Wednesday 5 September 2018


Late again!!
Maybe that's because I thought it was Tuesday today!
Where does the time go?

Well here is my WOY Ironing board W photo.

Annie showed me how she makes here little bean bags for her little ones, so I thought I would make a set for Ben. I found some of our favourite fabric scraps - 8" x 4" and made ten. Very quick and easy - as long as you don't spill rice everywhere!!

It's short and sweet today - I am just waiting for my playmate to arrive.

I am looking forward to the weekend and hope to meet up with lots of you lovely crafty ladies on Saturday. Let's hope the sun shines but I am sure it won't stop us from enjoying ourselves, even if it rains all day!

xx Jo


  1. Do you have that holey target board to throw the bags in to? Loved that game as a kid :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    Claire, no. 3

  2. Love the bean bags and I’m certain Ben will get hours of fun with them.
    Annie x

  3. Morning Jo. 14 WOYWWers booked in so far!! Love your bean bags. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday - hope the instructions on this week's post help..
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  4. Hi Jo, great little bean bags, smiling over the spilt rice, lol. I wonder how you knew that? Was looking at the weather forecast earlier, funnily enough. We may have some light rain showers, but we'll be inside in the warm & dry so we won't care. :)See you Saturday.
    Hugs, Shaz #9 X

  5. Lovely little bean bags - they are such fun and I'm sure they'll get loads of use.
    Hope you have a great time at the crop,
    Diana x #18

  6. I could do with learning how to make those as there are a couple of new little boys in our family! Will just have to have a teaching session at the Crop! I'm so looking forward to seeing you again, honestly you'll love it - crafting, friends and cake!!
    Hugs LLJ 11 xxx

  7. What fun you and Ben are going to have playing with those bean bags. The fabrics are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. Have a good week. Caro x (#27)

  8. Beanbags are adorable and perfect for kiddos! Have a great week. Dorlene #31

  9. Hi Jo, lots of lovely colours for the bean bags. Great fun for the little ones I'm sure! Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday! Have a lovely week Heather x #12

  10. lovely colourful beanbags. Enjoy Saturday I have decided we should all eat cake wherever we are. #35

  11. How adorable are those little bags. I love them. Looks like you will be having fun this weekend with others at the crop. Be sure to take lots of photos and eat lots of cake. After all, I live vicariously. Happy WOYWW from # 5.

  12. Hello Jo. Sadly I didn't even make it to WOYWW this week. Have a wonderful time at the crop. So sad I won't make it :-( Anne x

  13. Gorgeous little bean bags, love them. I'm a bit late this week getting round due to family stuff. Happy belated woyww, Angela x17x

  14. I'm sure Ben will love his new bean bags. Hope you both had fun. Sarah #4

  15. Hi Jo, your Bean bags are fab i'm sure they have been a winner with Ben.
    Have fun on Saturday with I could join in the meet up fun.
    Enjoy the cake :))
    Tracey #6

  16. What great bean bags! I am sure Ben will love them! Looking forward to meeting you at the crop! Hugs, Chrisx22


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.