Wednesday 10 October 2018


I am writing this on the most glorious October afternoon - and the forecast is for an even better day for WOYWWednesday!

I thought I would take a quick snap of my messy table today as it will all be tidied up ready for Tilly to work on for WOYWWednesday.


Here you are folks...

My cosy sweater that I have just finished for Ben.

The little sheepy pics that I have framed for the Tilly Tea Dance exhibition in Wem.

AND the mountain of woolly rovings sorted ready for Tilly's taster session with a local WI group. They will be making little needle felted pansy brooches.

So that's my table for this week.

Now, maybe Julia has more information to share with you about next year's celebration crop - or as Jan has named it CROPTEN. It should be a great get together. So keep your eye on her Stamping Ground blog for more details!!

Thanks for calling by and for your lovely comments.

Have a great week all.

xx Jo


  1. you have been productive! I think you are right about the weather today, but there seems to be a lot of wet coming from the west for tomorrow and Friday! Have a good day with Tilly! Helen #2

  2. Really love the jumper Jo as m sure Ben will too. Hope you’re feeling better today.
    Annie x

  3. Nearly time for that cosy jumper, Jo. The pattern and colour are lovely.

  4. Oooh what a snuggly jumper and such a gorgeous colour!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire, no.1

  5. Hi Jo. A gorgeous jumper - and lots of pictures for the exhibition. When is Max at Wem?? Maybe my brain isn't functioning well, but I can't find it on her website... Don't those rovings look just gorgeous spread out like that? Makes my fingers itch...
    need to do some felting soon.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  6. So many gorgeous little cards. The jumper is brilliant too, he's going to love it. Have a lovely woyww, whatever you choose to do. Angela x13x

  7. Hi Jo, fab sweater for Ben, and all that wool is gorgeous. Looking forward to CROPTEN, lol. Hopefully will be lots going to this one. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  8. Happy WOYWW #488 xx Jan (21)

  9. It's all looking so cosy on your work space, I miss those knitted jumper days my Mom was always knitting for my three..
    Happy WOYWW & hope you had sunshine today, we did.
    Tracey #6

  10. That's a lovely little jumper - perfect for running around in Autumn! You have been busy for Max, hope all her ventures go well. I'm really looking forward to CropTen, hope lots of people will come. Xx
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  11. Oh my goodness, all that gorgeous wool and now I desperately want to make a needle felted pansy brooch - it sounds delightful. I love the framed pictures and I hope the exhibition goes well.
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #16

  12. We've jumped, as usual, from hot summery days directly to snow and cold ...snowing yet again today. It is wet though and some melting on the roads...but, staying on the lawns ..and, rooftops..... sigh...... oh, is almost winter in Calgary .... I better just get on with it.

  13. Gorgeous day, it’s really quite exciting at this time of year isn’t it! Ben’s new jumper is lovely, you’re prolific! V excited about Cotten (snort) and there will be a separate post on Friday!

  14. Hi Jo, that sweater looks just like one my mother used to knit! Fond memories of her trying to teach me to knit. She never gave up trying, even though I just never got the hang of it! CropTen... oooh, now I am intrigued. Have a lovely week Heather x #27

  15. I'll certainly be there Jo and will check with Eva. The date is already in my diary. Can't wait. Sarah #3

  16. Sorry I am so late in visiting but I have had a very mixed and busy week,
    I won't say anything about those pictures - I think you know my thoughts on them - and I love wearing my brooch.
    What a lucky young man Ben is having a gran who knits beautiful sweaters for him. Lovely work Jo.
    It's lovely sat here today seeing the sunlight dappling through the trees whilst I okay catch up. Hope you have had a nice day too.
    Hugs, Neet 9 xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.