Wednesday 3 October 2018


Good morning to all my blogger friends - WOYWW or others. Thank you for popping in to see what I have been up to.

Maybe you will remember that Annie put a picture on her blog last week,  of me sorting through some lovely fabric samples Margaret sent us.

We challenged each other to come up with a few different items.
I did manage a little afternoon crafting one day last week and this is what I came up with.

It's an A5 journal cover...…

I have lots more little pieces so I need to get my head round a few other items - I bet Annie has been busy and probably has made loads of lovely things - you know what she is like!!!

This is the latest bagful of twiddlers for the local hospital.

And here are some of my Chocolate orange Christmas pud covers - all ready to donate to the charity that Graham does voluntary work for. They made a useful amount of money by selling             them last year.

The tiny, beady stars are Christmas decorations made and given to me by one of my oldest buddies. We called to see her in Ruthin yesterday and she showed me lots of amazing crafty items that she had been busy with. She is a quilter so had a beautiful baby quilt and a fab tweedy quilt which looked so cosy. Pity I didn't think to take photos!!

So that's what has kept me out of mischief recently.

I hope you are all well and keeping cosy in this chilly weather.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. I knew you and Annie would rise to the challenge - loving your pretty journal cover! Have a creative week Helen #3

  2. What a gorgeous journal cover, beautiful!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire, no.1

  3. Love the book looks so much better in real life too. Such a lovely desk full of crafty things this week.
    Annie x

  4. Morning Jo. Glad you were up for the challenge - that's a great book cover. Well done. Those twiddle muffs will be well received and the Christmas puds are just great!
    Busy week you've had.
    Take care. god bless.
    Margaret #2

  5. Well done for the fabric challenge - clever gal! Those twiddlers are fab, they're so bright and cheerful and do such a good job. I loved Ruthin, thought it was a really fab little town - the history, buildings, castle, nice shops....fab!
    Am really excited about next year's Crop - if you need help with anything nearer the time, please shout!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  6. Hi Jo, saw Jans comment about the crop on Julias page- it's in the diary! lol. Gorgeous pieces in your pic,and the journal cover is ace. Even if it is pink, rofl! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #8 X

  7. Hi Jo, lots of lovely makes on your desk this week. The notebook cover is beautiful. It must be lovely working with LA fabrics and I'm sure you will have lots more to show us soon. Love the choc orange covers - I found some at a church fundraiser last year - they make great stocking fillers. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Ellie x #17

  8. Still to visit your Sis so no idea what she is showing us but I love your journal cover. So pretty and the addition of the tag is gorgeous.
    Lots of Twiddlies and the Puds are so cute. Now I remember doing some stars like that at club last Christmas. Must look them up.
    Hugs, & Thanks for the buttons - money in post.
    Neet xx

  9. Love the journal cover Jo. Haven't seen what Annie has been up to yet. The tag is a great finishing touch. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  10. The journal cover is great as are the twiddlers, but it is the Christmas puds that caught my eye! Any chance of being able to order a few - they would make great stocking presents. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. God bless, Caro x (#29)

  11. Hi Jo, i missed last week, but whatever the challenge was then I'd say you nailed it with the lovely journal cover. Love the Christmas puds, so cute! Have a lovely week Heather x #28

  12. What a gorgeous use of materials! Love that book cover. those Twiddlers are a credit to you.
    have a good week
    Christine #21

  13. You always make such sweet things, love them. Happy belated woyww, Angela x13x

  14. Loving the twiddlers! Such fun. Have a great week. Dorlene #26

  15. Brilliant challenge piece, it’s so pretty! I visit Mum in her new home and th8nk of you nearly every day...there are baskets dotted about with twiddle sleeves and other things to do, all supplied by lovely volunteer makers like you. So important. Am totally usnsurprisd that the choccy orange covers are so popular, it’s such a nice way to wrap one to sit on the table or go in the stocking!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.