Wednesday 21 March 2018


Good morning all.
March 21st - first day of Spring and my Grandma's birthday - born 144 years ago - that must mean I am getting on in years too - not so bad as you might think - she was 47 years old when my Dad was born!

My table is loaded with Tilly Tea Dance goodies today.

Maxine is re-stocking her local outlets and of course, everything needs pricing and listing so I am helping with the "admin". I know my place!!
I am always happy to help out - it is lovely to see how she has blossomed as a crafter, tutor and saleswoman!

I have even used my needlework skills in stitching the backs on brooches so I am not totally relegated to the drudgery -lol.

If I have a spare evening, I have been knitting for Annie's twin grandchildren.
This is the hoodie I finished last week.

AND here is the same pattern, different colourway.

They are wanted for the Easter hols so I need to crack on with it.

Thank you to all who responded to my plea about Ikea frames.

Hopefully, I have solved the issue for the time being, but it's lovely to know so many folk out there are willing to go shopping for me! Thanks lots.

Well that's it for this week.
I am on Ben duty today so need to organise some crafty fun for him.
Yesterday we wrote a few more pages in his adventure of Pod the Pea man.

(His idea prompted by a pea escaping from his plate at lunch.) You would be surprised what a fertile mind a 3 year old has and where it has lead Pod the Pea man to go. Happy days.

Have a great week.

x Jo


  1. Smiling at the ideas of Pod the Pea Man! Stick Man comes to mind.. love that film! have a great time with him today. Helen #1

  2. Hope you have a fun day chasing peas around your table with the little man. I love the hoodies and know the twins will too...thanks Jo. Hope Max’s restocking goes well and it all sells just as quickly as she makes it proud of her success.
    Annie x

  3. Loving Pod the Pea Man!
    Gosh 47 years old and giving birth - tough in those days. What a feat!
    Glad your daughter is doing well with her venture - a true business woman and a most beautiful crafter.
    Nice hoodies.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  4. Keeping the old early years brain in gear I see Jo. Looks like Ben is inheriting the family artistic gene too. The hoodies are lovely and it’s so nice that your makes are appreciated.

  5. I think Pod the Pea Man has definite publishing possibilities! And wow, he has got a great grasp of drawing already but is that surprising with his crafting genes?!!
    Hope you're well lovely girl,
    Hugs LLJ 11 xxx

  6. Morning Jo. What a lovely, lovely post! I love Pod man. He's great! Those are beautiful items your daughter has made - she is becoming seriously busy with her outlets and makes. Congrats to her. Sometimes "admin" is the essential part...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  7. Hi Jo, what a fab story about Ben! Imagination is probably the greatest gift we can give our children! I'm sure that book will be treasured, and appear for other generations too. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  8. Special days when you have the imagination of a 3 year old on hand. I love Pod The Pea Man.
    Your Admin help will be much appreciated I'm sure, these are always important jobs but so time consuming.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #22

  9. Hi Jo, so lovely to see all those Tilly Tea Dance goodies and great to hear of Maxine's success - long may it continue. The little jumpers you are knitting for the twins looks very cosy and I love the colours too. Peas are slippery little characters and I could swear they have legs too. I can see Pod being very popular on CBBC one day. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #28

  10. Beautiful work from Tilly Tea Dance as always. My two used to love writing stories and making "comics" which they would sell (usually to my Mum!) for 2p an issue. Enjoy that fertile imagination.

    Fiona #36

  11. I'm in love with that hoodie- brilliant of you to knit for the wee set!
    robyn 3

  12. That jewelry is adorable. What a wonderful talent you have being able to create such cute jackets.
    April #26

  13. I love that you’re making a boom with Ben and Pod! Oh happy days indeed. Maxine is lucky to have you, I know she knows, and I agree, it has been a pleasure to watch her establish herself so successfully.

  14. That book is so cute, his drawings priceless, happy woyww, Vicky#7

  15. Hi Jo, love the drawing of Pod Man and the wolf and look forward to the next adventure. Late this week as I'm still trying to get back to normal after the trip away. Have a great belated woyww, Angela x17x

  16. Woot! Pod the Pea Man! I am always impressed at the fertile minds of the young ones if allowed to bloom! Love the pendants and sweaters! I used to knit a lot but not for quite a while. Have a great week!
    Vickie #6

  17. That's pretty funny ....I usually call mine An Escapee as I chase them around the floor....

  18. Thanks for your comment and I am pleased it has brought me to your blog to see all the lovely stash you've been working on. Great makes from M and your knits are super too but I think Pod is amazing. Methinks there is a book to be published there.
    Haven't been doing much in blogland lately so I'm out of touch but I have just had a spurt due to the two workshops I did recently. You mentioned the pouches. I love making them especially from scraps, so easy and so useful in any size. I bought plastic for the clear fronts from Abakhan, and have since bought it elsewhere, but a friend tells me it is easily available for only 99p via many ebay sites. Hope this is useful to you.
    Love and Best wishes Jo x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.