Wednesday 19 September 2018


My playmates are on holiday so I have had a busy week catching up with friends and crafting.

Here are my latest offerings....

Birthday cards for the youngsters in my family.
I like making little fabric collages.
The bottom one is for the kick boxer in the family.

AND yesterday we had an outing to Biddulph Gardens in Staffordshire.
It was a great place to walk around - beautifully set out with wonderfully landscaped areas. We went to "China" and "Egypt" .

Then we noticed this giant stone creature....
He was peeping over the top of a high wall and was about 4 ft wide!
I wouldn't want to meet him on a dark night!

Well it's short and sweet today - I have a birthday party to prepare for so, I will be baking cakes today.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. Oh I love that sculpture peeping over the wall, he's fab! He looks like one of the aliens from the "Smash" ads..... Helen #3

  2. The cards are fab Jo. I’ve been too busy bear making to be creative with the card making so I’m afraid to say I’ve bought mine. Good luck with the party prep.
    Annie x

  3. Looks like you have been making full use of your spare time Jo. Love those cards and your visit looks like a great day, he's a cutie that stone fella peeping over the fence.
    Thanks for sharing WOYWW enjoy your week.
    Tracey #7

  4. Is there no end to your talents? Love those felt cards - how delightful they are and such a treasure to receive. And keep no doubt!
    Must make a note of those gardens, how wonderful to travel within them, looks lovely.
    Take care, have a good week, enjoy the birthday
    Hugs, Neet xxx

  5. Oh wow, great cards - they'll be treasured I'm sure! You have such a skill Jo, I love to see what different things you've been up to :-D. Love the toad at Biddulph Grange, that's a place on the bucket list for sure!
    Hugs LLJ 13 xxx

  6. The cards are gorgeous! The toad made me smile! Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week. Caro x (#16)

  7. Morning Jo. I quite agree - meeting him in a dark alley at night would be no fun at all!! Love your little collage birthday cards. Hope the family members love them too.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  8. I'm in total AWE of your fabric cards. They are out of this world and so clever.

    I enjoyed your trip, loved the China garden, and that stone creature is a bit scary, even in the daylight. Happy WOYWW from # 1 thanks to Helen.

  9. Such cute cards. and I bet those cakes will be enjoyed by all. A unique walking area. Loving this time of year to be outdoors. Some of our leaves are turning colors. Just dark and rainy today, but sometimes I need that to get things done. Have a great time at the party !

  10. I love those fabric collages Jo. I can't believe you were so close yesterday. I work in Biddulph (it's about 12 miles from home), but was home in the shed yesterday. Our school is named after the designer of Biddulph Grange gardens; small world. Have a great week. Sarah #4

  11. Hi Jo, gorgeous cards for the children, I especially like the dinosaur. Enjoy your cake baking and birthday party. Thanks for stopping by earlier and have a lovely week Heather x #9

  12. That looks like a great place to visit, bet you had a brilliant day. Loving the cards too. Have a great crafty week and a happy woywww, Angela x17x

  13. When I saw the photo first, before reading, I thought indeed you were in China! What a lovely place to visit! I like the idea of making fabric-collage... with all the fabric patches I have lying on my desk, I just might give it a try too soon. Thanks for your visit to my blog earlier, have a great week. Love from Holland, Marit #23

  14. Aw the cards are Lovely jo, bet they are really well received! Biddulph looks lovely, although seriously large frogs are the stuff of bad dreams for me!

  15. Great cards! Very creative! The giant frog is too cute! Have a great week, Lindart #25

  16. Love those cards. Very cute. Dorlene #28

  17. Just desk hopping to get to know who is who. You are all so passionate and creative.

  18. Love those birthday cards! We love Biddulph Gardens - we will have to meet up for a coffee next Spring!! Hugs, Chrisx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.