Wednesday 13 June 2018


Good morning to all my WOYWW friends around the globe.

Now - as you know I am NOT a card maker. My love is embroidery and textiles.
So, when my friend suggested meeting up with her card making friend for a little get together and workshop I did wonder what I was letting myself in for!!

However, our evening was perfect - four friends chatting over a glass of wine and nibbles with some very well prepared card making thrown in - I can recommend it!

Now, I don't take much credit for this, as each step was demonstrated and each piece cut out ready for stamping/sticking together etc.

BUT - I must say I was thrilled to bits with the results I achieved so, I just have to show and tell to all you brilliant paper crafters out there.

I think some of your inspiration must have rubbed off don't you?

Lastly here is my latest, beautiful, arty ATC that arrived yesterday...

Thanks to Cindy for the clever little card too.

That's it for this week.

My playmate/coffeemate is away this week so I hope she is enjoying meeting up with special friends over the border!

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Morning Jo. They are great! Well done!!! Now, I don't know if you have read LLJ's blog recently, but she always reckoned she wasn't a papercrafter.... just warning you, this can be addictive and should actually carry a government health warning..
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  2. Happy WOYWDW

    I love to try something new and you di great wekk done,

    Lilian B #17

  3. You have been bitten with the card making bug. I never caught that particular bug, but it appears you have and have made some beauties. Happy WOYWW from # 6.

  4. Fabulous cards, Jo. I still teach cardmaking in my voluntary class and have gradually weaned them away from me doing all the preparation. Hope your playmate is enjoying her well deserved break, but is it my border she’s popped over??

  5. You are a natural born creator Jo, each card is as beautiful as the next. I'm sure you found a change in creativity very uplifting. Thank you so much for sharing WOYWW.
    Creative wishes Tracey #7

  6. Really love the cards Jo. Well done know where there’s more supplies if you need them.
    Having a great time up here with very special friends....lots of laughter, cake and chatting.....oh and ice cream 😀😀😀😀
    Annie x

  7. Lol, it's a slippery slope! I do enjoy cardmaking, it's true but simple stuff rather than the very technique driven creations. It's quite satisfying though and you get an end product that can be used, which is the important thing for me. Hope you're not missing that Younger Sis too much!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  8. Wonderful results from your cardmaking get together - you really are a cardmaker now. Thanks for sharing today - Hazel, WOYWW 472 xx

  9. Hi Jo, I knew we paper crafters would get you eventually lol. Love the cards and the idea of getting together with friends to make them. Have a good week. Sarah #16

  10. You are so clever! Helen #2

  11. All your cards are gorgeous - the red and black one really stands out in those striking colours. That's such a lovely way to craft - doing a group thing with friends, I wouldn't be surprised to see more paper crafting from your neck of the woods - it can be quite addictive!
    Have a great week
    Diana x #19

  12. Awesome...thanks for sharing such a fun post. All the cards are adorable and I do like the one you received from Cindy with the WO9YW?W !! Have a good week.

  13. Hi Jo, Wow, love the cards you made. Especially the blue mosaic type one. Awesome. I'll remember that one to try. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz#8 XxXx

  14. Wow what gorgeous cards!! I'm glad you enjoyed your get together and had a fun productive time!

    Sumbunneh hugs x
    Erika #13

  15. Hi Jo, so you have been drawn into the wonderful world of card making. Your cards are certainly very nice, I have the stamp of the lady ... One of my favourites! Have a lovely week Heather x #15

  16. Those cards are clearly have a talent for it! Watch may be bitten by the bug. Caro X #37

  17. Hi Jo, I'm impressed loving the cards. I always prepare all the bits when I have friends round for crafting that way we still have time for coffee, gossip and scones you know it makes sense. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x18x

  18. Sis will be having a ball!
    Love the cards, clever you, pat yourself on the back, there is a skill in stamping an image you know.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx (and thanks for the visit to me when I was otherwise occupied with visitors yesterday)

  19. Sorry I'm so late. Love the cards, that's the beauty of a workshop - someone has done the prep (who needs to spend valuable time cutting up paper) and you get to make the lovelies. Love that you're so pleased, and also that you've ventured into paper a little bit...and enjoyed it!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.