Wednesday 16 May 2012


OK folks - sometimes a girl has to have a Spring clean in the sewing room!
My table is empty and my shelves are all dust-free.
And while I had a bit of clear space I put my craft fair items out. This is about all I have - so - if I want to fill a table at Montgomery Summer Craft fair - then I think I need to get crafting!!
You can see better pics of them all in our blog shop if you are interested.

 These are my latest little knitties for the "Fish & Chip babies". I just couldn't resist adding a few lazy daisy flowers to the one set.

And these are the last three dresses which I made with the fabric the lady at the carboot sale donated for the cause. That's three more little girls who will get a frock via the "Dress a girl around the world scheme". I only have a few small pieces of fabric left now so I guess I shall have a rest and stock up when I spot anything suitable.
Short and sweet today but very colourful!
Have a great Wednesday blog hop - I am off to Julia's Stamping Ground to see what you have all been up to this week.
x Jo


  1. Your craft table is looking pretty sparce but that's cos most of it is here in boxes Jo :-) We need to do a craft sale ....and soon :-)
    A x
    ps and if you're 50 then I must be 46 :-)

  2. ...super tidy work space and glorious sunshine to boot...loVe your makes and soooo amazingly quick...loVely work your doing...Mel :) #30

  3. Hope all your craft stuff goes well at the sale. Love the stripey frocks :)
    Hugs, LLJ #48 xx

  4. someone else cleaning! Puts me to shame... but probably not enough to do any cleaning - too much to move... well it's an excuse.. have a great week, Helen 4

  5. Such fabulous makes - the dolls etc for the fair, the fish and chip out;fits and the dresses. Such talent.
    Hugs, neet #11 x

  6. Clear and dust free??*!*! Don't know those words, thinking of selling dust in my shop i have so much of it and as for clear, clean, tidy...... well, you know what i mean! Nice to see you yesterday xxxxx

  7. I feel so out of the loop...6 weeks since I posted.
    I love that rainbow chicken and I am sure you will have an AMAZING craft stall.
    Loved the 'fish and chip' story ...I think I will start knitting when I get back from Inverness as I have some DK scraps ...must save the pattern.

  8. Colourful and lovely Jo. I see you've got that 'threatening' sunshine at your window as well...won't it be nice if it just settles to being one season in a day! I can't fault your craft table offerings but you're right...make some more, or you'll end up empty before you know it!

  9. OMG Jo, I thought you'd been burgled!! Good luck with the sale - I bet stuff will just fly for sure!

    I'll keep away from charity shops and their bedding displays for now to give you a rest from making little dresses :)

    Love the little flowers on the jumper and hat.

    Hugs, Di xx #54

  10. nice neat desk . happy crafting jill #62

  11. Things in common
    Views from window... We can see the welsh mountains from lancashire.
    Tidy desk and fish n chip babies.
    Happy creative people.
    Lynn 32
    One I made earlier today

  12. We do need that deep cleaning from time to time. Good luck at your sale. #100

  13. Ah a good clean is good for us so perhaps I should organise one in my house! Fab makes. Take care & enjoy WOYWW. Zo xx 66

  14. Well done on the spring clean! Need to do some cleaning round here myself!
    Thanks for sharing

  15. Lovely shot of your clean desk with the sun just warming it up. Cleaning seems to a bit of a theme for WOYWWers this week. Love the little fish and chip outfits - the lazy daisies are a nice touch - and the gorgeous little dresses. As you need more goodies for your craft table I hope you've had a creative WOYWW :) Elizabeth x #42

  16. wow havent you been busy. enjoy the tidyness - if you are anything like me it doesnt last but it is lovely for a short while.
    caroline #87

  17. What a wonderful clean space you have got. Your knits look wonderful!!

    Happy WOYWW and have fun hopping!

  18. Lovely sunny clean desk... it puts me to shame.. your makes are Brillant!! Hugs May x x x'26

  19. Nice clean creative space and your goodies for the craft fair look really nice, hope you manage to get more made. Hadn't heard about the fish and chip babies before, what a lovely thing to do (but what a heartbreaking story, makes you realise just how lucky we are!) Marie #74

  20. Spring cleaning is good for the soul! Not that I ever really manage it! :lol:

    Some lovely makes you've got there - good luck at the craft fair! :)

    Ali #77

  21. That clean, dust free even, picture of a desk has made me all woozy. I think I might need to go lay down now. Cute frocks and fish 'n chips outfits. Love the display table too, lots of good things on there.

  22. Love the dresses they are just so cute. and the knitted hats and sweaters? love your work. #105

  23. All the makes on your table are lovely and will sell out quickly so maybe you will need some more! I don't know when you have time with all the things you make and send off to others! Okay, now I need to go find out about the Fish and Chip Babies.
    xoxo Karen #168

  24. Tidying and cleaning, very virtuous!!

    ** Kate **

  25. I just love the little daisy flowers, makes them different and so cute! Karen 99 x

  26. Love the stuff on your craft table. Especially the multicoloured one at the back. Is it made from gloves? Great knitting and sewing. What a very tidy desk. How did you do that?

  27. aww...some tiny flowers on the knitted ones... and the cute stripy yarn....

  28. Wow that is a very clean dek, love all the items you have been making. Hugs, Amanda #76

  29. You talk about me being busy and ready to craft, look at your lovely tidy desk and all your pretty makes this week. Just beautiful.


  30. The embroidered flowers are a lovely touch. Good luck filling that table.
    Fiona xx #45

  31. Hi there wish my desk and craft space was clear and dust free. I might find time to do it one of these days. The dresses and outfits of the fish and chip babies. ( I have managed 3 outfits to date) Lovely makes as well for your craft stall. Thanks for visiting me. Anne x

  32. Wow a really really clean sewing room, sometimes it's good for the mojo though. Love all your wonderful creations, I often browse through the sisters shop. The little fish and chips top and hats are so cute, just read the story poor things, makes you think. Happy woyww :-) Kerry xxx

  33. That word should be classified as a dirty word. This is something that I really dont like doing either. Love the work you do for the fish and chip babies and those little dress's are beautiful.

    Eliza #49

  34. When is the craft fair in Montgomery? I will be on holiday in the Shropshire area June 10-25.
    It would be so nice if it was during that time so that I could finally meet you.

    thanks and keep up the wonderful work.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.