Wednesday 6 June 2018


Some more little WOYWW beauties landed on my mat this week.....

It's lovely how different they all are and so nice when little - very appropriate- cards send lovely messages too - don't you love the little kitten with a pin cushion!! Thanks lots to Sylvia, Julia, Nikki, Christine and Robyn. I now need to find a little frame to pop them in so that I can display them in my sewing room.

AND below is a little dolly sunning herself in the late evening sun on my sewing table.
My friend's little grand daughters came to see me this week and the oldest one already has a "little Josie" doll. As she walked through my door she said "I think my sister would like one of these dollies" "Please can she have a blue one." 

So - Voila-  here she is - I think she will be "little Jo Jo".
The felting brush does tend to look like a bed of nails - I think she might have found a comfy cushion to lounge on!

So that's it for this week.
Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Awww you will be sent another ‘Jojo thank you Jojo’ video now. She’s so cute.
    Annie x

  2. I think that Doll on a bed of nails is definitely a first on WOYWW!! She's very sweet though and how clever of you to just whip it up for the little visitor. She'll be thrilled!! Lovely ATCs too, I've really enjoyed swapping this year :-D
    Hugs LLJ 11 xxx

  3. Hi Jo, she is really sweet. Love her. I'm sure her new owner will too. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #19 X

  4. Awww such a sweet little poppet dolly <3 I bet she will be very loved :)

    Sumbunneh hugs x
    Erika #7

  5. Little Jo Jo is gorgeous! I am back on WOYWW after nearly four years away... I can't believe it has been so long. I no longer use my blog so am trying to join in via instagram... I hope it works! I just wanted to let you know that Alex is now 11 and still uses the camouflage things that you made him all those years ago. Xx

  6. JoJo is so pretty! so are your gorgeous atcs. Helen #3

  7. Great collection of ATCs and a lovely sweet doll too. Have a great woyww and a happy creative week, Angela x16x

  8. Loving all those ATCs you have collected to add to your growing collection. Each is a beauty in its own right.

    That little Jo Jo is adorable, but I wouldn't want to sleep in her bed (grin). Happy WOYWW from #2.

  9. She's so sweet, and I laughed at the bed of nails! I'm sure she'll be greatly loved and played with. What a gorgeous lot of ATC's this year.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana x #21

  10. Hi Jo, little Jo Jo is cute. My younger daughter's nickname was Jo Jo. Haven't heard that name in a long time. Thanks for stopping by earlier and have a lovely week Heather x #14

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