Wednesday 30 May 2018


Well, what wonderful ATCs dropped through our letter boxes this week!
Annie and I sent out about 20 ATCs and our WOYWW blogging buddies certainly kept Mr Postie busy. I still have a couple more to photograph but I left them at Annie's when we met up for Sunday lunch. So, I will pop them on here next week.

Thanks lots to all.....

What a lovely way to celebrate 9 years of WOYWW friendship.

My table hasn't really seen much action, although I did spend an hour trying out my new stitches on my sewing machine. I made this little rag book as a reminder of what they actually look like on fabric.

I don't have any stitchy projects on the go at the moment but I am really pleased with my machine and I am sure it will get lots of use soon.

AND - just to send you off with a smile - take a look at the clematis running riot over my fences this week. . .

So, that's it for this week.

Have a great week.

x Jo


  1. oh worrying.. no sign of mine... guess the postie couldn't read my writing... hope it (and Annie's) turns up soon... Love the ones you have received though.
    Helen #1

  2. Such a lot of love coming through our letterboxes....we are blessed. I really enjoyed testing all the stitches on my new machine but I love working with it even does everything it says on the can bar the ironing 😀
    Annie x

  3. Hi Jo, thanks for the lovely ATC which arrived with Annie's. I feel rather guilty as I didn't send one to you. I will be taking some extra goodies to the crop for you and will leave them with Annie if you don't make it. Your Clematis is gorgeous. Have a good week. Sarah #8

  4. Hello Jo. Great collection of ATC's. Sadly I couldn't manage it this time. The clematis looks gorgeous. Like your sampler of stitches. Anne x #20

  5. Hello Jo. Great collection of ATC's. Sadly I couldn't manage it this time. The clematis looks gorgeous. Like your sampler of stitches. Anne x #20

  6. Wow, that clematis is fantastic!! What a beautiful colour, it looks great rampaging over your fence :-D. Look at all those stitches, enough for a different one every day of the year (or decade perhaps?!) You're going to have a lot of fun using those over the years.
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  7. Hi Jo, great collection of ATCs. The sampler book is a great idea, very useful and looks really nice too. Loving your clematis too. Have a lovely woyww and happy crafting, Angela x16x

  8. Hi Jo, and thanks for the lovely ATC and poem from the two of you! Your 'extra' arrived this morning too,absolutely gorgeous, and love the card print of Max's work. She is so clever. But with yours and Annies influence, how could she not be? Love that clematis, I've been buying a few for our garden this year. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  9. Wonderful to see the lovely collection of ATCs you received. Your clematis is gorgeous and smile worthy, too. Happy WOYWW from # 10.

  10. Hi Jo. Great collection of ATCs. Thank you so much for yours, and the lovely poem. I feel blessed to have joined such a wonderful group of crafters. Oh my, your clematis is beautiful. I have the perfect spot for that in my garden! I feel another trip to the garden centre may be on the cards soon! Thanks for stopping by earlier and have a lovely week Heather x #13

  11. such a great way to celebrate the wonderful world of blogging and creativeness! xxx

  12. Love your clematis - and your little stitch book.
    Thanks for my beautiful atc - I always look forward to yours so much - a stitched one is a rarity for me to collect.
    Hugs & Thanks for friendship
    Neet xx 4

  13. You have a lovely collection of ATC's there - what a lot of talent. The clematis is gorgeous and looks great clambering over your fencing - much better than going up under the guttering and into the roof space like our does! Love the stitch book - looks like you'll be having a lot of fun in the future with all those fancy stitches.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana x

  14. Happy Belated WOYWW. I love all the cool stitching; Machines have come a long way since my Mom's old (1950's) Singer! Hettie showed me her new machine this weekend when we skyped. I should be glad it is a craft I can only admire from afar...very very afar..ask my Mom (now 94) to see if she would ever let me near a machine again! (it was 40 years ago...let it go!!) LOL! And I love your of my favorite flowers!

    Have a great week.
    -K #29

  15. Hi Jo, i'm loving looking at everyone's ATC's they really are a happy gathering. Looks like you have had great fun playing around with all those new stitches. Your clematis looks blooming lovely, basking in the sun.
    Thank you for sharing WOYWW.
    Creative wishes Tracey #9

  16. Hi Jo. Sorry I'm so late coming visiting this week! WOW! Those clematis are going mad over your fence - but there are incredibly beautiful. You must be doing something really right in your garden!! Mine is woefully neglected thus far this year! You have some lovely ATCs - a grand collection.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.