Wednesday 26 September 2018


Well here we are - back to my role as Tilly Tea Dance supporter!

We had a busy day yesterday mounting work ready for shops and an exhibition.

The items at the back are samples that Max made for her workshops.
In the front are the Tilly Tea Dance Fibre Packs that she sells to folk who want a small quantity of colour coordinated rovings, yarn etc

So this morning I will be shopping with Ben and Maxine and then we will be back here for Nanny duties (- ha ha - that means fun and games on the lawn if the weather is good - Ben, Nanny and Grandad playing cricket as that is the new sporting attraction!)

Maxine will be wet felting so I might snap her in action and post a picture later.

It was Ben's birthday over the weekend - this is the cake that I made.

He is a Go-Jetters fan (CBeebies). The little cake at the back was a gluten free one for his other nanny - we hope she didn't mind having Grandmaster Glitch and a Grimbot on the top! AND, yes, I noticed one of his little characters had fallen over - a cocktail stick up his back soon put him right!!!!

That's it for this week.

xxx Jo


  1. Hi Jo, Hope Ben had a good Birthday, I believe the weather will be kind over the next couple of days so have fun with the cricket. The Tilly bags look very tempting.
    Happy WOYWW Tracey #4

  2. What a super Nanny to make that lovely cake, bet he was impressed.
    That sunflower sample at the back is amazing, well done and thanks for sharing,

  3. Hope all goes well at the opticians later. Love the cake....clever Nanny.
    Annie x

  4. Cracking cake Nanny! I hope you jabbed the cocktail stick somewhere satisfactory :-). That took me back to creating ones for our boys, always a bit rough and ready round the edges (the cakes, not me! Well....) Happy days! Hope it's warm for your cricket.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  5. Ooh gorgeous cake - what a professional job you've done with the decorating. Hope you have a great game of cricket later,
    Diana xx #13

  6. Hi Jo, and Happy Birthday to Ben! Love the cake, bet he did too. Laughed at your fix! Weather is pretty ok here today, so you might well get Ben his cricket fix. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #10 X

  7. Can’t believe that gorgeous boy is 4 already, Jo. What a kind person you are to make the two cakes. These wee bags are a gr3atbidea for someone wanting to have a try after the class. I’m making bags as you can probably see on my page!!

  8. What a great idea to include everyone - a tiny added cake! It really looks awesome, and I hope the party was a blast!I used to order little bags of co-ordinated yarn and ribbon bits similar to what you have made - they were perfect and I'm still using them years later. Great idea! Happy fall, have a great week, Lindart #21

  9. I've had a fabulous time at Kew today, was really sunny and warm (after a cold start) so hope you were lucky too. Love Ben's cake! Helen #7

  10. I love Ben's birthday cake - so good! Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely day. God Bless. Caro x (#23)

  11. Hi Jo, I must get back to some needle felting. I fancy making a needle felted Octopus, Steampunk style but just keep getting distracted with other stuff. Have a lovely creative week and happy woyww, Angela x16x

  12. FOUR? FOUR! Are you sure! Good grief. And I love the idea of ramming a cocktail stick up the back of a much loved TV character!! I bet the boy was absolutely made up with his cake, it's fab. Well I hope you managed some cricket, it's been gorgeous here today. It must be lovely to be such an on the spot support for Maxine, Tilly really seems to have taken off and you must be v proud!

  13. I'm sure Ben enjoyed his cake, you are an all rounder creativity wise Jo. Have a good week and hope the weather holds out for cricket in the garden. Sarah #4

  14. That is a super cake! Ousr are too old for character cakes now - preferring Chocolate fudge cake and the like! Hope you got to play in the garden! Hugs, Chris 24 ps I had a little catch up!!

  15. Hi Jo, I can't believe Ben is 4 already - where have the years gone! Love the cake though I seem to have completely missed Go-Jetters. That's despite CBeebies always being on in the background when the little grandies are on sleep-overs at gran's house. The fibre packs look like perfect starters for folk who want to give dumfing a go. Glad to see the weather was good enough for a game of cricket even if you did lose to Ben's superior bowling skills! Hugs, Ellie x #19

  16. That cake is fabulous - both are. Not a clue who the characters are - Granny Glitch?
    Nice to see your life is back to normal and you have your little grandson back with you - I know how you love him being there.
    Can you please remind Maxine about the brooches and let me know how to pay - I do have Paypal if it helps.
    Hugs to all
    Neet xx 27 (late - only got back at 3 am this morning)

  17. Hi Jo. Goodness - you've had a busy week too! Love that cake - well done. Did you make the characters as well?? One of these days I simply MUST get to Maxine's sale or exhibition!!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.