Wednesday 25 April 2018


Good morning to all the WOYWW friends around the globe.

Just my knitting activity on show today.

 A little pink hoodie for my God daughter.
The latest collection of giggling, cartwheeling dollies for Uganda.

I have Ben here for a few days so my time has been taken keeping him busy.
He is a happy little soul and we have lots of fun.
At the moment his sentences usually start with...
Do you know what nanny...
Imagine if we.....

Of course that is followed by all sorts of his own ideas and suggestions for our play time - many of which involve Nanny being a story character and acting out his favourite stories.
I am making the most of every minute and know I am very lucky to have him.

Now, where did that lovely summer weather go?
It is cold, wet and windy here today - probably 15 degrees cooler than last week!
That's British weather for you.

So, I must get on with the chores.
Have a great week.
See you next week.

xx Jo


  1. oh those dollies are so cute!! Enjoy your time with Ben, I know how much your cherish your time together. Helen - no link, it's awol so no number

  2. Love the hoodie. She will look a cutie in that. The little dolls are gorgeous and I have to say I especially love the bright turquoise one 😘
    Annie x

  3. Glad we are not the only ons suffering with the weather - sorry! Helen talks about record breaking heat - obviously not in the north.
    "Just" your knitting activity on show today - Jo, you are a gorgeous knitter and there is nothing "just" about it. Love the hoodie, the dolls are amazing and everything will be loved so much. Well done you!
    Enjoy your play with Ben.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx
    ps am I ok swapping atc's with you as well as Annie?

  4. You are a knitting supremo! Those little dolls are gorgeous and will be so loved by the children in Uganda. How lovely to have such a special relationship with Ben, worth more than all the money in the world.
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxxx

  5. Hi Jo, love all those knitted goodies. Have fun with Ben and his imagination lol. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #8

  6. Adorable little dollies. Yes this weather is totally unpredictable. 2 days here were with NO wind and simple the greatest. But that's changed here too.
    So glad you enjoy time with Ben, you Are so fortunate to have him grow up close by. I miss my 6 grands so much. Miss so much of their daily life.
    Enjoy a great week.

  7. so sweet!
    Have a lovely time with Ben and hope the weather improves for you!!
    Happy WOYWW

  8. Those dollies ARE rather jolly! Well made me smile. Happy Wednesday, Cindy #15

  9. Such a lovely age isn't it? Enjoy the time together. It goes all too quickly. That's a brilliant amount of dolls ready to go to new owners.

    Fiona #11

  10. All your dolls are so pretty always impressed by those that can knit one day I hope to learn how to do but there is always something going on that keeps you busy doing other things hopefully we can swap an atc this year again I can send them to you or your sister to get one from each of you if your playing along hugs Nikki 24

  11. What a cheery gathering of dollies, they will bring so much joy to those that receive them and made with love. Enjoy your time with wee Ben, they have so much energy and enthusiasm for life when young; how I miss those days.
    Thank you for sharing WOYWW,
    Creative Wishes Tracey #10

  12. Brilliant knitty stuff, love them. Oh my weather! We had hail today, I thought it was going to come through the conservatory roof! Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x28x

  13. Super wee dollies Jo-you really are an ace knitter. You can see what I’ve been up to in the usual place. Happy grandma-ing!

  14. cute sweater and love those dolls for the kids. I wish my grand babies lived closer so I could hang around with them more! Have a great week. I am late getting around...really forgetful this week! Vickie #30


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.