Wednesday 15 August 2018


Good morning all.

I took a few quick snaps on my workdesk yesterday before my playmates arrived - I have to snatch my moments these days!!

So, today you can see some of the little inspiration packs that I made up for Tilly Tea Dance workshops. She has had lovely feedback from everyone. I think they all appreciate having created a finished, mounted and framed needle-felted work of art by the end of the session.
Then, Max gives them all a tiny pack of useful bits and bobs - rovings, yarn, curls, silky bits etc ready to use next time they pick up their new hobby!
It's fun choosing toning colours to pop in each little bag.....

Lastly, here are the latest twiddlemuffs ready to go to the hospital for use with patients suffering from Alzheimer's. Annie gave me some little letter tags and dominoes which I stitched on a few of them. Also if you look carefully there is one of her tiny blue bears peeking out of a pocket!
Thanks lots Annie!!

So, that's it for this week.

I hope you are all well and enjoying what appears to be the last bit of the lovely weather.

xx Jo


  1. Love the twiddle mitts Jo....happy to help any time. Just shout when you need more supplies.
    Annie x

  2. Your twiddlemuffs look stupendous!
    Happy WOYWW !
    Rose #28

  3. personally I am glad the weather is not so hot! love the latest lot of twiddlemuffs Helen #4

  4. Hi Jo. Great projects on the go this week. Pleased it's cooling down and we are getting a little rain occasionally. Have a great woyww, Angela x12x

  5. I bet it's so relaxing to put those colour coordinating bags together Jo.
    Those twiddle mitts are magnificent.
    Nice and cool here now & rain forecast for tomorrow. Hoping we don't have to wait till next Summer to see some sunshine again :))
    Thanks for sharing WOYWW Tracey #5

  6. Love your work! Isn't a great feeling to be creative?? :-) Erica #23

  7. Hi Jo, love the muffs, they are fab. As are the little bags of fibres for Tilly. Gorgeous colour mixes. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxX

  8. Glad all went well for Maxine (and Ben by the sound of things - what a little helper he is).
    Love the latest Twiddles - you are a master at these.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  9. You're such a good lass helping Max out like that, I'm pleased her business is doing so well, she's a talented girl. Those muffs are fab, so bright and cheerful - I'm sure they'll help those who need it xx
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  10. I don't know what twiddlemuffs are, but they are cute. Glad you are helping Alzheimer's patients. Nice things you are doing. Happy WOYWW! #22

  11. Hi Annie, those twiddlemuffs are fun, and beautiful.
    Well done
    Chris #2

  12. The twiddlemuffs are absolutely gorgeous ... and what a blessing they will be to those who have the pleasure of having them. My mum had Alzheimer's (she died in March) and Dad too (died in 2003) ... I know that mum would have found them delighteful. Thanks for sharing. Sorry I’m late commenting. Hope you have a good week. Hazel, WOYWW #17 x

  13. Awesome twiddlemuffs and so great of you to bring them to the hospital. I'm sure those patients love them. Happy belated WOYWW Dorlene #26

  14. Love the twiddlemuffs and the little blue bear is just gorgeous. The little goodie bags looks so inviting - just willing you to pick up the needle felting stuff and get going - what a lovely idea. I'm so glad things are going well for her, she's such a talented lady.
    Hope you have a great rest of the week, I'm afraid I'm late once again getting round!
    Diana x #15

  15. Such a lovely creative family, Jo. Those little packs of goodies are lovely and I'm sure much appreciated all round. Fabulous twiddle mitts! Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #19

  16. Those Twiddlemuffs are awesome! I can imagine how useful they would be! Your little inspiration packs seem to have done their job too - great idea! Have a great week, Lindart #24

  17. I cant get this to post! I’m late and wanted to say how great the little give away bags are, so valuable in terms of perception ov value, especially on top of a finished project. Awesome twiddle muffs again Jo, you are a lovely gal to make them, believe me, they are a great idea.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.