Wednesday 9 May 2018


I am hoping I have time to post a little something for WOYWW.
Today I am at the hospital for a check up on my face.
The scar is fading and looks Ok so I hope the consultant will sign me off - I think I have made about eight journeys over to Birmingham in the last twelve months!

My workdesk is a fun place to be (if only I had time) - as I bought a new sewing machine last week. Annie and I had a play with it on Saturday, while the men were at footie, and we both agreed it is just the job! I just need a few hours to master all the new bits and bobs.

Here is a quick snap of it....

So, it's short and sweet for this week.

I hope you enjoyed the last few days of sunshine. I loved it - except for the nasty minibeast that bit me four times on my shoulder and is a nasty itchy mess at the moment.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Hope all goes well today Jo! Good luck with your new sewing machine too! Helen #2

  2. Hope appt goes well and you enjoy your lunch date together too. Here’s hoping that you get lots of fun time with your new toy.
    Annie x

  3. Always fun playing with a new sewing machine, enjoy discovering all those bits and bobs. All the best at the hospital, hope it doesn't take up all of your day. Thank you for sharing WOYWW.
    Creative wishes Tracey #5

  4. Wow, Jo. I've been so out of the loop, I had no idea about your face. I am sorry to read that.

    That is one incredible machine. Mine sews straight stitch and zig zag, and I feel blessed. Yours is out of this world. I love the "handmade" stitch.

    Happy WOYWW from #3.

  5. Hi Jo, hope everything goes well with your appointment and that you don't have to keep making the journey into Birmingham. Nice machine! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #20

  6. Ah Jo, hope today goes well and doesnt mean a huge amount of waiting and some frustration! New sewing machine looks fun, and I do admire your ‘few hours’ needed to master would take me months, and a note book!! I hope when some time appears, you really enjoy exploring it.

  7. What a great WOYWW #466. Have a great week xx Jan 22

  8. Hi Jo, hope all goes well today! I know that feeling about travelling to Birmingham, but I don't have as far to travel as you. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #9 XxX

  9. With the heat comes pesky mosquito's indeed! the new sewing machine looks great! Have a splendid week! xo Cheetarah #28

  10. Ooh, itching for you!
    Hope the results were good from the hospital. Fingers and toes crossed (no wonder I am waling funny)
    Love the sewing machine - too late for the atc swap? Can't wait to see what you are doidng this year - I always love your atc's.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  11. Wow, that's one mean, lean sewing machine!! How wonderful to have a new toy to play with, it looks like it can make dinner for you as well :-D. Hope the appt went well, watch out Kate Moss!
    Hugs LLJ 13 xxx

  12. I wish you would come over and play with me on my machine....and, teach me how to use it. I know so little about it...and, sewing in general....I need more than a few hours....I could do with a full week of days believe about a few weeks? Honestly, I'm useless with it all.

    And...if I knew somewhere that sold Jaffa cakes I'd go buy some too. there is a shop that does sell some British things...I must go there one day to have a look. I'm still too sick to be bothered though..still coughing and blowing ... it's ridiculous.

  13. Hope everything went well today. New machine what fun and you are making me think I should do more as my machines must be feeling lonely Lol! Happy woyww, Angela x15x

  14. Hi Jo, I hope all went well with your hospital appointment. I know what you mean about hospital visits. I've had enough of them over the last 12 months - all that time travelling for a 15 minute appointment! Grrr! Have a lovely week Heather x #11

  15. Hope you enjoy your new machine Jo and it's made me realise I need to dig mine out as I could do with doing some stitching!
    Fliss #26 x

  16. Ooh you lucky thing, a brand new machine - it looks really whizzy and very complicated - mine is very basic but I've always hankered after a posh one!
    Thank you for the visit to mine, sorry I'm late in replying - enjoy your new machine,
    Diana x #17

  17. Nice new toy! I'm sure it will bring hours of fun! Glad your face is getting better and better, and that soon that ordeal can soon be put aside. Have a great week, Lindart #29


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.