Monday 30 April 2012

Pretty in pink!

It's been weeks since a I made a little frock for the "Dress a girl around the world" scheme.
Today was fun day Monday and the lovely Di had sent us a pretty, pink, floral duvet and toning pink sheet. So whilst Annie was making 5 pairs of shorts for the boys, I made these three little frocks.
I made three different sizes and trimmed them up with little lace and crochet flowers on the pockets.

These will be posted to Louise of Sew Scrumptious who has co-ordinated the collection of frocks and shorts ready to be distributed to Africa and India.

She has collected over 1300 frocks so far, plus a few pairs of shorts. She would like to collect another 50 pairs of shorts before June - hence the pairs Annie blogged about today.
If anyone thinks they could help out, then follow the link and have a go - it is a simple pattern and quick and easy to make up.
I came home and found a T shirt and 3 pairs of jeans, which I will cut up to make more shorts - waste not want not!!!!!

Thanks for a happy, busy funday Monday Annie!!
x Jo


  1. Don't the dresses look fab Jo. Let's hope there are others out there that can make a few pairs of shorts for the great cause too.
    A x
    ps we are lucky to have our Fundays together :-)

  2. You are indeed lucky to be close enough for fun days together. So are the recipients of all your beautiful sewing.

  3. All those dresses - an amazing achievement for both of you.

  4. Hi Jo, thank you for our Silver Wedding congratulations message.
    Those dresses look lovely, I'm sure some little girls are going to be absolutely thrilled with them.
    Carol xx

  5. ...grand work Jo...those pretty dresses will be very much appreciated, what a loVely thing all you gals are doing...Mel :)

  6. Those dresses are so pretty Jo, an amazing achievement to you both :)

    Hugs, Karen xx

  7. Gorgeous little dresses Jo, well done you!
    Keryn x

  8. JHi Jo,
    Feel like I have been away forever.
    Family illness has taken over my life some what in Jan/Feb and then The Wedding of The Year took up most of Mar/Apr. Hopefully I can be back on track again. Have so missed WOYWW and making these little dresses up. Will see if I can rummage up some old t shirts and make a few shorts for the boys.
    Hugs Mrs A.

  9. Jo these little dresses are so wonderful and your both so clever...sorry ive not been around so much x

  10. Aw Jo - you really did a fab job with these dresses :) Hugs, Di xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.