Wednesday 30 May 2012

Happy WOYWW 3rd Anniversary!
I can't believe it's 3 years since we started joining Julia and her mad Wednesday blog hop!
A big thank you Julia for keeping it going all this time and enabling us to meet so many lovely crafting "buddies"!

In order to be able to join in the ATC pass it on scheme, we have been busy making a few little dumflings.
(To the un-initiated... a dumfling is a tiny creation, made using felt/fabric/yarn etc and "dumfed" together with our "dumfing" or needle felting machines.)
Here are my dumflings - I like to get them out on a sunny day, on the grass, for a nice photo!

Whoever is my buddy on Mr Linky will get one of these.

Some of my dumflings were a little too large for an ATC so I stitched them in a random fashion onto cards for my friends' birthdays etc.

Being the generous soul that I am - should anyone else wish to swap an ATC for one of my little dumflings just email me with your details and I will see what I can manage - first come first served I guess.
UPDATE - just busy with a few more so please email if you would like one.
Have a great 3rd anniversary Wednesday - let's raise a glass of something bubbly by way of celebration!! CHEERS!
x Jo


  1. Your ATCs look really fab against the green of the grass Jo. Happy Birthday.
    A x

  2. Ooh, you are my swap! I'll email you...
    Your ATCs look fab.
    Laura 92

  3. Happy 3rd WOYWW Birthday! Great to be part of this wonderful fun group! Evidence on the blogs of Neet and I this week. I'm drawing from regular visitors for my 15 Atcs so I hope you get one! I won't do a one for one swap but you've made some beauties.
    Enjoy the Jubilee weekend... love joZarty x

  4. Oh wow ...little pieces of a fabulous art form ...wish I'd joined in to run the chance of a swap...those that do get picked are going to be so lucky.
    Thanks for pointing me in the direction of the 'Fish and Chip knits ... Happy 3rd xx

  5. Hello and happy WOYWW!

    Oooooh - lovely ATCs....will send you one of mine if you send me your address..
    Lots of hugs and love
    my email:

  6. Lovely ATC's

    Happy WOYWW birthday!

    Zoe #44

  7. Happy WOYWW 3rd Anniversary. How does such a simple thing as an ATC swap get itself into such chaos. Or perhaps it's just me, I am easily confused you know!!

    Would love to swap ATCs with you.

    ** Kate **

  8. Yes please Jo - saw your comment on my blog :) Will send my address, I still have yours and will send one of my pathetic ATCs to you :)

    Love, Di xx

  9. Your dumfling atc's are gorgeous and I going to send you one of my attempts at stitching an atc. Why? just a little thank you for all your lovely comments of the years. Please email me your addie
    Sandra de

  10. beautiful pieces.

    with house moving I'm not in a position to do any swaps, but those are lovely.

    Many blessings to you, and thank you for becoming my blogging friend through WOYWW

  11. Happy 3rd WOYWW!!
    Gosh Jo, those ATCs are pretty - you clever thing! Hasn't it been just the best morning - lots of love and happiness winging its way around the Interweb. I just hope Julia is getting the vibes over in Spain over just how much what she does actually means to people!
    Good luck with the yoga :D
    Hugs, LLJ #77 xx

  12. I'd love one, if there are any left - beautiful work. I tried my first stitched ATC yesterday and it is bobbins (technical term) compared to these beauties. Will email you.

    Ann B

  13. Happy WOYWW, you talented lady you! Helen, 8.

  14. Awww They are all great Jo....but the yellow ones are so perky them best ....

    I still haven't gotten around to posting for today...hope I can get to it later...

  15. Happy WOYWW Anniversary Jo!

    I just don’t know where you found the time to make all of those but you’ve certainly surpassed yourself. I haven’t even managed to make one for the swap which is why I’m not taking part this year.
    Have a great week.

    Happy Crafting!

  16. Love those ATCs! How cool! If you wanted to swap to the States, let me know! ( ) I can put in with Annie's or mail seperate :) unless I am too late and all the other ladies have snagged the lot!

    I love peeking at your life every week! I am so greatful to WOYWW for giving me such great cyber pals around the world! Happy WOYWW birthday! -Amanda x100!

  17. Lovely little dumflings, great new word you've coined!

    Brenda 126

  18. Hi Jo, hope you are enjoying the WOYWW anniversary. Your dumflings are fab ! had a look at other posts too and I am now your newest follower. Thanks for sharing and have fun blog hopping. Annie : )

  19. Hi Jo your dumflings are really pretty. I'm glad I re read that as the computer put in dumplings! An entirely different conversation altogether I think.... If you are in a position to swap still I would love to so I will email you just incase I am lucky! Happy WOYWW Birthday to you Helen 83

  20. Your dumflings are awesome, they're such a wonderful idea. They are cute too. If your interested I would love to do a swap with you? Happy WOYWW. Michelle xx #104

  21. Don't they look gorgeous all spread out in the sunshine. Would love to swap if there are any going spare:) Will email you now. Fiona xx
    PS The cake was delicious:)

  22. These are fab!! They are wonderful!! Have a great week hugs trace x thanks for stopping by earlier!

  23. Gorgeous makes... Fabulous work!!! Hugs May x x x#4

  24. Happy WOYWW Jo!
    Your dumfings are fabulous darling! If you have a spare I would love to swap as long as you don't mind me posting until after the weekend! I should have done more! Hee Hee!
    Hettie #50

  25. Your art work is AWESOME! Just love it! *smiles* Norma

  26. Oh these are fantastic! Wish I had extras to swap. But I am a lazy girl only made the one, well really I was busy running various family members back & forth so not much time for me this last month.

  27. What is that lush fabulous green stuff your ATCs are on?! Is that that stuff they call "grass"?! Oh my. As allergic to it as I am, I miss running barefoot in the grass here in the desert. Anywho.. beautiful and creative ATCs. I confess to never have seen an ATC that wasn't paper. It opens new doors in my brain!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Congratulations. What lovely creations.
    Carol xx

  30. The dumflings are beautiful.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Happy 3rd WOYWW birthday.
    Thanks for visiting me. Anne x

  31. Gorgeous ATC's or dumfings. Well done. Love your woyww picture at the too of the post. Very clever.
    Famfa 123

  32. Love your ATC works,
    Thanks for popping by,
    How generous you are to offer up more cards. Keep smiling and creating.

  33. thanks for dropping by earlier. those ATCs look fab.
    caroline (akilli melek) #27

  34. These are so pretty, if you have one, left, I'd be happy to swap with you. I so love the picture you made for me. I am using more fabric, lace on items then before. Just email me.
    I really have enjoyed all my WOYWW visits and the fun of seeing what everyone can create. Really friendly people and lots of fun. It is just a Life gets in the way once in a while!
    Happy WOYWW and Enjoy

  35. WOW these are awesome!!! never heard of dumflings before I love that word I'll have to give it a try sometime. have a great day!

  36. Oh dear Jo think there may be none left by look of all the comments should have read them before rushing off to email you - please do not to worry if all used up - you are more than generous in your offer of cute dumflings and it is very long way to post downunder!
    Mind you am so pleased to be home again downunder - as much as I love your very beautiful and so wonderfully historical country the climate would get to me.
    Thanks so much for popping over to say hi, and happy 3rd birthday of WOYWW! thanks so much for sharing, Shaz in Oz. x #30

  37. Oooh and should have said happy birthday for yesterday too looking at Annie's comment hope it was a super happy one! Shaz,.x

  38. Belated birthday wishes - hope you had a happy day. Your dumfling ATCs must be unique - they are just fabulous and I love WOYWW embroidery - stunning! Too late to wish you a happy WOYWW so instead I'll wish you a great holiday weekend. Elizabeth x #94

  39. Oh my word! I've never heard of a 'dumfling'! They are soo pretty!

  40. Oh, they are stunning, puts my idea to shame.
    (I still haven't recovered from the shock of joining in!)

  41. You have made such beautiful ATCs! You are so talented with your dumfing technique! And i especially love the little shop with WOYWW at the beginning of your post!
    Thanks for visiting me earlier and Happy WOYWW Anniversary!
    xoxo Karen

  42. these are great, the second dumfeds I have seen this evening. I would love to swap so i will e mail you my address.
    janet #43

  43. And to think you had never made one of these before. They are AWESOME!!

    I've really enjoyed visiting you each week or so. Happy day after WOYWW from #2.

  44. Oh Wow - you have been busy and what beautiful dumfing you have done. Love that fuchsia - it is perfick!
    If there are any still going would love to swap - my email addie is on my sidebar on my blog.
    Happy Blogaversary - Hugs, Neet #15 xx (late because she had a shed load of visitors yesterday)

  45. finally getting around the lovely WOYWWers...
    these are gorgeous! you are so talented!
    have a great week :)
    no. 52

  46. Happy 3rd anniversary! Your work is stunning... xxx

  47. I so love your ATC's and you have photographed them so well against the grass, good idea to put them onto card first.

    Happy 3rd Anniversary WOYWW
    Eliza #140

  48. Hi Jo, thanks for popping by. That WOYWW house is absolutely fabulous, I love it. I've got a house project on my list of things to do, I just hope mine are any where near as good. I adore the dumfed ATCs too and would love one, hope I can even though I don't join in WOYWW any more.
    Anne xx

  49. Clicking on you email link didn't work for me (says default client not properly installed :-/, I always get that when I click on an email link from a website) So hope you don't mind me leaving it here anneevo46atgooglemaildotcom - someone said to do it like that in Blogger so spam programmes can't pick it up?
    Anne x

  50. Happy birthday and what wonderful atc's Jo...thanks for always visiting me too x

  51. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you - the Jubilee got in the way!!!

    Would love to swap an ATC with you if you still have any spare - send an email to with your address and I'll get back to you with mine!

    Happy WOYWW, and thanks for stopping by...

  52. Your dumflings are so lovely! :)

    Your ATC went in the post last week - thanks for swapping and happy WOYWW anniversary! :D

    Ali #86


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.