Wednesday 11 July 2018


Well, I had quite a chuckle at your comments on my footie addiction last week!
It even included an offer to share the fun with a WOYWWers husband!! Ha ha - I don't get offers like that every week!

This week has been even more addictive as Wimbledon has kept me on the edge of my seat too and I daren't mention Silverstone and Hamilton's remarkable recovery from 1st to last to 2nd!!

Hence my crafty activities have slowed to a standstill.
I have just managed almost one twiddlemitt but then along came Tilly with some brooches to mount on card and one or two pictures to mount ready for her Craft Fair at Shropshire Leisure this Saturday and Sunday.

It should be a great event with lots of local crafters exhibiting/selling their beautiful artwork and hand made crafts. Come along if you are nearby - it's handy to get to - just off the A5 and has free parking a café and garden centre too.

So - that's it for this week.
Enjoy the semi final tonight - "Come on England!!!"

xx Jo


  1. I’ve just been telling Julia that like me she is suffering FOMO.....don’t want to watch it but don’t want to miss out either. It’s good to hear that there is someone who actually chooses to watch all the sport and even more enjoys it! We hope to drop in to see you over the weekend.
    Annie x

  2. I'd come to the show if I was nearer! Hope Tilly has a good weekend there. I'm swapping between the tennis and the Tour de France - I can't watch the footie tonight, will dip in and out - too many nerves about it!
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  3. Morning Jo. I'm surprised any crafting is getting done this last week - what with football, tennis, motor racing, cycling... Glad it's only tennis, snooker and bowls for me - they spread out nicely through the year :-)
    Take care. Trust the show goes well for Tilly. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  4. The last time England made a World Cup semi was the year we got married; I don't know why, but I feel that this could be our year. After all, England bid to host the 2018 World Cup so we really ought to bring it home one way or another lol. Have a great week. Sarah #14

  5. Lovely items in that photo..sounds like a fun event. I can't wait until fall sports starts here, our regular TV shows are pathetic. Maybe I notice it more this year as haven't been able to be outdoors too much. Water smells, biting insects, humidity an allergies to all. I am thinking Winter is our best season. Enjoy the game and have a great week.

  6. Lovely products to sell. Have a fantastic time at the stall
    The brooches are stunning
    Ellie #22

  7. Happy WOYWW. We aren't football watchers, but was juggling between F1 and cycling this weekend. It was an exciting race at Silverstone (we couldn't get away from the farm this year, but definitely going next year again), and Lewis has explained that he was just absolutely exhausted (physically and emotionally) afterwards - lost 3 kg in the race - trying to get back to 1st place. I was disappointed that he didn't go out and spend more time with the fans afterwards, but he is human! Beautiful crafty items - wish I could get to the craft fair. Ali x #21

  8. Hi Jo, that sounds like a fab event- I might just see if Beloved Hubby fancies a day out! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz XxX

  9. Hi Jo, just consulted the Hubby, and he's up for it. So we'll see you on Saturday! Hugs, Shaz X

  10. Morning Jo! Enjoy the craft fair... shame I dont live nearer. We will be cheering on England tonight. I am taking Alex to watch it on the big screen at church - a great atmosphere but a lot safer than a pub. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#18)

  11. Hi Jo, I understand the football and tennis fever - just watching Federer in the quarter final and it's playing havoc with my nerves. Good luck at the craft fair. Hugs, Ellie x #29

  12. Hope the show goes well for Tilly after all her (your ) hard work. Just popping round as many desks as I can before kick off.... yikes!! Helen #1

  13. Tilly's work is so gorgeous, I hope she does really well at her show this weekend. Enjoy the football,
    Diana x #11

  14. I’d come to the show if I lived nearer, it will be lovely. A clean up for Christmas presents! I have to be honest and admit that Wimbledon has completely passed me by this year. Obv, we’ve watched football, but largely, I’ve been outside and not even thinking about the normal July stuff!!

  15. Wonderful! Have a great week. Dorlene #34

  16. So many fabulous things on you desk, all the best at the show this weekend, wish it was a little nearer, I'd love to take a closer look as I love those sort of craft fairs. Have a fab time..
    Creative wishes & Thanks for sharing WOYWW Tracey #2

  17. I have absolutely no crafting mojo anymore... and it may have to do with 30C weather ..or not. It is summer ... I keep telling myself maybe I'll get some in the winter months. Too much to do in summer.
    The watching the Tour de France over well as golf and of course,....Formula One too... brother.... how do we find enough time to do anything I wonder?

    Good for you still managing to do "stuff" ...


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.