Monday 6 February 2012

Frock update and blog award

This week's mini-marathon.

I had lots of little frocks cut out and ready to sew - taking up space in my sewing room.
I decided to have a mini-marathon and get as many done as I could and then have a break for a while and get back to other crafty activities.

So here are my latest little frocks for the "Dress a girl around the world scheme".

If you follow the link to Annie's blog you will see what I needed to do to squash 71 dresses into a manageable parcel!! They are now on their way to Louise at Sew Scrumptious so that they can be sent out to Africa.

Lastly a big thank you to Sue H who left this blog award for the Crafty Creations sisters!!!

Apparently the idea of this award is to get blogs, that have less than 200 followers, noticed by a few more people. Not sure if it will work but I like the concept and am happy to pass it on to others who have most definitely inspired me since I started blogging.

So the rules

1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.

2. Reveal your five picks for the award and let them know.

Polly Polkadot
Another lady that loves to sew.

Tina of
Such a talented artist and owner of a fab gift shop

A lovely lady who makes such cute needlefelted bears.

Now I know I am cheating - listing only 3 but I have a feeling I have done this one before so I don't feel guilty only choosing 3 more!

3. Post the award on your blog.

4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogshare-other bloggers......… I'll try and do that.

5. Finally and the best rule of all..........have fun and spread the love………..Willingly

Thanks lots, my happy blogging friends


  1. Oops I'd forgotten Sue had given that award. I must search out some deserving blogs to pass it on to.
    Thanks for another fab fun day today Jo.
    A x

  2. Thank you very much, I am very flattered. I am hoping things will get a bit saner shortly but I may not manage to pass this on until Saturday.

  3. Congratulations on your award!
    Off to see how you managed to pack 71 of your lovely dresses.
    Carol xx

  4. Wow, 71 dresses. The little girls who receive them are going to be so delighted with them.

  5. I'd love to have a go at one of these dresses for a little girl around the world. Trouble is, I'm not amazingly proficient on my machine... How tricky are they to do?

  6. I can just see those little girls faces when they receive these dresses...your both amazing.

  7. That's a well deserved award, congratulations.
    Wonderful sight to see all those dresses for Africa, such an achievement.
    Sorry your fabric won't get posted before I get back from Germany next week but it's been a bit busy with DH etc. He's realy done so well and is good to leave so I'm flying tomorrow, Yeah!
    Lv Jo x

  8. Wow, you have been busy. Well done! I'm sure the recipients of those dresses will love them.

  9. thanks for thinking of me Twig....I'm so bad with awards.... I feel guilty giving it to some and not to others...or I forget..or you I tend to change things and only do a few... or time goes by and ......


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.