Wednesday 23 May 2012


Summer is here at last!
We have had a couple of gloriously sunny, warm days - let's make the best of it.

 My table is covered with Jubilee bunting this week. I made all the flags ages ago but only stitched them onto the white tape this week. Daughter M has a float at a Jubilee event - do you think 40 metres is enough!!!!!

This little fluffy blue heap is the reverse side of some little "dumflings" that I have been making.
I will reveal more when they are finished.
I love working on pre felt - it makes a quick and very colourful background to my little dumflings.
I am just about running out of it, so ordered a bit more from Sara of
- it should be here this week so I can make a few more.

And lastly a little sign of summer...
A Lacewing on my kitchen door...

It looks huge but of course it's only about an inch long, including its delicate green lacy wings.

Well that's it for today - only a couple more weeks one week till we celebrate 3 years of WOYWW - where does the time go?!! Pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and join our crafty blog hop!

Have a good week everyone.
x Jo


  1. In fact it's only one week to the celebrations Jo...hope you don't confuse too many :-)
    A x

  2. One can never have enough bunting. Although I think 40 metres should do it!! Gorgeous dumflings.
    Sandra @57

  3. Ooh what are dumflings, can't wait to find out.
    Enjoy the sunshine. Off to open my studio doors now to the birdsong and fresh air.
    Have a good creative week.
    Lynn 48
    One I made earlier today

  4. Banners every where! I feel I should be making some too! (Maybe little ones for cards!!) Have a crafty week! HAPPY WOYWW

  5. The jubilee bunting is gorgeous! And the image of the lacewing (what a wonderful word) is intriguing. Nicely done.

  6. Your bunting is fabulous and 40 metres ... amazing!
    Your view never ceases to make me envious!
    Love joZarty x

  7. Loving the bunting !Hope the family are all well.Havent been on awhile so doing catch up and have missed the wednesday morning ritual so much!
    Have fab wednesday hugs judex32

  8. gotta love banners! and you got me intriguied with the 'dumflings' ?!? looks like yummi stuff!
    have a happy (sunny) week :)
    france #79 xx

  9. Love the bunting - hope M's float is a success... your little blue bundle of fluff looks amazing! can't wait to see your dumflings... have a good week,Helen 17.

  10. Wow, 40 metres, yes that might be enough, fabulous. Great photo of the lacewing
    Famfa 126

  11. Love that bunting! 40 metres should do it I think. Not quite sure what a dumfling is but I love the colour of that pre felt, it is gorgeous. Happy WOYWW, Anne #19

  12. I'm getting excited about the olympic torch coming to town, so don't forget to keep the bunting for the olympics too! Thanks for the pre-felt link too.

  13. I think you've got the bunting spot on, can't have enough! It's 3 yrs next week so not long now! Take care and enjoy this sunny & warm WOYWW. Zo xx 80

  14. It's been a very long time since I was last able to visit I've had such a lovely browse through the last couple of months I am in awe of your productiveness!
    Will be back again soon.

  15. fabulous blue,

    insects are fascinating - and so elegant .

    see you next week (squeeels a little)

    I did a few extra so that I could send one to you and Annie but I cannot find your address from last time - do you mind sending me the details again? I am contactable from the contact page on the website if you don't have my email address anymore...

  16. Look at that happy festive bunting! How fun! The lacewing that at the UK! That thing does look huge and like it is just hanging there. It is actually a very delicate looking creature.

  17. Love the colour of the dumflings and that is dedication sewing that many metres of bunting!
    Fiona #146 xx

  18. Loving all the Jubilee things you gals are creating for your celebrations. We don't have Lacewings in our area..looks daity, but most bugs are a nuisance. Have a wonderful week so glad to be catching up we are having horrific winds so must be inside today.

  19. Hi Jo, fab bunting! Love the thought of cat piccie from the snap on my blog today - err, can you eliminate fisherman's dog- end I just noticed :)

    What do I need to do, crop it (help) or what?

    Happy WOYWW, hugs, Di xx

  20. Love that bunting it's brillant.. Have a good week, Hugs may x x x#30

  21. CUTE bunting!!! So in love with all things English at the moment! What on earth is a dumfling??? Another new word to add to my ever-growing English vocabulary, lol!

    Jeannie #75

  22. Hey there - LOVE the combination of colours and patterns you've used for the bunting - it's going to look gorgeous for your daughter's Jubilee celebration. I love making bunting, find it quite therapeutic!!
    Hugs, LLJ #57 xx

  23. I'm a little late desk hopping but I'm here now...I'm hearing all about the sun finally arriving.

    Your desk looks very patriotic. Your daughter is going to have a great time but 40 metres...erm...seriously I think that should be enough!

    I'll look forward to your 'dumflings' reveal.

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy that sun! Have fun ~ Neesie #11

  24. I'm a little late desk hopping but I'm here now...I'm hearing all about the sun finally arriving.

    Your desk looks very patriotic. Your daughter is going to have a great time but 40 metres...erm...seriously I think that should be enough!

    I'll look forward to your 'dumflings' reveal.

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy that sun! Have fun ~ Neesie #11

  25. The bunting looks lovely - 40 metres might just be enough! Thanks for popping by my blog, though your comment didn't seem to show up for some reason, however it did remind me nicely that due to be organised in my scheduling of posts I hadn't actually posted my link on Julia's page - done it now though a day late!

  26. Hi Jo,

    The bunting looks great - it'll be a nice eye catcher in the parade.

    Now, that looks like what we call a dragonfly.... is it the same thing?

    Thanks for visiting me already. I'm slow in getting around this week.


  27. I remember being a Hawaiian flower girl at the 1977 Jubilee - it was a bit chilly though...this one might be a scorcher!
    Love the bunting - always so cheery to see. The dotty one is yummy. Enjoy the weekend! Sarah.

  28. Jubilee sounds like so much fun! Happy Summer to you. Can't wait to see your creations with the dumflings...wondering what that is???? Not a fan of bugs, but your photos is awesome. Have a great day! xo ~ Rhonda

  29. You always have such wonderful sewing projects. #115

  30. Hello!

    Very colorful and pretty flags! I am so curious as to what a "dumfling" is and will come to visit again to see! Wishing you a happy weekend!


    Barbara Diane

  31. Never heard of lacewings before! What a whimsical name! How nice that your daughter is joining the parade! Patsy from

  32. hey there ...I'm in B.C. at my sister's place for a few day petting horses, scooping poop, trying to figure out her computer ... then had to call an ambulance to take her tohospital at 4:00 am... turns out she has crystals moving in the inner ear... and boy was she in bad shape.. she couldnt stand up at all ... totally dizzy. Plus a ton of stress happening in her family... so she is worn right out.
    I'd love to trade ATC's with you this coming week...but, don't have any made, yet.... can I owe you one? ... I'll get some made as soon as I get home again..


  33. great colors in your blog post this week. I love the enlarged picture of the lace wing and that bright sky behind it. Hope you have a great week and thanks for commenting on my blog this week. Vickie #28

  34. Just wanted to say thank you for the fabulous bunting - hope you enjoyed the flowers!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.