Wednesday 8 August 2018


As my Mum would say.... I'm like the cow's tail today - all behind!!

It's been a Ben day and we have had lots of fun in the garden until the rain came. Then, not to be beaten, Ben did a "Stop the rain" dance on the lawn and the big raindrops stopped and the sun shone - he was amazed!!

So this is what's left behind on my work table...

A dress that Maxine wants me to alter - just an extra bit of elastic in the waistline.


A few of her sheepy brooch backs for me to stitch brooch pins onto ready for the completed sheepy fronts to arrive for me to finish over the weekend.
So, never a dull moment here.

Hope all is well with anyone who likes to pop in here to visit - thank you for calling and for the lovely comments you leave. I will do my best to get around a few desks in the next day or so.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. We had some big raindrops here too! In fact, it was like being in a monsoon - you can hear the plants sighing with relief! You are so good doing all those brooches for Max, glad her business is doing so well :-D
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  2. Hi Jo, I thought I was going to be the last to show today too. I'd like Ben to teach me the 'Stop the Rain' dance - after all that sunshine we are now getting too much of the wet stuff! And if the sun is shining then it's okay for Maxine's dress to wait. I imagine sewing pins on the brooch back is quite a restful thing to do. Enjoy your weekend. hugs, Elizabeth x #26

  3. So you are now part of a little cottage industry of your own - back broocher!
    Rain dance? In the Guides we used to sing an old Indian song and that was supposed to be a rain dance - needless to say I banned it from camp fires when we were camping.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  4. I love the idea of a stop the rain dance... we havent had much here yet, but typically it looks like it is going to rain on us on our holiday! Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a lovely week. Caro x (#14)

  5. loving the brooch backs! How clever of Ben to do a stop the rain dance! we might need him tomorrow as it is meant to be quite wet.... Have a great week (and so glad the atcs finally got there) Helen #2

  6. Hi Jo, you will have to get Ben to dance more often if he can make it stop raining lol. Good luck getting all those brooch backs ready. Have a great week. Sarah #8

  7. A very happy WOYWW.
    Have a great week xx Jan 34

  8. We had about five minutes of raindrops today and that was it. We need someone here to make it rain. Have a great woyww and a happy crafty week, Angela x12x

  9. Hi Jo, I can just imagine little Bens face at that! My Mum used to use that phrase all the time, haven't heard her say it for years though now.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxX

  10. Had to smile at the rain dance ... plenty of rain here yesterday, but bright sunshine so far today. Hope you get the sheep and get them completed. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day. Sorry I’m late commenting- Hazel, WOYWW #15 x

  11. It's been good to see some rain, I can see little patches of green start to appear upon the lawns again.
    Have fun sewing those brooch pins, after Ben has finished his play of course.
    Creative wishes & Happy belated WOYWW Tracey #6


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.