Wednesday 12 September 2018


Well folks - here I am bright and early today!!

My little playmate is away so I am filling my time catching up with buddies and being creative while I can get in my sewing room - Yahoo!!! Above is the little bag I made to put his birthday gifts in. He can fill it with his toys etc and hang it in his bedroom. Then when he is at uni I will make him use it for his dirty linen- lol!!!

Talking of catching up with buddies.....

We had a wonderful weekend with over a dozen of our WOYWW friends (and a some of their lovely men) at Llandudno. It was the first crop that I have been to and it certainly didn't disappoint. We spent the day chatting, with a little bit of crafting and tucking into a delicious lunch and munching on yummy cakes through the day. Thanks to Margaret and Jan for all the organisation - the day went like clockwork!

Here are the crafty bits and bobs, ATCs etc that I came home with...

 On the left is a little parcel from Oz from the WOYWWer who had travelled the furthest - Shaz from Oz!!! We spent a delightful hour needle felting together - what a special little friend she is too.

Included in the photo is a little bear complete with poem from Annie, a beautiful handmade specs case from Jan, some raffle prizes AND lots of lovely ATC swaps.

Below are some of the little ATCs that I made to swap. Lots of little friends - all shapes and sizes - all giggling and ready for action - yes that was us on Saturday!!

Well that's it for this week.
There are lots of photos of the crop around the blogs so make sure you check us out!!

See you next time.

xx Jo


  1. The Crop is a funny thing really, hardly any crafting gets done and yet it's a wonderful day. If we could only bottle the love and goodwill in that room, we'd make a fortune! It was so good to see you again Jo xx Love Ben's bag, of course he'll use it in uni, lol!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xx

  2. What a fab bag, love the pirate theme. Ben is such a lucky little man to have so talented a gran - and then there is his aunt too - not mentioning his mummy. He will probably be making his own laundry bag when he goes to uni - the talent of the family is bound to rub off on him.
    Yes, it was a lovely day wasn't it. And I love my sheepie picture so much. Lots of lovely happy memories to store away again.
    Take care
    Hugs Neet xx 9

  3. Love the birthday bag Jo but instead of him using it as a laundry bag I suggest teaching him to use a washing machine 😂😂😂
    Annie x

  4. Hi Jo, just giggling at Annies comment above! Love Ben's bag, and he will too. You will probably find it being used for his PE kit! We all had a fab time, didn't we? So looking forward to the next adventure. Was fab spending the extra time with all of you. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #8 X

  5. I love seeing all the photos (with you on it too!) on the various blogs I visited already (and more to come I guess...) Glad you had a lovely day! I do hope to be able to join one day... Have a great week, happy woyww and a big hug from Holland. Marit #18

  6. Thanks for the visit...I am enjoying all the shared photos of your crop. How fun. Those little ATC friends you made are so precious. Kind of magical. Like our fall weather, just beautiful today 70's, no wind or humidity. Have a wonderful week. I love the birthday bag you made for Ben. Mother use to make those for my sons also. Still have them.

  7. I love your friends ATCs... and have been enjoying everyones photos of the crop. It looks to have been a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week. Caro x (#19)

  8. Hi Jo, it was great to meet you in person for the first time on Saturday. Glad you chose the 'seaside' canvas in the raffle to go with the tag that you went for. I'm sure Ben will love his bag and find it rather retro by the time he goes to uni lol. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  9. Great photos, and I love the bag!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire no. 2

  10. I've really been enjoying seeing all the photos of the crop - what a great time you all had. The ATC's are fab and I love your Friends ones - how appropriate for the day! The bag you made for Ben is fantastic, I remember my nephews going through a very prolonged phase of being into pirates when they were young - you've just brought back such happy memories.
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #17

  11. next time I go to a crop I am really going to travel light, as so little gets done... just ask the others, I usually take a case full! your goodies are amazing. Helen #1

  12. Hi Jo, lovely to meet you on Saturday, just sad the day went by so quickly and I didn't get chance to spend time with everyone. Dumfing is on my list for next time (I hope I got the word right). Ben's bag is lovely, I intend to borrow a sewing machine soon, and brush up on my rusty sewing skills! Have a lovely week Heather x #11

  13. Your ATCs are lovely and so sweet too. What a great collection of goodies too. Pleased you all had such a good time. Have a great week and happy woyww, Angela x13x

  14. You made out like a bandit at the crop. I think your lovely ATCS are perfect, too. Laughed at what Annie wrote about Ben's bag, but he still has to card his dirty laundry in something, so it's an extremely useful gift.

    Sorry I was late visiting, but so grateful you stopped by earlier. As for the rocking horse ribbon, I'm keeping most of it as part of my rocking horse collection. Happy WOYWW from #3.

  15. Gosh how appropriate that you got that little stitched key ring. It nearly didn’t make it into the gift box I can tell you!! so glad you enjoyed the Crop and so sorry to have missed being there to hug you in person, but I believe there are plans afoot for the spring. Just a day more or so and I can think straight and reply to your email that Jan sent on to me...but for now, yes!! Xxxx

  16. Ben's bag is a forever keepsake, I have a vision of over time it having little patches sewn on it to cover up the years of wear and tear hee hee!!
    Fabulous collection of shared goodies, the crop looked wonderful.
    Thanks for sharing WOYWW Tracey #4

  17. Hi Jo. I am REALLY late getting around this week - been so busy hosting Shaz in Oz - but she is now safely tucked up with a friend in America, so I can begin to think...
    So glad you felt you had such fun at your first crop. It really was a great day, wasn't it? Love the pirate bag!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #20

  18. It certainly was a lovely day and I was so happy to meet you and Annie at last! You have just made me realise I hadn't included a photo of my lovely goodies! Hugs, Chrisx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.