Wednesday 24 October 2018


Happy WOYWW to all who pop in to see what I have been up to this week.

I actually managed a few hours playtime in my sewing room on Monday afternoon!
You will remember that Margaret sent us some Laura Ashley samples fabrics for Annie and I to play with.
Well we had a little challenge to see what we could each come up with.
I made the book cover which I posted here.
Then, on Monday, I made these.....

Some little needle cases and a couple of notebook toppers.

And below...

Some little lavender sachets.

It was fun being creative with just tiny pieces of fabric and also delving into my stash for bits and bobs to trim them with.

I am sure they will find a new home somewhere!

The rest of my week will be busy as I will be helping Tilly to get ready for craft fairs and an exhibition.

I hope you are all well and enjoying the sparkly Autumn days we have had recently. It sounds like it might be a bit chilly by the end of the week. Keep cosy all!!

xx Jo


  1. did you plan to both use the fabric at the same time? I see Annie has too.. very pretty indeed! Have a great week. I am hoping at least for something crafty to get done by next week! Helen #1

  2. I think we e both managed to attack our challenge well.....lots of lovely makes his week Jo.
    Annie x

  3. Lovely sewing Jo, the lavender bags are so pretty and will be loved by many I am sure.
    Have a good and profitable week working with your DD and no doubt looking after Ben.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  4. Delicate creations made there, love the needle cases.
    Have a good time at the Craft Fairs.
    Christine #15

  5. Love the needle cases and lavender bags. I am sure they will be snapped up at the craft fairs. Maggie #18 xxx

  6. Hi Jo, love the little pieces. Fab. DIL gets her Tilly picture this weekend, as it's her birthday pressie. :) Hope all the fairs and exhibition go fantastically well for Tilly. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz X #4

  7. Very clever use of the samples, I think the needle cases in particular are fabulous! I was thinking of Tilly when felting last week, she has a lot of skill doens't she as her works are so perfect. I enjoyed the process very much but don't think I'll be taking up yet another new craft!!
    Hugs LLJ 13 xxx

  8. Gorgeous Jo, it's intriguing to see what you and Annie have come up with using similar fabric. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  9. Lovely makes Jo. I am on Christmas makes for a school fair but have no idea about prices!

  10. Hi Jo, no sparkly autumn days for me here but that's okay, I get to stay indoors and blog. Love all your pretty makes with the LA fabric - I'm enjoying following the competition between you and Annie. Hugs, Ellie X #26

  11. Hi Jo, the needle cases bring back memories - that was the first item I made at school. I think my younger sister still has it! I think snow has been forecast at some point this next week! Have a lovely week Heather x #8

  12. Great projects Jo. I love how you've used the fabrics, very pretty. Have a lovely creative week and happy woyww, Angela x11x

  13. It's getting rather chilly indeed here in the Netherlands... time to play with fabric or, in my case, crocheting with acrylic wool. It makes me feel all cozy, sitting with my beloved in the evening, having tea and do a little crocheting. I love the lavender sachets you made, so cute! Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland. Marit #19

  14. Such pretty fabric, and I love what you've done with it - the needle cases are fab and I love the embroidery - you either have a very fancy sewing machine that embroidered the word needles, or you have amazingly accurate hand embroidery skills.
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #17

  15. What lovely little makes Jo, they will make super stocking fillers. Great use of that beautiful Laura Ashley Fabric.
    Thanks for sharing & Happy woyww Tracey #5


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.