Wednesday 2 May 2018


This was my little job for the day - sorting through a big bag of workshop leftovers for Tilly Tea Dance.
Workshop link

At the end of her workshops, they just get popped in a bag and I decided it was all useful stuff.
So, I sorted it into colours and re-bagged it. Now she will be able to re-use it for more workshops or taster sessions. Doesn't it look pretty and wouldn't you just love to dabble with all those little bits and bobs?

Below is just a sneaky peek at some of my ATCs. I have made 20 so, if anyone wants to swap just leave me a comment. Annie and I will do our usual trick of sending them out together. If you want to swap with us both you can pop yours into one envelope and send them to me or Annie and we will share them out! We both love our annual WOYWW birthday celebration so feel free to join in with our fun.
I apologise for not visiting many desks last week. Time just flew by.
I promise I will try harder this week.

Have a great week.

x Jo


  1. 20?? that's impressive. I still haven't given them a thought.. at this rate it will be 1 for my PIF partner. love the bundles of scraps. Helen #31 (1)

  2. Love the colourful piles of yumminess on your table....I can see hours of fun spent using that up.
    Annie x

  3. Wow Jo; 20 ATCs. I will just about get 9 done and unfortunately they are all allocated. I do love yours though. Have a great week. Sarah #9

  4. I must admit those sorted bag of scraps look very inviting sorted into their colour coordinating piles. Your ATC's are amazing!!
    Thank you for sharing WOYWW.
    Creative wishes for the week ahead Tracey #6

  5. Your atc's are, as usual, gorgeous. Such a lot of work looks to have gone into them. I gave my name to Annie so presume we will be swapping - we always do don't we?
    Yes, the bits left over from the workshop look lovely, bet it was fun and you enjoyed sorting them.
    Hugs, Neet 12 xx

  6. Loved wool felting art but I cannot do that any more. I have a friend who does lots of it but it is not as pretty as what you are showing. Thought disrupted by pesky red bird tapping on window!
    Have a wonderful week
    Monica #27

  7. I won't be joining the swap this year as I just moved houses and am still not settled in my new atelier - it's a pity 'cause I always like this 'event' - I hope to join again next year. Have fun creating! Happy woyww, love from Holland, Marit #23

  8. Hiya, those blobs of rovings look good - well done you for sorting them out! Your ATCs are a triumph, as always, please may I swap with you and Annie again this year?
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxxx

  9. Do you think our previous life has left us incapable of not sorting out every little bit of usable material? People are always making fun of me for using every last bit of fabric but you can see on my FB page the beautiful cards made from tiny scraps.,

  10. Afternoon Jo. Love all that felting wool. Great colour mixes. Your ATCs are great - I'd love to ask to swap but daren't commit at the moment - as I haven't had any time to think about making them - no inspiration either!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  11. Beautiful atc's Jo .
    Happy woyww Jill #32

  12. I'm hoping to participate in the ATC swap but haven't even started yet. I'm impressed with your 20 done. They are beautiful!

    Dorlene #30

  13. How I wish I could go to a workshop and make a lovely little sheep landscape ...

    I'm wondering what all the numbers are that people are showing? must go back a bit to find out ....

  14. Lovely Atc's..I mentioned to Annie I'd send yours to her also.. Confused if I asked to swap with you or not. Week has been sad and hectic here but trying to visit a few as I was behind last week also.

  15. Please count me in for both of you to send an atc will need a snail mail for one of you to post off to you hugs Nikki C running behind lol

  16. Sent my snail mail to Annie btw


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.