Wednesday 16 May 2018


Happy WOYWW everyone!
It's been a busy week so far.
I managed to find a little bit of time to get to know my new machine (well, I call it "playtime"!).

I decided to make a few cards using the free motion machine foot, hoping that it would work as well as the old Husqvarna it has replaced.
This was my first attempt and I think it worked well - it was smooth and easy to use and all the fancy add-ons, like thread snipper etc proved really useful.

I also had time to finish off and parcel up 25 little dollies for Margaret (glitterandglue).

Here they are waiting on my desk on Sunday and if you look on Annie's blog and maybe even Margaret's blog you might see us handing them over to the lovely lady herself!
She called in to collect dolls and bags from Annie and we managed a little get together for an hour or two - the time flew - so good to meet up with her at last!

Oops! Looks like one has escaped Margaret!

I will pop him in a box where he can wait for a few more friends to arrive.

I still have a bag full of wool - how did that happen!!! lol So, I will continue making dollies or twiddle mitts or anything else that takes my fancy.

Have a great week all.

Enjoy this lovely weather.

xx Jo


  1. Love the latest dolly....I’m sure he won’t be alone for long. You knit them so quickly! Didn’t we have a lovely time with Margaret on Monday? She’s such a lovely lady.
    Annie x

  2. Busy fingers always - and what a lot of loveliness you spread throughout the world. You are a star!
    Love the lone little dolly, hope he has a friend to keep him company in that big box by now.
    The card you made is beautiful and makes me realise how I should have learned to sew and now I could maybe be making things like that - I did make my own clothes at one time but even that has gone nowadays.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  3. I saw that wonderful box of dollies what a lovely box full it looked. I'm sure it will not be long before they start to multiple again with your nifty knitting fingers. Your free motion card looks fabulous, I love the noise my machine makes when playing at free motion.
    Thank you for sharing WOYWW, hope you get lots more time to play.
    Creative wishes Tracey #5

  4. Afternoon Jo. It was so good to meet you at last after all these years. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I have just spent a couple of hours with Nigel and Marian. I have been in the presence of the most beautiful dignity I could imagine. Amazing. They thank you from the bottom of their hearts.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  5. Lovely to see the pics of you looking so well so the others' blogs! You are a good soul, always helping someone out with wonderful homemade items. That machine looks very complicated but my goodness, it has the required results, that free motion embroidery is gorgeous!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  6. Hi Jo, I was most impressed seeing both Margaret and Annie's blog posts. You have been so generous with your time and resources! Have a great week. Sarah #9

  7. Yes, I saw your lovely face and contributions on both Margaret's and Annie's blogs this morning. You make incredible things, and I am in awe of that new machine you got.

    Happy WOYWW from #3.

  8. Hi Jo, yes, saw the pics of all the bags and dollies on Margarets blog. What a creative pair you two are! Love the embroidery, it's beautiful, and your new machine is clearly a winner. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz XxX #10

  9. that is done free motion??? wow, your talents are many! I saw the pics on Margaret's earlier, lovely that you got to meet and how kind you were to hand over all those goodies! Helen #2

  10. Hi Jo the box of dollies and bags was lovely. I saw the pics on Margaret's blog. You are both so thoughtful and caring. Your new machine looks fantastic, as does Annie's! I did go to a sewing machine shop recently.... they looked more like computers than my mum's old Singer! Scared me off them completely. Looking forward to the ATC swap With you. Have a lovely week Heather x #12

  11. I've seen the dollies and they are so cute. you are so kind for making them. Happy woyww, Angela x23x

  12. That little embroidery is gorgeous and it looks like you've been enjoying your new machine. Love the dollies too, I'm sure each and every one will be cuddled and loved.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana x #18

  13. Hello Jo. I am sorry I am so late returning your visit. I didn't feel too good later on, on Wednesday. Feeling better now. Saw the photos on Annie's blog and Margaret's. You are all such kind ladies. Love the new machine. Anne x #11


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.