Wednesday 20 June 2018


Good morning all!
My post is an almost wordless one today as I am on nanny duty any minute!
 Just a few of Tilly Tea Dance's sheepy brooches waiting to be packaged on my table - she was here yesterday embroidering them. Link to online shop if you are interested..

AND below - a most beautiful old peachy rose with a heavenly fragrance that came via my Dad's/Annie's garden originally from my dear Godmother's garden -hence we call it Aunty Lilly's rose.

Have a great week WOYWW folk and anyone else who calls by here!
xx Jo


  1. Absolutely astounding little brooches. T^hose sheep are adorable and so cute, too.

    You have beautiful roses. I thought my rose bush had died, but it is coming back now. Yours looks a lot better than mine, though. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  2. Morning Twiggers, hope you have a lovely Nanny day. Tilly’s brooches are really sweet, what a great idea. Am super impressed that Aunty Lily’s rose has survived the moves and the re-plants, can only imagine how green fingered you lot are. Roses this year seem extra lovely to me, maybe because our own rose bed has been so productive at last!

  3. Hi Jo, enjoy your nannie duties. I do love Maxine's work, I saw her Ironbridge pictures on FB and they are amazing too. Have a great week. Sarah #19

  4. Morning... No need for words as those brooches speak for themselves. How fabulous.. I want to buy it ALL. Happy WOYWW and enjoy your Nan time.
    Tracey #4

  5. Morning Jo. Lovely little brooches - and what a beautiful rose. Hope you are enjoying granny duty.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  6. Love the brooches. Aunty Lily’s roses are blooming beautifully here too...happy memories eh?
    Annie x

  7. Hi Jo, Max's work is so amazing, and thanks for the link to her online shop- I'll be saving that.Saw the pics of her Ironbridge ones I think it was yesterday, they are fantastic. But I do so love the sheepy ones! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  8. Wow, that is a gorgeous rose, I can almost smell it from here! How fab that it survived two moves, my roses from Burbage are happy to be in the ground again after two years in pots! Hope you have a lovely Nanny day with Ben xx
    Hugs LLJ 11 xxx

  9. Those broaches are gorgeous... just love the little sheep! That rose is stunning. Have a lovely day with your little one. Caro (back in blogland!) x #24

  10. the brooches are gorgeous! so too is the rose. what a total beauty. helen #3

  11. Tilly's brooches are just so sweet, and such pretty colours too. I love the rose and have one that belonged to my grandfather in the garden - it's lovely to have such nice memories when it flowers isn't it. Hope you have a lovely Nanny day,
    Diana x #20

  12. Hello Jo, the buttons are lovely - those stitches must be tiny! The rose is a stunner - love the colour - and it is so nice that it has so many personal associations too. Hugs, Elizabeth x #30

  13. I can almost smell the beautiful roses from here!
    The sheep broached are super cute... so intricate and fun :)

    Sumbunneh hugs x
    Erika #7

  14. Lovely buttons and what a gorgeous rose - Aunt Lily certainly brightens up your day (and ours via the internet)
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  15. Hi Jo, how do you get so much detail on something so small! Very pretty. Have a lovely week, Heather x #13


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.