Wednesday 1 February 2012

WOYWW - sneaky peek

A frosty good morning all!
It's been a very busy crafty week.

Above is a sneaky peek of the latest collage that I have been working on.
I don't want to expose the whole thing - I want it to be a surprise for the recipient - but I thought you might like a quick look at a tiny bit of it. It is made with collaged fabrics embellished with free machining.

Below are the last few dressing up outfits I have made for my friend's grandson.

Blue knight
Red knight

Clown's jacket and baggy trousers

Fairy skirt and princess skirt

And lastly a set of five little frocks for the "Dress a girl around the world scheme".
I think I have another 35 finished to send to Louise of Sew Scrumptious. She has managed to arrange contacts in Malawi and India who are happy to receive the dresses and hand them out.
These frocks were made from a uninteresting duvet but I think they look quite pretty don't you?

Short and sweet today - I need to get back to that sewing machine. I have lots of ideas for the leather scraps, so thanks to all who kindly left such helpful suggestions and brilliant links. I managed to cut leather flowers using my Cuttlebug and I think brooches and bag embellishments are first on my list.

I will try to get round a few more of your blogs this week - I found lots of really interesting desks last week!!
To join in our WOYWW blog hop just follow the link to Julia's Stamping Ground.

x Jo


  1. I just know the recipient of that gorgeous picture will love it [cos of course I've seen it all :-) ].
    More fab fancy dressing outfits and little dresses too Jo.
    A x

  2. No time to stop and read your blog now but please pop across to mine, I've left something there for you.

    I'll be back later to catch up.


  3. Gosh like what im seeing of piccy and oh loving the fancy dress outfits .If ever my girls looking for outfit know where to come doubt it teenagers dont tend to dress up unless halloween party...into goths maybe?lol
    Happy wednesday and have creative week hugs judex55

  4. The collage looks great - as do the outfits - I can't wait for the recipient to receive the collage so we can see it in full!!

  5. Full sized children outfits - got it! Looks like another amazing picture in the making. The dresses look splendid as always. Have a lovely week hugs Wend x

  6. That sneak peek looks amazing so i can only imagine how fab the entire piece is, lucky receiver indeed.
    Happy Wednesday
    Minxy x

  7. Fab outfits. Enjoy this WOYWW. Zo x 89

  8. Love the collage, let us see more when you can please! My lad has finally decided that he doesn't want to wear the princess dress - not because of the dress, not because of the pink, but because there is a picture of disney princess on it, not a boy!

  9. Hi hun
    long time no see, luv all your works, fab dressing up clothes, pretty frocks, my niece spent a 10 days in a Malawi orphanage last year, 2nd time she has been, gorgeous sneak peak,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x(54)

  10. I would never have guessed that those pretty dresses were a quilt cover! What a fabulous use of the material and a great way to use something that might have the odd stain somewhere. Brilliant! Love the look of that collage too but I could stare at your work for hours.

  11. Your sneeky peep looks great as do all your projects, you have been busy :)

    Have a fab WOYWW and a great week, Karen #108

  12. Oh my, I'm so intrigued by your collage--it looks like it must be an amazing project!

  13. The picture looks amazing. Such delicate work. Lovely dresses and fabulous dressing up clothes. How lucky to know someone like you.

  14. Hi, what a great desk today, the collage looks like it will be a stunner. The fancy dress outfits and dresses made from a duvet cover are super, well done. Have a lovely Wednesday. Laura

  15. Your work is amazing and I love to read your blog. I'm hoping to return to Shropshire this summer. I need my fix! LOL!

  16. Ohh the sneaky peek of that collage looks, amazing, your dressing up outfits will bring hours of fun to your friends Grandson, he is a lucky little boy, and i think the dresses are gorgeous, an uninteresting duvet, i think they look wonderful, another 35 i have lost count of how many you have done in total but I know there will be lots of very grateful little girls wearing the best dresses in the country, They are very pretty. Hope you have a great week Lou @#26

  17. Hello Jo,

    What a beautiful collage youve given us a glimpse of!

    Love the dressing up outfits, what great fun will be had in those!!

    More smashing dresses for the Dress A Girl campaign, you're truly amazing!

    Keryn x

  18. you are sooooo gited with all your beautiful makes, STUNNING work, Hugs May x x x

  19. I just don't know how you find time to sleep Jo! Bet that picture will be gorgeous and that little lad is going to love his dress up costumes!

    Brenda 115

  20. Our weather is so good it is scary...are we going to reeeelly get it soon? I sure hope not...we've been lulled half to sleep with our plus number temperatures. today it will be a lovely balmy +7C... last week it was up to +12C... good grief@ in Canada in winter. What's happening?

  21. Gorgeous makes and, as ever, your post is a joy. Keep busy and keep smiling, the recipient of your collage will be too!
    Love JoZarty x

  22. Lovely to see you are still very busy
    Have a good week x

  23. I Love Love Love that clown shirt. More dresses for the children, you have been busy. I took some stuff to the Gambia in December. Poverty is a dreadful thing and those dresses will be much appreciated.


  24. I Love Love Love that clown shirt. More dresses for the children, you have been busy. I took some stuff to the Gambia in December. Poverty is a dreadful thing and those dresses will be much appreciated.


  25. Loving all the dressing up outfits - and the little duvet dresses are sooo pretty.

    Jumbleberries xx

  26. Love the colours in your collage. You get so much done - the dressing up outfits and lovely dresses. Thanks for sharing. Anne x

  27. You have been busy Jo....cant wait to see more about the collage x

  28. Oh wow Jo, those dressing up clothes are just fab, as are the little dresses. What lucky kiddies to have so many costumes to play in. They should keep them quite for ages!

    And the latest picture looks beautiful…well what I can see of it anyway amd it’s in done in my favourite colours.

    Happy Crafting!

  29. cute little dress up costumes! I am sure he is going to love them! I love the collage you are putting together! I am offering up some blog candy so come leave a comment on my blog and get a chance to win! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #90

  30. great picture, love it, so now go! Sew! happy WOYWW

  31. Re your scarf query... if you get the front length to approx 17 to 18 inches the sides will automatically be long enough. It makes an elongated triangle with the increasing and the ends stretch somewhat with wear and the weight of the beads and tassels. It all depends on the wool and sometimes I leave it a bit shorter rather than buy another ball! Scrooge!
    Jo x

  32. Thats my gate!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see it all finished. Loving it already. Hugs xxx Mrs A.

  33. Lovely lickle bit of your collage there.
    Exactly HOW big are those embellishments? and what shape? LOL!
    You and your sister have done soo well on those dresses. You both deserve a big hug! xx

  34. I'm a day late here Jo - love those dresses!

    Can't wait to see the finished collage - it looks stunning from the little peek you showed!

    Di xx

  35. I think that you should go into business doing those children's fancy dress costumes - honestly. people would rather pay for something well made like those rather than a cheap and nasty version from Toys R Us. Your's a fab! :)
    Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

  36. The costumes as sweet but the little girls dresses for the orphanage are so wonderful.

  37. You are so busy and talented, and incredibly busy. Dresses, dressing up costumes, and collage pictures to mention but a few. I don't know how you fit it all in. Thank you for your visit and your kind comments. I think my win brought us good luck as we won on the lottery as well on Wednesday - it won't change our lives though - £10. Better than nothing though. xx Maggie #112

  38. OMG ...not a lot more to say really lol.

    You and Annies sewing ability blows my mind.

  39. You've been busy! Love the little smocks! Danielle#22

  40. Hi, wow have you been busy! What a lovely idea for the dresses. I see you now have a Bug, hope to see some of your ideas when cuttled!
    best wishes, ikkix

  41. ohhh leather flowers sure made me perk up, would love to see how those turn out! waving hi from the hills of NC :)

  42. A fabric collage?!?! I have never seen such a thing but what a great idea. And actually I guess I still haven't seen such a thing, but I have seen a PART of one! Great outfits and cute dresses. Happy sewing and playing with the leather bits.

  43. It's only a sneak peak but what can be seen is gorgeous so the recipient is going to be very happy, Jo. The dressing box is going to be full and should keep one little person and his pals amused for hours. Isn't it amazing the difference some pretty trim can make to a duvet cover - the dresses are lovely. Can't wait to see your leather makes. Hope you have a wonderful week. Elizabeth x #78

  44. I'm a bit late, but thanks for visiting my blog. You sure are busy with sewing etc. I think those little dresses destined for o/s are gorgeous.

  45. Ohy you have been sooo busy! It's amazing! Love the costumes,do cute! And I'm sure the little girls will be thrilled with their new dresses' patsy

  46. Ohy you have been sooo busy! It's amazing! Love the costumes,do cute! And I'm sure the little girls will be thrilled with their new dresses' patsy

  47. Those dresses look fantastic for them to be made from an old duvet!
    Doing the woyww rounds, looks like it's gonna take a while!


  48. I stopped by Wednesday to say hello, started writing a message, and my computer froze up on me. I had to restart it, and lost where I had been, since no one's name was darkened anymore. I was thrilled to read you might stop by my AB class. I hope you do!

    As for your desk, I see you are once again making those darling dresses. I swear you have already dressed TWO villages, maybe three. And all those kid's costumes are adorable. I sew, but nothing like you. Mine is tear and sew, never measure, seldom have a plan. Yours is all about measuring and having a pattern, as well as having scissors (grin). Happy belated and have a great weekend.

  49. So how many dresses is that in total now? Including the 71 on your next post?

    Well done you!

    Thanks for stopping by...

  50. Wow I think they look gorgious! Yvonne

  51. Your collage work is beautiful. Those little frocks are lovely. Great idea to use fabrics which otherwise would go waste

  52. WOW so creative love all the sewing you have been doing! Sorry I am so late getting around but it was such a busy week in my life!
    Just a reminder about the blog candy...I have had such a favorable response that I have decided to increase the number of possible winners of prizes! Everyone is eligible cause I will ship overseas too! Vickie #50


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.