Wednesday 4 April 2018


Good morning all.
Time flies these days and I know it's 2 weeks since I blogged so, I am writing this in a quiet moment over Easter!

I have nothing on my WOYWW today but at least I can show you this lot.....

I have had enough of twiddle mitts for the time being so, I will be dropping this lovely lot off at the hospital this week.

I have almost got to the bottom of my wool bag - I am saying that quietly as it seems to keep refilling itself - strange isn't it!!!

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. That comment about your wool bag made me laugh out loud Jo. I had to read your post to Eva so she wouldn't think that I'm nuts. Strange how these things happen isn't it? Happy WOYWW, Sarah #16

  2. Hi Jo, I had to laugh about the wool bag too! Fab selection of twiddle mitts, such a great idea. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxXx

  3. Oh I can see I need a trip to Aldi’s now....I heard your message even though you said it quietly 😂😂😂😂
    Annie x

  4. Hi Jo. I'm whispering my comment so your yarn bag doesn't hear!! Great twiddle muffs - so what next?? Have you another project to get your teeth into?? The muffs look simply lovely all laid out like that.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  5. Lovely work, Jo. You are very patient to knit the twiddle muffs as they have a lot of detail in them.

  6. I will say this very quietly in case your wool bag hears... loving all those twiddle mitts. have a great week. Helen #2

  7. It's like the Magic Porridge Pot story, my wool stash magically renews itself as well - can't think how that could possible happen :-D. Well done on making those amazing twiddle muffs, the hospital will be thrilled. Hope you had a good Easter- we really enjoyed our weekend away!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  8. Happy WOYWW & thanks for sharing! xx Jan (36)

  9. Awesome little twiddle mitts though! If you run out let me know I have a lot and I am thinking about giving it all away. I haven't been able to knit in awhile! Hope you have a great week. Vickie #8

  10. What a great way to use up those odds and ends - beautiful! Have a great week, Lindart #30

  11. Oh you are good, thats a lot of fiddly twiddly to be made! When Mum was still able, these were such a great great resource, I hope you realise how marvellous your donations are. Put your knitting basket out of its misery...a refill is in order!

  12. Wonderful colors on all of them. Special people doing special things. A friend is making May baskets for her hospital project and they too are so cute.

  13. These mitts are beautiful - love all the colours. think your basket deserves to be refilled after all those ;)

    Sorry I'm late - hope you are having a good week.
    Carmen x #37

  14. Those mitts are so pretty and I think you own a bag that Mary Poppins use to own if it is constantly refilled lol hugs Nikki running late

  15. The mitts are great. My craft materials - all different types seem to magically replenish themselves :-) Thanks for the visit, so sorry I'm so late. Anne x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.