Wednesday 11 April 2018


Another week - another WOYWW!

Just a quick post as I am nipping out to the shops before I have my super arty crafter and her wonderful boy here for the day!
My desk today.....

Loaded with lovely artwork that I framed for Tilly Tea Dance yesterday.

And - in the centre- two little rainbow dolls that I am knitting for you Margaret! (glitterandglue). They will go to the project she supports in Uganda.

I thought I would use up my last wool scraps on these little dolls.
Ha ha - of course I was wrong!
A good friend was clearing out her cupboards and sent a bag of wool for me - yes that wool bag of mine is just like the magic porridge pot isn't it.

So, I have plenty to keep me going for the next few months.

That's it for today.

Have fun snooping round my desk.

xx Jo


  1. Hi Jo, I love the magic wool bag; may it never be empty lol. Have a fun day! Sarah #14

  2. Lots of wool on offer in Aldi’s....I was very tempted 😂😂😂 keep up the good work Jo
    Annie x

  3. Well we wouldn't want you to run out of wool!! Love those country scenes, you are so clever. Happy WOYWW, Cindy #19

  4. Hi Jo, that made me smile about the porridge pot! Loving Max's work, it's so beautiful. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxXx

  5. Oh Margaret will love those little dolls! The Magic wool bag made me laugh, because mine seems to do the same thing too. I can't get rid of the stuff quick enough!!
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxxx

  6. How nice of friends to keep gifting wool for you to work with. Keeps you out of mischief Jo. Not that you have time to get up to any.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  7. Just like my Mom's bag of wool, I can always tell by her smile when the her wool bag starts to get a little thinner. Beautiful works of art, I could look at it all for hours. Thank you for sharing WOYWW.
    Creative wished Tracey x

  8. gorgeous creations and yay for magic wool !! hope you had a lovely day. Helen '3

  9. I have a lot of Acrylic yarns I could donate but very little wool. I am allergic so never bought much...good analogy to the magic soup pot! Love all the pretty art! You and Annie do some awesome stuff! Not descriptive enough word...stuff...does't sit right! All your beautiful art! Have a great week. Vickie #32

  10. Your bag is never ending just when you think you can see the bottom alas it magically refills :) happy late woyww hugs Nikki 7

  11. What magic porridge pot? I want one. Where can I get me one of those?


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.