Wednesday 8 February 2012


Good morning all!

Better late than never.
I was out all day yesterday, had a fuzzy head and came back with a real headache but better today.
These things are sent to try us!!

So, just a quick post to show and tell.

I managed to cut out leather flowers with our Cuttlebug and think I shall be able to use them for lots of different ideas so that's brilliant.

I have a  blank canvas or two which I am going to use for fabric collages on funday Monday.
Next to them you can see what I made this week using some wool rovings and my dumfing machine (embellisher). They are little primroses which I will free machine and cut up for Easter cards.

The round box had a lovely china mug in it and now I think I might up-cycle the box to store things in. Not sure how I will do that but I have seen some lovely ones as I have toured your WOYWW desks so I am sure I could give it a go.

Now I need to get some work done!
Have a good blog hop everyone and thanks for popping in and leaving such kind and thoughtful comments here.
Join in the WOYWW craft desk snoop with all of us over at Julia's Stamping Ground.
x Jo

PS - See post below for little frocks update - I think I have made 238  - Annie has made 101, so that's a grand total of 339 posted to Louise of Sew Scrumptious for the "Dress a girl around the world scheme."


  1. Glad your headache is better today. Don't do too much today. Enjoy a bit of a chill out.
    A x

  2. Hope you are 100% soon. Great things going on as ever and I must try cutting leather with my Cuttlebug or Vagabond.
    Amazing total of dresses, what a wonderful achievement.Just kicking my heels now waiting to leave for the airport........
    Lv JoZarty x

  3. Those leather flowers look wonderful. I did have a giggle at the photo of you squashing the bag of dresses. You have done a wonderful job making all those dresses.

  4. Hi hun
    glad your headache has gone, the leather flowers look fab, well done to you both on all your frocks, fantastic job, Thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x (56)

  5. Those flowers have come out so well, I bet you are pleased with them. Hope your headache has gone now.

  6. Oh no doubt you can do something fab with the round doubt at all. As the picture loaded, I thought ooh blank canvas...and you didn't make the joke, how well behaved of you! Love the dumfed primroses, really pretty.Didn't the leatehr cut you could stain it with Annie's Pro Markers to if you wanted to add doubt you will put them to a fab use.

  7. ooooh - looking forward to seeing more of the leather a fuzzy head too so off for a swim. Brrrr. Cannot believe those dresses - so incredibly fabulous!!!!Thanks for letting us look in and peek at your desk... Sarah at 7

  8. Of course your round box will look fab - mind you it's already really pretty!

  9. The leather flowers look fab, look forward to seeing what you do with them!!!hugs trace x no44

  10. I just bought some canvases to do some altered work can't wait to get started thanks for sharing

  11. ...oooo leather flowers cna't wait to see what you do with these...have a lovely week...mel :) #63

  12. those leather flowers look fab!Wow youve done so well on those dressers Jo Congratulations im sure im not the only one in saying that to you!They will be well used and worn im sure
    Have fab wedensday and a creative week hugs judex 4

  13. Ah, I had no idea that the Cuttlebug cut leather. Awesome!!

  14. fun! Love to see what everyone is doing

  15. Thanks for the peak of your desk on this WOYWW.

    Those Primroses are so pretty Jo, they are going to look great on your Easter cards. I’m glad to see you’re still getting lots of use from the flower die too and can’t wait to see what you do with the leather flowers.

    Happy Crafting!

  16. Hi Jo, well done on your dress total - you and sis are wonderful in giving your time and skill to such a worthy cause. Thanks for dropping by the Cupboard and your tip of padding. I think I will collect ideas and post them. Your leather flowers will make brill embellishments. Up the Bug - it does a fab job of cutting. ikki x

  17. Hi Jo, flowers looking good and can't wait to see what you make with them. What an achievement to make all those dresses and I'm full of admiration for you, giving up your time for a fantastic cause.
    Ann B

  18. Looks intriguing. I love buying small blank canvases to decorate. Thanks for sharing & enjoy this WOYWW, I'm off to be nosey, & peek at some more desks! Zo x 83, well I was when last looked, it keeps changing!

  19. Well done on cutting out those leather flowers... great use of that leather you got ...I tried to cut some material shapes with my big shot once and had no sucess. I bet it will be an awsome collage.xx

    Congrats on making so many dresses ...but I still think its an addiction lol xx

  20. Great leather flowers would love to see how they are used, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x

  21. Love the look of those leather flowers, can't wait to see what creative things you do with them.

    Hope you've managed to take it easy today to fully get over your fuzzy head.

    Jumbleberries. xx

  22. Sorry to hear you had a fuzzy head, I did yesterday too. Mine seems to be brought on by the air pressure and is usually weather induced.
    Those leather flowers cut perfectly. Yay for the tattered florals die :o)
    Fiona x

  23. My last dumpfing project was daffodils in a field. And on my WOYWW desk you can spot one of two boxes I bought to try and cover - I'm a bit worried about the telepathy that is going on in the WOYWW world.

  24. You've got the wherewithal for some lovely projects there! Like the look of those leather flowers :)
    Hugs, LLJ #56 xx
    PS Fab pic on Annie's blog of you practising your freefall parachute technique!! LOL xx

  25. So organised...I love your leather flowers. I have a disused leather handbag which I had decide to do a similar thing with. I do hope you show your canvases when you are ready...:)
    xx 160

  26. *Leather* flowers sounds like an awesome idea!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Aeryn (#37)

  27. I just had a look at the dresses you've made - they're so beautiful! And I have a thing about boxes - I'm looking forward to seeing how you decorate it.
    happy WOYWW,

  28. Hi Thanks for passing by this week :0)
    glad to see you can cut leather with the cuttlebug Hubby's leather coat might be on its way out soon LOL !
    Blank canvas hey sometimes my head is like that !!
    well done on all the little dresses om gosh thats a lot you deserve a pat on the back .
    Hope you head is much better now .
    Enjoy your week :0))
    Fuchsia 145

  29. The leather flowers look lovely and will look forward to seeing what you do with them. Interesting to know that the Cuttlebug will cut leather. I am amzed at the number of dresses that you have made, you both deserve a medal. Thanks for visiting me, Anne x

  30. A nice variety on your desk. I love that. And oh my, leather through the Cuttlebug? I will have to try that. I imagine ultra-suede would work too....

    Happy WOYWW

  31. You sure have been busy. Wow that is a lot of frocks good for you and your sister so generous.

  32. Great to have some things started and all of these look like fun. Hope you feel better, I'm much better and anxious to get crafting. Have a wonderful week.

  33. leather flowers, those look great! and your fabric collages are always amazing!
    happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  34. Great leather flowers Jo! Looking forward to seeing the end results of what you do with them.

    I'm a day late hopping back to say hi - must do better in future :( Di xx

  35. Wow those leather flowers have come out a treat! can't wait to see that finished canvas too, thanks for sharing, Happy WOYWW Sue xx

  36. Always nice to see a blank canvas - quite literally! Well done on the dress total...

    Thanks for stopping by...

  37. You ladies have become a one-stop clothing shop! The sheer numbers are staggering... and the cuteness.... amazing. I love all the little dresses you have done...

  38. tried to commend you for a medal/award/ mention in despatches for the dress making yesterday - but blogger went doo lally... so it had to wait until today, and yep, you two still deserve real life matter what day of the week it is...


  39. I know you have recently been nominated the Liebster Blog Award! but I just wanted to nominate you too as you are a very inspiration woman !
    Thank you x

  40. Sorry you have had a headache. Hope it is gone today. Would be from having 5 grape juices and that's why you gave me the advice?
    Lovely flowers!! No chance of selling those to AS ey!!

  41. Join the club, I've had 3 days of headache and nausea
    Bridget #51

  42. Oh your primroses are lovely - that will be something really nice for Easter! I also snooped back at the post about the little dresses and they are just gorgeous! You and your sister have done an amazing good work and I am sure the man upstairs will pencil you in the golden book!
    Lots of hugs,

  43. There looks to be a lovely project underway there and your empty box is so pretty, it's just crying out to be upcycled.
    Hugs Lisax #112

  44. Loving those little leather flowers :)

  45. Congrats on 238 - that's some sewing marathon.
    I've bought some roving and some felt so keep an eye out for my making a bag soon.
    Thanks so much for sharing - Hugs, Neet 195 (very late this week)xx

  46. Leather works so well in die cut machines, I've done some myself. Did you know if it's a light colour you can alter it with alcohol inks?

    I'm one for collecting boxes to recycle. I've done well on the collecting side, but the recycling is for another day .. or year even!

    Well done for making so many dresses, you're going to make a lot of little girls very happy.

    Sherry (8) x

  47. that looks like fun Jo?
    Hope the head is better too
    hugs x

  48. I like the idea of leather flowers. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.