Wednesday 28 February 2018


Good morning all. I hope you are not too badly affected by the snow.
We had a dusting yesterday which quickly disappeared in the sunshine.
I hope we don't get more today!

My table was crammed with Tilly Tea Dance artwork yesterday but, today it is empty and waiting for Tilly to arrive and begin again!
I have been busy mounting pictures and her beautiful little bookmarks.

My own crafting has been limited to these two little cosy cardis that I have just finished to go in my charity donation box. I have had a request for a few items so thought I would have a clear out of my cupboards and put anything that I don't need into the box.

Below are some of the little hand crafted items I have made over the last few years that have obviously been waiting for me to do something useful with them! They can go in the box, I think.

Have a great week and keep cosy!

x Jo


  1. we had a smattering too on and off that had mostly gone by the time I got home but have woken to a light covering this morning... great makes this week Jo, you've been busy! Helen #1

  2. Love the bookmarks and the little cardigans are really pretty....well done you.
    Annie x

  3. Hi Jo. We had some yesterday and it stayed. More at the moment :-( Love the little cardigans and your daughter's makes. Anne x #13

  4. Hi Jo. Love those bookmarks - they are great - Welsh mountain colours!! Wonderful. Great little cardigans and makes - I like those mounted pictures.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  5. You do make some lovely things - the charity box will have some proper goodies in there waiting to help someone out! Those little cardis are my go-to if I have to knit for a baby now, I love the no sewing up bit!!
    Hugs LLJ 14 xxx

  6. Oh! Those little cardigans are so sweet! Love all the other handmade pretties too and the adorable bookmarks. Hope the snow stays away for your!
    ~Sandy #30

  7. The book marks look wonderful! Love those little cardis! I have been quite a few bits to our local charity shop lately!Hugs,Chrisx

  8. Lovely art work on show today. Love the bookmarks. Lots of snow here today. Happy woyww, Angela x16x

  9. Loving those Tilly bookmarks, my word. And you’re generosity goes on Twiggers, better in a charity’s hands than unused in your drawer, but they are so lovely, they must be a bit difficult to give up! Stay warm, I suspect more snow will arrive.

  10. Hi Jo, snow day for us today and my meeting is also cancelled so will be able to craft. Love your cardigans and your stash of home made items readyfor donation. Keep warm. Sarah #15

  11. no snow here just lots of ice last week...we rarely get snow in OK. I love the Have a great week! Vickie #32

  12. I love the bookmarks by Tilly, what a lot of work has gone into them - they really are gorgeous. And what lovely items you are putting in the box, the little jackets are adorable.
    Have a warm and cosy week,
    Diana x #18

  13. The bookmarks are indeed tiny works of art... Maxine is getting pretty good at this....


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.