Wednesday 1 August 2018


Just a quick post today, joining in with my WOYWW buddies around the globe!

I have been on admin duties for Tilly Tea Dance, getting some of her lovely sheep felted pictures ready for sale/exhibition. They are all selling well - especially at this time of year when Shropshire is looking at it's best and lots of visitors and holiday makers drop in to our local craft shops and centres.

Our latest crafty activity will probably involve the dyes below. Maxine would like to try dyeing some of her own raw materials and maybe even try some natural dyes too, so that should be fun!
She bought the dyes and also lots of lovely dyed yarn/curls/roving from a lovely lady whose trade name is Hope Jacare Designs. She produces some lovely colours and textures with raw sheep's wool and natural fibres. A great fast service too.

So, that's my work desk for today. Maxine will be busy here later and I will be having fun in the sunshine with Ben. Happy days!

xx Jo


  1. That sounds like fun....I shall be looking forward to seeing the results of the dying. Have a fun day in the sun.
    Annie x

  2. Hi Jo, and I will offer a bit of sound advice- check your rubber gloves for holes before using them for dying! LOL. I wanted to re-dye my Military baseball cap last week, as it was getting a bit sun faded. Mixed the dye with salt & water, using rubber gloves. Took them off when I finished, to discover the tip of one finger clearly had a puncture in it! Had the top portion of my finger, and the nail, totally black for about a week now! Look forward to seeing what Max creates. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  3. Looks like you have an interesting week of experimenting in front of you. Have fun playing with Ben. Sarah #19

  4. Maxine certainly has a thriving business now with her various pieces of work. Rightly so as they are gorgeous and she is such a talented young woman. Can see her having her workforce increased before too long, still keeping it in the family though but with Ben taking an active part. LOL
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  5. so an actual working workdesk. Have fun with the dyes.Karen 26

  6. Totally looks so interesting! I look forward to seeing the results from dying! And those paints, do show more about them!
    Jackie xx

  7. Not surprised the felted pictures are selling well - they are lovely. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day - Hazel, WOYWW #15 x

  8. What an great idea to use natural dyes for her yarns. I have a very good book called Wild Color by Jenny Dean which gives a lot of info on different plants and the different colours they give - I dabbled in it briefly a few years ago and thought I might try again but haven't got round to it - it's on my long list of things I'll do one day!!
    Enjoy your Ben time,
    Diana x #21

  9. They are very cute pictures :)
    A very happy WOYWW to you!
    Claire no.6

  10. Hi Jo, so pleased that Maxine is having success with her felted pictures - they are lovely. It will be interesting to hear how she gets on with her dye experiments. Fun in the sun with Ben sounds lovely, especially here in a very rainy Scotland. Mustn't complain, our farmers will be delighted. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie x #31

  11. sounds as if Maxine is doing really well - and no wonder! Have a great week Helen #1

  12. Natural dyes are amazing, I've done a bit in my time - it's astonishing what different colours you can get, it's not all murky sludgy brown! Have fun experimenting :-D
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  13. It's so good to see everything is going so well for Maxine she really does deserve it with all the hard work she puts into her creations, they really are beautiful handmade pieces. But stop to give yourself a pat on the back too as you are invaluable keeping it all going. Amazing team work. Thank you for sharing and hope you had a great day.
    Happy WOYWW Tracey #3

  14. Hi Jo, glad to hear the felt pictures are selling well for Maxine. Enjoy your sunshine day with Ben! Have a lovely week Heather x #34

  15. I think you should photograph the process of natural dying. I used to do it with the children when teaching and it would be lovely to see how you get on. Have a great woyww and a lovely crafty week, Angela x17x

  16. Those sheep are adorable and the texture on them is just yum, I'm not surprised they are selling well! Have fun with your dye experimentations :)

    Carmen x #35

  17. really love that sheep painting and the frames makes them even more adorable! Happy weekend! xo Cheetarah #30

  18. Hi Jo. You've really had a production line going there this week! Glad the pictures are selling so well. Have fun with the dyeing process...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #11


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.