Wednesday 18 April 2012


Good morning all - I don't know where the last week went!
Its been a week of anniversaries and birthdays.
This week my daughter M is celebrating hers so we even fitted in a bit more retail therapy on Saturday.
 I am a hopeless shopper - I get bored after the first hour but I was very patient and we came away with a bargain silk frock that she really loved. It just needed a press stud stitching back on!!

 My table is still pretty tidy - mostly because I have only tackled one sewing job all week.
Just a carboot pattern and fabric for a few little sundresses.

My evenings have been spent knitting little beanie hats and jumpers for the "Fish and Chip" babies.
I think they look cute don't you. If I had a dolly I would model one on it. Its hard to see how they work from a photo. It's a simple pattern and perfect to slip over a tiny babe so that it has something better than newspaper to wear when it leaves hospital.

Practical colours, as they probably don't get washed often like our lovely baby pastels do.

I am using up my leftover wools so there will be lots of multi-coloured stripes. I have a bagful of bits left over from knitting for Annie's five little ones. Waste not want not!!!

UPDATE: I buy all my wool from  KEMPS WOOLS -
They have some amazing bargains and I have picked up a few odd balls of fab wool for the beanies and jumpers. BUT I have to say a BIG thank you to Linda and Lyn who went home and found me a carrier bagful of odds and ends from their own supplies when they knew what I was doing for the "Fish and Chip" babies. Crafters are such a generous bunch aren't they. Thanks girls.

So, if you are looking for bargain wools - I can recommend KEMPS - great prices and a fast service.

Thanks to all who visited here last week and left lovely comments. I will try hard to get round as many as possible before next Wednesday. Join in if you feel like revealing your workspace to the world... pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and see what we have all been up to.


  1. ...great knits loVely and bright and such a nice idea...haven't been to a booty for a long while now but they are full of surprises...thanks for sharing...Mel :)

  2. Good Morning!! Need to be off to bed but have lots to do. Love your bright colors here. The slip overs are a great idea!!. Have a wonderful WOYWW.

  3. The little outfits are grand, you are amazing.

    ** Kate **

  4. Love the little jumpers Jo. I'm really enjoying knitting up that simple pattern too :-)
    A x

  5. Morning! love all the fish and chip clothes, must make a nice change from dresses! Helen 10.

  6. cute hats
    Thank you for the glimpse of your work this week on WOYWW x

  7. Gorgeous little knitted outfits, what a lovely idea.
    Sophie x

  8. Lovely little knitted outfits, such pretty colours :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen #11

  9. Lovely little outfits and for such a good cause too, if I get chance I will try and join in. Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 5

  10. Oh to be able to knit:) Lovely little hats.

    Thank you.

    Sheilagh 77

  11. Lovely well organised desk! Been trying to get a better look at those sewing patterns! I only really enjoy fabric, crafts and vintagey finds shopping in person otherwise it's just internet shopping for me! Have a great week #40

  12. Gorgeous knits, lovely colours. I'm a rubbish shopper too, so don't go very often! Take care & enjoy this weeks WOYWW snoop. Zo xx 17

  13. A verytidy desk indeed. Love the jumpers, I have had a bit of trouble with the pattern but seeing yours, I now know where I went wrong! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW from Anne #30

  14. Fab knitting, which will be much appreciated - Hazel, WOYWW #85 x

  15. Well done on the bargain dress! i know just how you feel about shopping!! thanks for enlightening me about the fish and chip babies!! i will share the link on my next blog post!

    Lisa #113

  16. I love the colours of the knitting - babies look great in a colour, but british convention says pink or blue - blah!

  17. your outfits for the babies are super,you are doing well
    have a fab crafty week and
    happy woyww
    kay #51

  18. i sooo wish i could knit - it's a wonderful skill!! and i love babies in bright colours - pale pastels can be sooooo....
    enjoy the rest of your wednesday :)
    no. 72

  19. Gorgeous knits.... Hugs May x x x No2

  20. Lovely workdesk. Those tiny clothes are beautiful. Hugs Rita xx

  21. Awww.... so cute. And you're right ...why not use it for a good purpose?


  22. OMG! I love those bright colors and so many! I knit so slow any child I made something for would be an adult before it got done! Hope you have a great week. Vickie #32

  23. What a lovely week you must have had!! I'm the same when it comes to shopping, I go early and ramraid the shops. I'm usually done within an hour. Rack hunting at TK Maxx is my idea of hell :)
    Hugs, LLJ #7 xx

  24. The little hats and jumpers are lovely have been to have a look at the sight and will try to join in. Thanks for sharing Anne x

  25. Oh, Jo, you have a heart of gold and a 30 hour day to do all you do. Another good cause benefits by your generosity of time and talents! Well done!
    Lv JoZarty x

  26. Waste not want not indeed Twiglet, and what another valuable service youre contributing to. I like the littleness pattern you got from the boot fair, and that sweet floral material on your desk.

  27. Love the beanies and jumpers! I think its an age thing, this getting bored with shopping. When I was younger there was nothing I enjoyed more, but now? I keep thinking: 'where am I going to put that? Do I really need that? and then of course the feet start aching - I really am not enjoying this getting older (not old by a long shot yet LOL)bit,
    Happy WOYWW

  28. No sooner have you finished dressing girls around the world, than you begin clothing new borns. You are an inspiration Jo :o)
    Fiona xx #174

  29. I put the pattern on my FB page but I haven't made any as yet all my wool is baby pastels.

    But this is such a worthy cause and it really has taken hold all over the world ;0)

    I think this is because people like to actually DO something rather than just donate God Bless you for your love to others Dxx

  30. You're doing a grand job with all those tiny clothes for the babies , they look adorable and are sure to keep them warm xx

    Thanks for already visiting my desk this week.
    Sherry x
    WoYwW # 28

  31. Oh Jo
    it's wonderful what you and Annie do between you for charity. I so admire the both of you. You are just all round fabulous ladies.

    Many congratulations on your recent wedding anniversary. Hope your celebrations went well. You can't go wrong with a bit of girlie retail therapy - soup for the soul!!!!

    With love and hugs always

    Paual x x x x

  32. Hi Jo, the little knits are just gorgeous - love the colours. I may even try to knit again, that's after I've finished the pram blanket I'm crocheting now. Again, it's years since I picked up a pair of needles and I've since given my complete collection away so it will be like starting from scratch again ... it's so long I was stunned recently to see how much a pair of needles cost :) Anyway, off to copy the pattern and keep it just in case. Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Elizabeth x #27

  33. Those little hats and jumpers are really cute, you are a good girl creating them for a good cause.

    Eliza #103

  34. Lovely & very cute little knitted sets :) hope all the celebrations were fun :) thanks for visiting and your nice comment :)

  35. Such cute little outfits. A really nice way to use up left over wool.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.