Wednesday 14 March 2018


Good morning all!
Well here is a snap for all you card makers out there....

Please don't think I made them - they were kindly given by a card making friend.
I just thought I would share them with you.

And below are my latest little twiddle mitts

I have also just finished a lovely little hoodie for my great nephew but need to buy some orange buttons so a trip to Watson and Thorntons is necessary. I wonder if I can manage to come away from that fabric/crafty shop with just 5 buttons!!

It's just a quick post today as I have lots of admin for Tilly Tea Dance to accomplish before Ben arrives for his favourite lunch - Nanny's homemade chicken soup.

Oh and just a thought... Does anyone live near and visit an Ikea store?

We buy tiny Tyssslinge 8cm x 9 cm white and oak frames but struggle to get them at our stores.

If anyone is going to Ikea and spots any AND fancies sending them to me in a small parcel I would love to hear from you!

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Hi Jo, what lovely cards! Love the muffs too. No, there will be more than 5 buttons bought, I'm sure, lol. Not due to IKEA anytime soon, but have made a note in my phone of what you need, so when we do, or if we pass one on our travels, I'll have the info with me. :)Thanks for all the good wishes, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxX

  2. Those twiddlemuffs are fab, love the colours and patterns! What are you going to use those beautiful cards for? I handed the first lot of WI cards over yesterday so hope they sell now!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxxx

  3. Hi Jo, if you really do only manage to buy 5 buttons, please let me know your secret resist method lol. The twiddle mits are amazing as always and the cards were a thoughtful gift from your friend. Have a good week. Sarah #10

  4. Hi Jo. It’s a case of we went to Ikea yesterday but sadly they had none available. Be worth them sending your own pallet full cos I’m sure Max would soon use them.
    Annie x

  5. Good morning Twiglet! My, I've missed seeing your rainbow. Didn't realize how much until I popped by for a visit. you have been busy as usual. Ben has good taste. Nothing tastes better than grandma's homemade chicken soup! Speaking of shopping.. sorry, I'm not near an Ikea but I am going on a Quilt Shop Hop next week if you'd like to tag along. I'd love the company. Creative Blessings! Kelly #28

  6. Fabulous cards!

    And the twiddle mittens are so lovely.

    Happy woyww,
    Sussie nr 24.

  7. Gorgeous cards, what a generous friend you have. I love the twiddle mitts too. I shall make a note of your frames but tend to go to Ikea about every 2 years so I don't think I'll be much help!
    Hope you had a lovely lunch with Ben - sounds yummy,
    Diana x #16

  8. nice cards and I love how you are always making such awesome things with your yarn. I used to knit some but the arthritis makes it not as much fun. I wish I lived near an IKEA! Have a great week. Vickie #34

  9. love the cards - thought you'd joined us papercrafters!! sorry, my ikea is 2 buses away and I very rarely go...hope you find someone to help you out. Helen #5

  10. Those little mitts are so cute! Thanks for visiting me. Have a great week!

    Suzanne #33

  11. Gorgeous cards and lovely knitting. Have a great woyww and a happy crafty week, Angela x9x

  12. Great work desk. Happy WOYWW xx Jan (36)

  13. Lovely cards and muffs! My eye was caught by the Tilly Tea Dance artwork on last week's post (I wasn't about last week). They are gorgeous, are they needlefelted bookmarks? Just stunning. Thank you for the earier visit - and yes, there was a pile of post holiday washing, but I haven't started on ours yet, spent all day dealing with what the kids had left!! Cindy #21

  14. Hi Jo, Your friends cards are lovely. I really like the Twiddle Mitts.

    I'd take a big bag to the craft/fabric shop, as I doubt all you'll buy are the buttons:) LOL

    Sorry, I don't live near an Ikea. Could you order the items online?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #18

  15. We don't go much as it is out of our way but if we do call I will look out for your frames.
    Lovely Twiddlers and lovely cards - oh Jo, I thought you were starting stamping.
    Hugs, Neet xx 6

  16. I'm not sure what Twiddle Mitts are, but they look awesome! Very "grunge" and fun! Have a great week, and thanks for your visit! Lindart #32

  17. Hi Jo. My first thought was what lovely cards you made, which totally confused me as you had said you don't make cards! Lol. We might be going to Ikea in a couple of weeks so I made a note of what you want. Thanks for stopping by. Have a lovely week Heather x #11

  18. Hi Jo. Love the cards and I have all the the same items used :-) might be caseing those . The twiddlemuffs are lovely. I'm not far away from Ikea 10 -15 minutes. I don't think I can pop in this week but following week I probably can. If you still searching for some I am happy to go and look. I am sad, I know, but I like mooching round Ikea :-)
    Sorry for late visit , I had two classes and a craft fair ( which was abysmal due to the weather yesterday). Anne x #15

  19. more gorgeous twiddle mitts, love them. Mum hasn't been able to visit her SIL for a while as they have flu at the home but hope she's still twiddling. My neck started hurting after my mammoth egg cutting, glad I've finished for now. Thanks for the visit BJ#2

  20. the tysslinge frames you are looking for were discontiued by ikea but are available on ebay in all colours in batches of 1 , 10, and 100


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.