Wednesday 23 May 2018

WOYWW 9th birthday celebrations!

Good morning to all our WOYWW friends around the globe!

Thanks to that lovely blogger Julia, we have been linking up with crafty bloggers around the globe for 9 years.
We have "met" such talented crafters during our mad Wednesday blog hop and, even if we haven't met you in real life, we really feel that we have a whole set of friends that we would never have known without WOYWW.

So, thanks Julia and long may WOYWW keep going.

Annie and I posted our ATCs yesterday but I have saved one for my PIF.
So, if you sign up after me on Mr Linky - send me your address and I will post one to you today.

Have a great week!

xx Jo


  1. I'm so grateful to WOYWW that we met online and in real life too - such fun and friendship is a special thing and one to treasure for many years yet!
    Hugs and lots of love, LLJ 2 xxx

  2. Happy 9th anniversary Jo. My ATCs went in the post yesterday - sent yours in with Annie's. Love your desk this morning - so sunny and happy!!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #9

  3. Hi Jo, Happy WOYWW 9th anniversary. As a relative newcomer I can certainly attest to the friendliness of this group! Sarah #16

  4. Perfect photo Jo, and thanks! Happy days. X

  5. Love the latest little dollies Jo. here's to the next 9 years of fun and friendship.
    Annie x

  6. Isn't this a wonderful anniversary? It's a bit different, because of the failed linky, but if it weren't for Julia, we would never have "met."

    Happy 9th WOYWW Anniversary from an unlucky # 13, since my PIF partner is the only person I can't contact!

  7. Awww, how cute! Happy anniversary - may WOYWW continue indefinitely! There could be future generations celebrating #100 LOL! Best wishes xx zsuzsa #8

  8. Hi Jo, how fab to be PIF partners! So happy to have 'met' you & Annie, and hopefully will meet for real at the crop. This weekly hop is so much fun, and i have so many lovely friends thanks to Julia. Happy 9th Birthday, Have a lovely week, Love & Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  9. Hi Jo, your ATCs are on their way lovely lady. How lucky we are to have such great friends. Loving your little pals on the blog today they are so sweet. Have a great woyww anniversary, Angela x20x

  10. Aw, such cute little dolls!
    Happy WOYWW anniversary,
    Diana x #16

  11. Happy Anniversary! I'm so glad I've met you. Love your dolls, so very cute. I hope you have a wonderfully crafty week.
    -K #31

  12. A years is an amazing achievement and so fulfilling.
    It is so great seeing what people create and make just because they enjoy the craft.
    Have a great week monica #35

  13. well, I am your PIF (no, I mean you are mine!) so yours is already on the way!! Loving your cute little bunch of friends joining our WOYWW party today! Helen 4

  14. Hello Jo and Happy 9th WOYWW Anniversary. Love you're photo. Hope we might meet one day :-) Anne x #25

  15. Hi Jo and happy anniversary! I'm looking forward to receiving your ATC. I posted mine today to Annie. I live the gorgeous knitted dollies! Have a lovely week Heather x #17

  16. Happy 9th and wonderful little knitted dollies to help share those words and celebrate the best of days.
    Tracey #18

  17. Happy Anniversary!! It has been great fun getting to know you and the other WOYWW's over the years, I almost feel like I have family overseas! Have a great week, Lindart #37

  18. Happy Anniversary sorry not to be taking part this year. I suppose as well as crafting we are all nosy to see what other are doing. Ani#3


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.