Wednesday 29 August 2018


It doesn't seem five minutes since last week but here we are again - sharing our crafty activities with our WOYWW buddies.

I actually managed  a day playing with my new sewing machine - well, I was given a challenge and just had to go for it!!

Apparently "The Greatest Showman" is very popular in our family at the moment and I was asked to make a Ring master's jacket and Zendaya's acrobat leotard.
So here are the before and after transformations.
 This is the Willy Wonka coat pinned ready for upcycling

 This is the finished Ring master's tail coat. I just hope it fits. It is a secret birthday present so I couldn't do any fittings.

AND the lovely Zendaya has a jazzed up leotard for her outfit. Again - no fittings so fingers crossed, it fits.

Now I need to go and tidy my room so that Tilly can get to work there today.

I hope you are all well.
Not long till the "crop" - we are looking forward to seeing everyone who can make it.

xx Jo


  1. wow, hope they fit after your hard work... I've not seen the Greatest Showman, either . Have a good week. Helen #1

  2. I love the results and I’m sure the twins will too. Thanks so much.
    Annie x

  3. Morning Jo. Great results! Love them. Trust the youngsters do too! I'm sure they will. No, not long 'til the crop. SO glad you are coming - thanks for the email re G - that's fine. Hope I get to meet him though!! Trusting our special guest is well and healthy for a manic day!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  4. What a fabulous picture of two wonderful outfits. Gosh you are so talented. I am sure two young people are going to be 'over the moon' with those gifts.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx (see you soon)

  5. Wow Jo those are fabulous! I loved The Greatest Showman - my youngest granddaughters knows all the songs by heart and is more than happy to sing them, with lots of acting and feeling :-) - love her. X

  6. Wow Jo those are fabulous! I loved The Greatest Showman - my youngest granddaughters knows all the songs by heart and is more than happy to sing them, with lots of acting and feeling :-) - love her. X

  7. Wow, those are genius! You have such a knack for creating amazing costumes - honestly, you could sell them on Etsy. I haven't seen The Greatest Showman but have played some of the music from it at band! Looking forward to seeing you very soon - hooray!!!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxxx

  8. Congrats on a new sewing machine, it has worked some magic with your beautiful projects. Where or where is time going? Kids growing up so fast and keeping so busy. Enjoy a great week Happy WOYWW

  9. I’m guessing these are for twin brother and sister! The Greatest Showman didnn’t appeal when I saw it but children seem to love it.

  10. Wow Jo, these alterations are amazing. You should really go in for the Sewing Bee. I do hope they fit. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #18

  11. Hi Jo, fab job, and it is a lovely film, I agree. Looking forward to seeing you again,same hotel as well, I think. Have a lovely week,Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  12. Those outfits are incredible! Oh wow! Just wow!
    Have a great week
    Ellie #26

  13. Hi Jo. Love the restructured jacket, well done. Happy woyww, Angela x9x

  14. I love the greatest showman and those outfits are just perfect. You are so clever! Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Caro x (#35)

  15. What a lovely job you made of the outfits. I still haven't seen that film! Karen 21

  16. Hi Jo, how totally different the outfits look! Looking forward to meeting you at the crop. Have a lovely week Heather x #11

  17. Wow, you are amazing!! They look great. Have a great week. Dorlene #31

  18. They are fantastic outfits. The recipients will be so chuffed! Have fun at the crop - I will look forward to lots of pictures!

    Carmen x #39

  19. They look fantastic, I love that film!! I'm sure they will be very well received. Thank you for sharing WOYWW.
    Creative wishes Tracey #8


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.