Wednesday 6 June 2012

WOYWW - a little dumfling update

Happy Wednesday everyone!!
What a wonderful weekend of jubilee celebrations it has been - I hope you have all enjoyed it.
AND - what fun WOYWW was last week.
Thanks to all who visited my blog and especially a big thank you to those who joined in the ATC swapping fun!

Due to popular demand I spent a day making a few more.......

Some of my ATC dumflings, that I posted on Thursday, have already reached USA, Canada AND Australia!! So dumfing has officially gone global!!!

However - lots of you wanted to know what it is and how I did it.
So I took a few snaps as I went along this week.

Here is my piece of green pre-felt from Sara of
I have used my needle felting machine to attach yarns and wool rovings for the foliage.

 Now I have added some bright petal coloured wool roving for the flowers.

Then I use dark thread to free machine the detail into the flower shapes and foliage.
I put some firm vilene on the back and zig-zagged round each one to make them ATC size.
That's it!!!
Here are a few fuschia ones....

My daughter M had a brilliant idea to help pay off her mortgage....

She thinks if I make thousands of little dumflings and sell them at £1 each then she will be debt free in no time!! Something didn't quite add up to me  ...
I make - she sells - her mortgage is cleared mmm!

I wonder what Alan Sugar would make of that as a business proposition!!

Hope you have enjoyed my little dumfing class - do email if you want to know more.
Now let's pop over and see if Julia our WOYWW queen enjoyed her anniversary celebrations too.
Have a great week .
x Jo


  1. Beautiful ATC's.. Though mine is definitely best! Thank you ever so much, I love LOVE it!

    Happy WOYWW

    Zoe #60

  2. I'm getting you and Annie muddled up, (I wonder why!) fantastic dumflying! and yes, I had an idea like that once...I was about6....get two rabbits....they have babies....sell babies for a £1 each(back then that's how much they cost) in not time at all, mortgage paid dad wouldn't even give it a second thought...
    Happy WOYWW
    ((Lyn)) at #64

  3. Happy to let you clear mine off too the rate you make them it shouldn't take you too long :-)
    A x

  4. Happy WOYWW. Your ATCs are fabulous. You make it sound so simple, but I know how mine would turn out!! Ali x #54

  5. I love your dumflings. If I send £1 please may I have one for my step Daughter, she will go wild. I'll email you.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  6. ah dear kind Jo those dumflings are truly awesome indeed, and am so very much looking forward to mine winging its way here -thanks you for being so very very kind! and had to chuckle at your daughters idea - when I was small my mum grew beans and bagged them up I went around neighbours and sold them and saved the money to earn 6 pounds for my air ticket to see a friend (I was all of nine years old!!) so maybe her idea would work for her too though suspect her mortgage would be a tad more! :D happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x #

  7. You are a star of the dumfing world as your little works of art are exquisite. Thanks so much for mine I love it!
    Loved your DD's idea!!!%%@@&& Typical!
    love JoZarty x

  8. These are all so lovely! thanks for the insight into the making of them :o) x April #79

  9. Brilliant post, enjoyed reading through the process of dumfing and love the idea that it has gone global :) All your ATCs are tiny works of art and I'm truly impressed with M's entrepreneurial inspiration ... but I'm not Lord Sugar :)) Elizabeth x

  10. Not surprised you had to make more ATCs. These are exquisite. And your daughter is clearly a business genius, I mean she makes money but doesn't have to do anything, that's brilliant. Sad for her that you're not a sucker!

    rachel #78

  11. Your dumflings are just gorgeous, I absolutely love them. Like you, not sure your daughter's idea was such a good one but you have got to give her 'A' for effort! ......... Happy WOYWW, Anne x #24

  12. well i would be happy to send you a £1 for one of your gorgeous atcs so think she is on the right track
    have a fab crafty week
    kay #52

  13. I still find these a mystery lol ...and am so pleased to own one. Those fuschias are even more stunning favourite flower ...and the colours are perfect. I think your daughter has a plan xx

  14. Amazing dumfings they really are you are so clever, I love them. As for you doing them to pay off the morgage, tell her to do them herself and purchase her own supplies. LOL I mean hello, as if you would do that.... LOL

    Happy Crafting
    Eliza #50

  15. I love those fuschia atc's! Your daughter's idea is a good one, though I can see why you're not so keen!! Have a good week - it will seem very tame after the fabulous fun of the weekend! Helen, 16

  16. Err... daughter M here. Slightly concerned that I'm developing a reputation for turning WOYWW into a sweatshop with dear mother Twiglet working the dumfer at all hours to pay my mortgage!?! Not so, I think my phrase was actually "I just need to find 80,000 ways to make £1", based on the principle that you can't eat an elephant all at once (maybe a mixed metaphor but you get my drift). I'm very touched at Twiglet's commitment to the cause though!! Happy dumfing, they're ace :)

  17. Oh Tilly Tea Dance!!! You don't usually read my blog - lol. I thought one way to make £80,000 was one ace idea!! I will never think of 80,000 ways! I love you lots!

  18. WOW, they are absolutely stunning! You put a lot of work into your answer one more question please for dumflings a word you made up or is this an actual word, perhaps used over yonder across the pond? They are very beautiful!! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  19. Oh my goodness, your ATC's are magnificent. The combination of colours are just beautiful. Hugs Rita xxx

  20. Gorgeous, I love them. Happy WOYWW!

  21. Oooh - totally gorgeous - love the texture and colours! and wouldn't you know...M pops by - a classic! Enjoy your week, Sarah at 11.

  22. I wondered if wool was involved or not. I suspected, which is why I thought to keep it from the cat (who would love it to death with licks). NOT that I would give a lovingly made dumfing ATC to a cat, but more that the cat would hunt it down. I had a cat who would track down my stipple brush no matter where I left it (later found out it was made with pig bristles). Thank you so much for swapping with me! And thanks for the dumfing tutorial. I think once you mentioned the name came from the sound the machine makes when doing its thing.

  23. Gorgeous ATC's and thanks for the tutorial. Anne x

  24. Holy cow -- these are gorgeous!! I just had to see what dumfling was after I saw an ATC on Princess Judy's blog.



  25. Thanks for the great tutorial, I've had so many people ask me how you created these and I told them your were like a Magician...with a machine. Never seen a felting machine, and never heard of dumfLing? or dumfIng?
    I totally love the one you sent to me and I could be totally ADDICTED to them. Your colors are awesome.
    Mail service UK to USA OUTSTANDING.
    USA to ?? much slower it looks like. I mailed mine the day before you did. Same with the Australian mail..
    Wanted to comment also on the adorable little house you have in the previous post. Your note card was taylored after it. SO CUTE..
    Thanks again Jo.

  26. Thanks so much for mine Jo..... love my perky sunflowers!

    say...listen...I'm going to be starting a reno soon...and I was wondering....? ....could you make several thousands more for me? ...hahhah..... awww poor you, your little fingers would be to the bone! not nice....

  27. Fabulous insight into how you make the dumfings Jo - I still couldn't tackle one. You do need to also be artistic even if you can handle a machine - I'm neither :(

    I love mine so much thank you. Your daughter will go far :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  28. OMGoodness they are beautiful. I am a very proud owner of a dumfling. I also think your daughter has an amazing business sense at least she is thinking outside the square.
    Sandra @36

  29. These are simply lovely so so pretty. Clever you. Love the mortgage idea hehe.. Sandy :) #98

  30. Saw your dumflings on another blog and just HAD to come see for myself and I get a tutorial to boot! Thought I might need a felting machine but obviously not. Was after doing some more sewing so might just have a go. Thanks your ATCs are brilliant - BJ#32

  31. Gorgeous ATC's, yep something is wrong with that money making idea! Take care my WOYWW friend, am still snooping on Thursday! Zo xx 65

  32. Oh Jo, those Fuchsia’s are just beautiful….not that the other aren’t but the colours are so striking.

    Thanks again for my little Dumfing ATC, I will treasure it alongside the one from Annie.
    Thanks for sharing and

    Happy Crafting!

  33. Beautiful work. Lovely dumfings. Talented lady.

  34. You make dumfing sound frightfully easy Jo, and I just know it's not. Thank you so much for my ATC, it's beautiful, and so is the image on the card, am proud that WOYWW has made it into your village!
    I kinda think that your daughter knows that you would, if you could!

  35. Jo, really loving those dumpfings (er.... spelling!!!?) - Love M's business idea, sounds like something Nicci would suggest!! Girls eh?! xxx

  36. Gorgeous ATCs, Jo - the fuchsias are particularly stunning. You make the technique look deceptively easy! I have really enjoyed being part of the past two weeks' warmth and friendship!

    Hugs, LLJ #70 xx

  37. I think your daughter is a genius :D I do!

    Gorgeous ATC's all of them but especially the dark navy background ones with the pinky flowers. Very stylised - remind me of some famous paintings but can I for the life of me think which?

    Thanks for stopping by mine. I've only flicked through the book so far but believe me, with the amount of gorgeous art in there it's worth every penny even before I read it :)

    Carmen #109

  38. Thank you for visiting my blog, now that I have come back here again, I want one too.....just wondering if it can be done by hand? I have lots of felt, may try just to see what happens! A x

  39. Your daughter will go far!
    I love all your dumflings but my favourites creations are the Fuchsia ones, just stunning.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  40. Thanks so much Jo, mine is wonderful, I love it. It looks marvellous on my wall. My very first dumpfling. Michelle x

  41. Your ATC's are fabulous. I saw one of your ATC's on Princess Judy Palmers blog and she gave me your post address. I'm so glad she did. It's just like a painting only in felt, you really are clever.
    There are some very lucky people getting your ATC's.
    Have a great week.
    Von #1

  42. thank you thank you- it is beautiful, thank you


  43. Love the dumfing cards! Very nice. I wish I had gotten here last week but..It is hard to figure out how kids come up with the ideas they do. Mine wants to start a studio business and wants to know how much money I have to chip in...So I ask her are you asking me to be a partner? No Mom I don't want to be the cause of you losing your disability!!! Kids. Sorry I am so late getting by called. Thanks for posting on my blog. Have a great week. Vickie #51

  44. Absolutely stunning Twiglet,
    I apologise for the latest of my visit this week but better late than never eh?
    I'm so glad that I did pop by because your ATC's are incredible.
    I love everything about them :D
    You make it all look so easy to do but I know it's anything but!
    The colours are beautiful too.
    Thanks for sharing....
    Have a great week Neesie #7

  45. Gorgeous! I'm really fancying a dumfing machine myself. lol. I might have to ask for some advice. x

  46. Just amazing! I am blown away by your creativity!!!


  47. Hi Jo doing a bit of catching up
    Love these ATC's but I love all your embroidery
    Don't kids have the greatest ideas? lol
    Hugs x

  48. I love teh texture you are getting... wow, lovely stuff Jo. Thank you for using my fluff to make your beautiful artworks. I shall link back to this and your shop on the blog.



Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.