Wednesday 4 July 2018


Another week, another WOYWW!

Good morning all.
I am writing the text for this in the cool of Tuesday morning waiting for Tilly to come and start a day of crafting. I am not sure where we will work today as it is soooo hot! Maybe on the patio in the shade? Sounds good to me.

Now I have a confession to make.
My name is Twiglet and I am addicted to the World Cup Football!

I've always enjoyed watching the odd game or two but the footie this time has been brilliant and I have spent most evenings watching these amazing players try so hard to win.
Now, I say watching footie but, of course I can't just sit there only doing that - so here is the result of my addiction - ( And I think this is seriously becoming another! )

I have to make each one into a little work of art otherwise it gets a bit tedious.
So I try to combine colours and textures that please me.
The recipients might not be so fussy but, as my friend reminded me - "They still deserve to have beautiful things around them to enjoy."

So that's it for this week.

Enjoy the sunshine - and the footie!!

xx Jo


  1. I have watched as many as I am home for too... but don't do anything whilst I watch (expect pace, last night, during the shoot out!) Helen #3

  2. Of course I watch the footy too...but only cos there’s nothing else on 😂😂😂😂 love the twiddle mitts. Gorgeous colour combos.
    Annie x

  3. Those are gorgeous little mitts. I love the designs, the textures, and the different stitches. Beautiful. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  4. I have to confess that I haven't seen any football ..... not on the channels that DH watches!!
    Love the muffs, really pretty
    Have a good week
    Christine #20

  5. lovely vibrant twiddle mits.Have a great day Karen #23

  6. Love the results of your 'addiction' - great to be able to satisfy two addictions at once. Thanks for sharing - Hazel WOYWW #15 x

  7. Hi Jo, definitely not a football watcher here, lol. Love the muffs, and your friend is spot on. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #2 XxX

  8. I, too, watch almost all of the football games, some exciting matches indeed! And, like you, I had something to work on in my hands (in my case: embroidering the jacket I make for my son's birthday... the jacket is finished now so I will have to find another project.) Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #22

  9. Hi Jo. Confess NOT to love football, so I've been watching John Deed and doing a jigsaw - as the team set off for Uganda yesterday, there is no rush now for me to make any bags, dolls, jumpers, blankets... so I have idle hands! Can't have that, can we?
    Your twiddle muffs are gorgeous. Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  10. Hi Jo, I have to confess that in the normal way of it I'm not at all interested in football but when it comes to the World Cup I become very interested ... that is, as long as it doesn't interfere with Wimbledon! Love your twiddlemuffs - they are all works of art. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Ellie x #32

  11. Gosh, you've certainly been watching a lot of football if those twiddle muffs are anything to go by - they are so bright and colourful! I'm not a fan of the footie and luckily neither is my hubby -I have to suffer Rugby and the Grand Prix and frankly that's enough for me!! It's great to have something productive to do while it's on and your friend is right of course, wise words.
    Have a great week and enjoy the rest of the World cup.
    Diana x #24

  12. The twiddle muffs are fantastic! I couldnt watch the end of the match last night - it was too tense! Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#38)

  13. Not watched all the footie but was on edge of my seat last night, screaming along with everyone else. :-)
    Great job with the twiddle muffs. Anne x #11

  14. Not watched all the footie but was on edge of my seat last night, screaming along with everyone else. :-)
    Great job with the twiddle muffs. Anne x #11

  15. I have no interest in soccer so it's a good time to do some crafting and of course answer the emails xXx Have a great woywww and happy crafting, Angela x10x

  16. Yes, the games have been exciting. Great to do some project while watching. These are lovely. Dorlene #40

  17. Twiglet! I've not been by for so long. I don't know why. Those footies are adorable. Everyone needs color in their life. I don't know about you but it's even hot in the shade here. steamy is probably a better word. I hope you and Tilly had fun crafting! Creative Blessings! Kelly #29

  18. Hee heee.. there's nothing wrong with your obsession Jo it's been very entertaining this time round.
    What great little twiddle mitts, i've never had much interest in knitting or crochet but I know lots of people that say its the perfect for doing in front of the TV.
    Thank you for sharing WOYWW I adore them. Tracey #5

  19. Love the confession - you should live here with Chas - you would make a great pair!
    Love your knitting - great productions too.
    Hugs, Neet xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.