veg too!

    Shoshi #9


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.