Wednesday 25 April 2012


Happy Wednesday - to all our What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday friends - and anyone else who pops in to see what I am up to!!

This week I have been busy sewing & knitting and even helping childmind those gorgeous little twins. They are such little poppets.
Their mum asked if I could manage to make a couple more little cover ups for them this week. Well of course I can!! I found this cute spotty fabric in Watson & Thornton's in Shrewsbury. Perfect for the job.

My other little task was to make this pretty ivory satin horseshoe.
We have lots over in our blog shop - SistersCraftyCreations.
I made this one as a special request and added silk & satin flowers and tiny silvery beads.
I think it will make a nice keepsake don't you?

Lastly, in case you missed my last week's update on my little jumpers  -

All this lovely wool came from Linda and Lyn of KEMPS WOOLS who went home and found me a carrier bagful of odds and ends from their own supplies when they knew what I was doing for the "Fish and Chip" babies. Crafters are such a generous bunch aren't they. Thanks girls.

And here is what I have managed this week......

Annie now tells me that she has probably got another bag of wool coming from her craft suppliers. I think we shall be busy for months!! I am happy to knit in the evening - when my busy social life allows me (lol).

OK folks - join in the happy blog hop by following the link to Julia's Stamping Ground. All sorts of crafty folk meet up there on a Wednesday so pop over and see what they are up to this week.

Thanks to all my visitors last week - I love to read your comments and see what you have been busy with too.
Have a great week.
x Jo


  1. I'm loving the jumpers Jo. Wonder how many little babies we can keep warm? :-)
    A x

  2. Great fish and chips outfits. Lovely sewing. Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #3 x

  3. That's great they bring you much more wool for knitting these small jumpers and caps. It's such a calming activity... knitting after a busy day. Thanks for sharing and hope you have much knitting time next week. xFranka #9

  4. Love the jumpers, Jo!
    Helen, 22

  5. Type fish and chip in my search side banner and see whats hanging on our washing line.
    You are a star for knitting them.
    Have a great week.
    Lynn 31
    One I Made Earlier Today

  6. Love those jumpers and the silk horse shoe is gorgeous! It certainly sounds like you have had a busy week :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen

  7. Your fingers must go like crazy knitting all the time. Great work.

    Eliza #26

  8. ooh more fish and chips - just too cute and such a great are so generous with your time and talents...the cover-ups are yummy too - luuurve the spots! Have a creative week and happy WOYWWing... Sarah at 12.

  9. Gorgeous newsy post Jo, Ive loved it! Those baby cover ups look super and I bet you dont even use a pattern do you! Are they in towelling?

    Gorgeous FnC sets, Ive started to stripe mine too as it gives me more interest when knitting them plus they look so fab and individual!

    Keep up the good work!

    Keryn x

  10. Your sister made me splutter tea over all the keyboard!! That is soooo the best suggestion and I'm definitely going to use it :)
    Love those little cover ups, I bet they save a load of mess. I could have done with those when my boys were small...actually, they could still do with them sometimes...esp after pizza!!
    Hugs, LLJ # 33 xx

  11. I just love your horseshoe - it's beautiful. And what a lovely lot of little jumpers, how busy you've been!

  12. I am SOO looking forward to seeing the wedding photos, you will be all puffed up and proud and all your work will make everything and everyone look super special beautiful

    dx @108

  13. Fab makes and well done to you for your new project. Lovely colours and quality knitting.The world needs more like you and Annie.
    Thanks for the snoop ...
    Love joZarty x

  14. Beautiful little jumpers! Babies look adorable in hand knitted items, I think.

    Happy Wednesday!

    Zoe #49

  15. What great looking creations! They all look wonderful!

    Happy WOYWW #34

  16. Oh those cover ups are sweet! Great fabric..the twins are going to be so colour aware! Your fish and chip pieces are great, I don't knit, but my Mum is busy joining in too!

  17. Love the jumpers, wish I could knit...these are for such a fab course! Hugs trace x 97

  18. Love that satin horseshow and how lovely are your little jumpers and hats, well done you! Anne #51

  19. Oh my goodness do you ever eat or sleep LOL
    Fantastic jumpers and the little spotty tops are cute x
    enjoy your week x

  20. Great projects there! Love the spotty clothes. Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 20

  21. Lots of fun projects, with some great texture and colors. Lovely white horseshoe..Have fun with those twins and Happy WOYWW

  22. Honestly I don't know where you two find the time or energy! I sat down today at 1, and the next thing I knew it was 1.15 and I had cold tea on me. That is why I don't sit down.

  23. Fabulous projects going on, Have a happy week, Hugs May x x No10

  24. I think these fish and chip outfits are gorgeous and such an amazing cause for you ALL to do. Makes we wish I could knit.

    Thanks for stopping by to see me :)

  25. You've been busy! Love those cover ups and those jumpers are so sweet. Enjoy WOYWW, am working through the list in shifts! Take care Zo xx 77

  26. I DO love those polka dots!! Very cute. Wow! That's a lot of knitting you're getting done...Happy WOYWW #159

  27. What a generous donation of wool and in such lovely colors too. That ought to keep your fingers occupied for awhile. Sweet satin horseshoe too, very elegant. Happy day to you!

  28. Busy, busy fingers, you now have another thing to keep you occupied and for a good cause too. Not that you need things to keep you occupied, I don't know how you get time to sleep!!

    Brenda 118

  29. Those little cover ups are adorable. The dots are so cute. dani138

  30. You've been busy - lovely projects. The horseshoe is so gorgeous - (Hazel, #173) x

  31. Hello Jo, the jumpers are so cute ... after the little dresses, I think you've started a new craze among WOYWWers. And the baby smocks are just gorgeous. Many thanks for visiting earlier ... I've now finished crocheting the border and finishing of the ends so that's the pram cover completed ... all we need now is the new baby :) Hope you have a lovely creative week. Elizabeth x #113

  32. You have lots going on as always. That horseshoe is beautiful and I love the term Fish and Chip babies, the mind boggles!!
    Thanks for the visit and Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #74

  33. How you find time to blog as well as make your gorgeous creations beats me.

  34. busy busy busy week! I read Annie post and thought you two must subscribe to the idle hands philosophy you get so much done and create so many awesome things! Have a great week. VIckie #41

  35. Uh huh, you've been one busy little, lady too! LOVE those jumpers. Way too adorable and what super fab mittens. :)


  36. Wow, so busy Jo - as always. Of course I love the fish and chip jumpers and hats :) Progress is very slow here but they are fun to make!

    Belated Happy WOYWW. Hugs, Di xx

  37. Tuuhose jumpers are too cute for words. Your grandchildren are so lucky to have you.
    Happy WOYWW

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Aaaaah - so that's what WOYWW means!

  40. Running a bit behind on my visits. cute little outfits Have a great WOYWW!

  41. You're such a busy, talented crafter, not to mention good hearted. Love all this week's makes x

    Thanks for already coming to see my desk this week x
    WoYwW # 28

  42. HOw do you make the time? ...that's it I guess... making it....not just finding it..... good for you Twiglet...

    I need to make more to do...and you have already been 'round to visit me as well...sigh...good for you yet again.... I have barely mad around to about 40 sites... if that...

  43. YOu are very talented, I love your work
    Bridget #1

  44. You have been busy knitting and sewing. Hugs Pam

  45. Love the cover ups and the horseshoe is gorgeous. I have started on some of the little jumpers and hats and have told ladies in knitting group I run so hope to have a few to send off. Yours are just lovely. Anne x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.