Wednesday 22 August 2018


Good morning to all our WOYWW friends and anyone else who calls by to see what I am up to.

This week I actually used my lovely new sewing machine a few times.

Ben and I were playing clowns (not a difficult role for me to take on!!).

I decided he needed a little "outfit" - so, while he picked beans with his Grandad, I nipped to the craft room, cut out a felt waistcoat and with just 2 seams and 2 over sized buttons, made it in 5 minutes! Wonder woman!!!
I must ask Max to send a photo as, of course, he wanted to take it home to show his daddy.

I also cleared out my wardrobe and found several pairs of jeans that just needed a little alteration or two and are now totally wearable. I had forgotten they were in my wardrobe.
My table needs tidying before Tilly comes to work on it later.

You can see my latest Twiddler and some lovely yarn for Tilly to wet felt into her pictures.
Plus a lot of bits and bobs that seem to creep onto my table when I'm not looking!!
A quick ten minute sort out needed.

So, a very productive week and nice to spend a bit of time sewing.

I will pop round to a few desks later.
Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. It's amazing what one finds in wardrobes...
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire no. 1

  2. Love the latest twiddle mitt...that wool is gorgeous. Glad to hear you’ve enjoyed some sewing time.
    Annie x

  3. Hi Jo, I bet he loved his outfit, even if it only took minutes to make. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  4. I bet loved his outfit. He'll have to come and model it so you can share a photo. Great twiddle mitt! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #21

  5. Cannot wait to see some pics. Happy woyww
    Ellie #17

  6. You have such skill - don't think I could make a waistcoat with only two seams. Impressive!! It's also great that you managed to alter the jeans and are able to wear them again. It's such a waste of wardrobe space otherwise. And did I see somewhere that you're coming to the Crop? I'm so happy if you are, it'll be wonderful to meet up again!! Happy Dance :-D
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxxx

  7. Hi Jo, I can imagine he loved his clown outfit - clever granny. Look forward to the photo. The twiddle muff I'd lovely. Surprising what you find in a wardrobe when you go looking! Hugs, Ellie X #23

  8. The twiddle muff is fantastic and I bet Ben loved his outfit. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#19)

  9. wonder woman indeed! 5 minutes... sounds like a great playtime! Helen #2

  10. I always seem to have something to mend or alter on my desk too. Karen 9

  11. Glad you used your new machine. I wish I was that talented!! Anne x #7

  12. Beautiful twiddler. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good week. Hazel, WOYWW #20 x

  13. Hi Jo, hope we get to see this outfit. I am going to pretend that I didn't read that you've sorted your wardrobe as I know mine needs doing Lol! Have a great week and happy woyww, Angela x15x

  14. I haven’t pulled out my sewing machine in a long time and it looks like you had a lot of fun with yours. Have a great week. Dorlene #30

  15. What a gorgeous combo of colours - that twiddle mitt is a beauty. I've just gone through my wardrobe and am going to alter a few things. I'm most excited about turning two pretty t-shirts and an unused duvet cover into cushions. The duvet cover had big wooden buttons on it - I think these will look stunning on cushions. Have a happy day, Jo x

  16. Wonder woman indeed! What a wonderful gran Ben has got. Hope to see the outfit via Maxine.
    Hugs, Neet xx 14

  17. I'm sorry to be so late. Whoot you've got a new machine and you aren't afraid to use it! Love that you just nip into the room and whizz up a clown's waistcoat, sounds perfectly a routine thing for you to do!!

  18. Hi wonder woman Jo, sorry I'm late visiting. You make it sound so simple, pop to the craftroom and reappear five minutes later with a waistcoat! It is great fun playing with grandchildren, and I love their smiles of surprise. Have a lovely week Heather #10


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.