Wednesday 18 July 2018


My workdesk has been loaded, unloaded and re-loaded with Tilly Tea Dance gorgeous craftiness!

Here she is in action last weekend - more photos on Shaz and Annie's blogs, I guess.

We had a wonderful two days at the Shropshire Leisure craft fair and will be really looking forward to going back for the Christmas Craft Fair later in the year. Lots of friends popped in for a visit including the lovely Shaz and Doug who we met for the first time. They are just as lovely as we thought they were!! WOYWW has certainly created a wonderful band of super crafter friends thanks to our leader Julia. 

Now, just to prove Tilly isn't the only clever crafter in the family, Ben was busy creating fruity faces for us all on my kitchen unit and delicious they were too.

Thanks for calling by - maybe I might have a little of my own crafty activity to share next week.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Max's stall looks amazing, I hope she did really well. Love the pic of Ben too. Helen #1

  2. Didn’t we have a lovely day....this blogging lark on a Wednesday really has connected so many like minded people. Really glad. Max did so well at the proud of her. Love the fruity faces Ben.
    Annie x

  3. Hi Jo, I am in awe of Maxine's talent, her work is amazing. Glad you managed to meet up with Shaz and Doug finally. They are lovely aren't they. Have a great week. Sarah #16

  4. You got the best job this week Jo- passing on your love of creativity to the next generation. Happy days with beautiful Ben.

  5. The stall looks amazing, so many pretty and creative things to look at, such talents from Maxine!! Ben is following on with his creative food designs sure to put a smile on everyones faces.
    Thanks for sharing WOYWW have a super week Tracey #7

  6. Hi Jo, was indeed lovely to finally meet you all, and come home with some of Max's work, Doug's just got to put them up for me now :) We had a lovely day, and the garden centre was great, many plants were bought, lol. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 XxXx

  7. Hi Jo, gorgeous work there by Max. Looks like you all had a good time with Ben too. Have a great creative week and happy woyww, Angela x11x

  8. Lovely photo of Tilly and her stall. Gorgeous photo of Ben... so adorable. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#31)

  9. Happy WOYWW. So much talent - including the fruit faces! Hope you get some crafty time of your own soon. Ali x #33

  10. Now Jo, is Ben going to be a crafter like his mummy or a famous chef? I think the latter, he has an eye for display and I am sure he will dress his meals very pleasingly.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  11. Sorry I'm late replying - been to Winchester to clear out my son's uni flat, visiting Julia en route! It was so lovely to see you all looking so happy and well - I couldn't believe that you'd never met Shaz and Doug before, they are just the best and nicest people. Max's stall looked great, hope it was a successful weekend for her.
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  12. Your daughter's work is fabulous- such talent. Love the fruit faces. sorry I'm so late. A bust weekend in Yorkshire :-) Anne x #3


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.